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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. I've seen them in the taverns in Star Wars - hot as F#$k ?
  2. Alien pickup should be a hoot. Then again we are already doing that. To women, men are aliens ? our thinking is so foreign to them ?
  3. I stop worrying about being happy ?
  4. It's not that you have no mind your ARE Mind. There is no where to go. That Mind does not require finite thought- which is ago. Becoming God will be omniscience. This IS Love - this IS Infinity. We break it up into facets from a finite state of consciousness- but in an infinite state its One.
  5. @Etherial Cat thought over Love, Being, Oneness (all the same) is falsehood. Good stuff. Thought is ego, Being is Oneness. Pure Being is Omniscience, which is Love. Which is lack of ego. One can reach this level of enlightenment without psychedelics - so Leo's bias has him in error there - but that's OK...that's only because he couldn't reach it himself that way. So he's wrong about that - it's not impossible- just because most philosophers never did, does not make it impossible. He should correct that in his latest work. Ultimately one should leverage as a stepping stone and transcend it like any other model. I do think the teachings here are superior to any other that I've come across - but still limited and a pointer, which must be transcended by you becoming God
  6. You will melt into Infinite Love and Consciousness for eternity. You will wipe any memory out of your last finite form. You will get bored. You will once again limit yourself to finite form and wipe any memory of being God.
  7. Don't take everything so seriously. God has a sense of humor too.
  8. You can become directly conscious of these facets. These are not theories and do not take them as a belief.
  9. I think it's obvious that it's not actual God realization. It is conceptual. God realization is a state of Infinite Consciousness. Realizing no self, as well as realizing you are Infinite, and cannot step outside of yourself to point back at yourself. You just are yourself. That's Being/Actuality.. I don't think Razard meant it literally. But maybe I'm wrong. @Razard86 if you did then @Breakingthewall is just trying to help you avoid a trap. Perhaps thats a good thing. All the teachings for actual God realization have been laid out years ago- the problem is everyone wants to recreate the wheel.
  10. God has no bias. That's why it must know suffering and misery. It can't exclude suffering and misery or it would be bias. Which isn't Love. With you though, it's like God locked himself in a Turkish prison and threw away the key. He sees no escape. He sees no God. God must play the game such otherwise it couldn't be real to him. If it were just a game to you you would be out enjoying your life rather than sulking here. Mission accomplished God. Now, for Chris's sake, it's time you threw yourself the key to unlock your prison doors.
  11. @amanen damn - great post- seeing all of it together is powerful.....I feel an awakening coming on
  12. its easier said than done - thats true. It also can be that you may have some chemical imbalance. Within the dream we play by dream rules, although there' is always a mystical back door. However, you may want to get checked out to ensure you don't have any type of mental illness that can be treated. I suffered from OCD for years before even realizing i had it. and SSRi's really opened up my mind completely. I eventually went off them, but they can be used as a stepping stone. I know some people don't like to advocate them, but they had really helped me. There are better tools, i believe psychedelics are one of those, because enlightenment will really resolve a lot of these issues as well.
  13. by realizing it. when we say realize, we are not talking conceptual. We are talking being it. Realizing and Being are the same here. You will become Infinite. You as Consciousness will expand. For me i was able to see that everything is geing held within the Mind of God, which is none other than my mind. But yeah something just clicks when the realization happens. It is mystical. it is death of the human. You will die as an ego, and there is no difference between that death and what we traditionally think of as "physical death".
  14. or how about this, related to your video on question of what is consciousness. How can something exist if you aren't conscious of it? In other words, if reality is Cosnciousness, which one can discover it is directly, then you being conscious of something, and reality (consciousness) are one in the same. There cannot exist anything independent of consciousness, and when we say consciousness, we are saying You, as the Supreme. If you watch Leo's video on what is Perception, you can get a good hit of this. The ego has co-opted consciousness for itself, so the human experience is actually Consciousness.
  15. You don't need everyone to love you. You neer to love yourself and stop worrying about what others think. That is imagination. And you can free yourself of those chains.
  16. @Razard86 you are perfect just the way you are. If only the ego would stop fighting against that Truth. Oh yeah, because it is falsehood ?
  17. All in good fun guys. At the end of the day if you have truly realized God you also know that being conscious of it is something you only share with yourself.
  18. I agree. The design is far more complex than one might imagine. What's even more incredible is that this engine doesn't exist anywhere. Infinity contains everything as pure potential- which does not exist until manifested. And it's manifested by you thinking about it. To me that's the most beautiful thing about infinity.
  19. That's not feasible of course. But you knew that would be my rebuttal.