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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Yes if you're serious about self inquiry and keep an open mind. If you are attached to religion or to science too tightly you probably won't break through.
  2. @ExploringReality yes! Happy new year!
  3. I would have hoped more for Israel's leaders - that they would be more advanced - especially after everything they have been though The sad reality is that they aren't. Instead they have grown into the very monster that sought to destroy them. Its no different with the vigilante that seeks vengeance. They become the very thing that wronged them. What I want to know is where was any of this protesting of ethnic cleansing when it came to Hitler in your videos. You almost seemed to glorify him by pointing out that he was Love but neglecting to discuss the relative aspects. Maybe because it happened almost one hundred years ago? I don't think you realize how your videos affected Jews. I'm sure most of us, like me, chose to overlook it because of the wisdom that was provided. But there was a lot of insensitivity there that should be taken note of.
  4. @Nilsi i thought he would live forever. Him and Clint Eastwood.
  5. Happy New Year!
  6. @Leo Gura 2 kiddos. And 3 dogs. When the daughter in law comes it's 5 dogs Only one kid is still in the house though.
  7. Intelligence has little to do with enlightenment. Yes you have to be intelligent. But there are different types of intelligence and IQ does not cover this. You could have a 200 IQ and be further away from enlightenment than a rat. I'd say It's more about being open..not just open minded but your heart must be open to many different things. This can be a detriment in everyday life but it is a component that can be beneficial to discovering your true nature. So IQ doesn't really mean a whole lot. Now his intelligence will probably allow him to more accurately logically conclude the nature of reality but actually waking up to it is another matter.
  8. Hey what's up @Joker_Theory long time....remember you back from 2019 or around that time...wish you the besr on your spiritual path but also life in general. Its nice that you are there to help your mom.
  9. Yeah but I also know that this is a dream so it can't be. You are God lost in a dream. That's all reality is. Consciousness can shift states. It can morph into anything it wants. A butterfly. Or a human. Right now it's a human.
  10. That's disinformation. SSRis can be very helpful when prescribed properly
  11. @Sincerity Solpsism is a terrible word and really doesn't explain things very well. It actually scares people away. Oneness is a much better description. Solipsism came into the discussion regarding non-duality because honestly it makes sense given non-duality. But the case was oneness in other words everything and everyone was in your mind so how to verbalize this properly? Well while the problem was there, there were no solipsists at that time to back up any sort of theory on Solpsism. And so it just became something to be discussed over on Leo's forum. But that's really it. A silly term but it really signifies something powerful. That self/other duality.
  12. @theleelajoker haha. Magic is around you all the time. Even now. Awakening isn't going to be given to you obviously. You'll have to work for that. But it is promising. I can tell you that. More promising than a 401k or a retirement plan. Although right now these things seem to be all that matters. There is, still, another side
  13. @theleelajoker well then nothing my friend. Life goes on. But there is liberation. And in so the fear of death has been vanquished.
  14. @Someone here this whole thing is a dream and one can awaken from it. Thus seeing that the eyes they looked through was an illusion to begin with! They were really the whole thing! Both self and other!
  15. Is that a given? No. It's not sadly. Look I wish I could agree with you in every way. But I'm afraid your case simply isn't provable with physical evidence. You can talk about it. But that's pretty you much all it will be. It's your opinion
  16. Well nice of you to define enlightenment for us. Thank you sir.
  17. You still can't explain reality then. You can't prove other experiences exist and yet you sit here and tell me they can. Prove it then! Mad scientist! Prove it if you have such a winning answer! Let see what you got.. I promise you it's not a lot.
  18. Wishful thinking. Really contemplate reality. I mean really. In the Absolute sense there can't be other. We agree. So in the relative sense are they really some physical object made of atoms or are they figments of your imagination as God? Might be too scared to think the latter.
  19. Well his personal antics ultimately effect the government. We're screwed for the next four years unless you want to get into politics. Which I don't see you doing due to health issues. For me i could care less. These fools aren't enlightened and never will be. It's like beating a dead horse. I gave up long ago and now I'm just along for the ride. Its a lot easier to accept that way. You will do the same in time. Besides, it's your dream. All of it. You created the entire thing right down to the smell of Donald Trump's shoes. So I hope you like the dream.
  20. That is absolutely right and it is total. There is no "other" that is necessary or anything outside of what is direct experience. This is it.
  21. You seem very sure of this yet you cannot prove that there are other areas outside of your direct consciousness. There is only - and I empathize - there is ONLY - your direct consciousness or awareness. That is all you have and it is all you ever will have because there is nothing more.
  22. @Breakingthewalli do love you man. Only here can i literally take a full week off and pick up right where I left off 🙃
  23. Maybe if she had been this wouldn't have happened. I hope you aren't labeling a negative connotation to antidepressants.