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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Haha. But more seriously have you ever really looked at your body and realized it was alien? In other words we have been conditioned to have a sense that this is "human" and this is normality. Yet, we are actually so alien. Our faces are just so foreign...our hands are claws. Just have to look at it without knowing or letting the conceptual mind take over. and then you realize you don't really "know" what you is foreign. ? interesting indeed.
  2. Very very very few....00001% of the population. (Higher but you get the idea) This is relatively speaking of course. Absolutely speaking there is only one Consciousness and it is Being itself. As @Godishere stated. It is You. It is Me. We are the same Mind.
  3. Haha interesting. We are the true aliens.
  4. That is the entity or observer behind the eyes that is the illusion. That's what you currently believe you are. You have to realize directly that this was an illusion. You are Awareness itself not an observer in a brain or in your awareness. That will be enlightenment.
  5. Self inquiry- various forms of meditation is what worked for me. I don't know what will work for you. You have to become conscious that what you think you are is an illusion. What does your ego feel you are? The soul ? The body? Sit down and really do some self inquiry.
  6. @Amannl3in it can't really be explained with words. You just have to awaken. You as your ego state of consciousness and sense of self as that ego will pass away (i.e. die) and you will be in a state of God Consciousness or non-dual state. You will become conscious of Absolute Truth or various facets of Absolute Truth. You will know directly that reality is Mind - that you ARE reality- and that you have been dreaming. Namaste ?
  7. You are here, so you are doing the same. Look, at the end of the day we all have our ego's to contend with.
  8. @Someone here it's that. But it's also selflessness. Can you love another more than yourself, and would you jump in front of an oncoming train if it would save that person's life but sacrifice your own? If you can do that- well - you are now in the ballpark.
  9. When you awaken from your slumber at night are there levels of that? No. It is Absolute. There was a guy here earlier in this thread that said he would stick with Peter Ralston. I would recommend you do the same.
  10. One who hasn't seen God will forever feel incomplete. When you have seen God you will back down from the dream. It's that simple. I don't see it from him
  11. Leo is not enlightened. He got lost in the concept of enlightenment. And he is fabulous for pointing someone there - But he is not enlightened himself.
  12. Self deception runs deep. But so does awakening from the dream.
  13. Well - some of us are awakened and not chasing awakening with drugs. Some of us have had actual God Realization. The actual thing. This is not some BS science fiction dream world. The more he talks about far out crap the more it becomes evident that he is not awake. He can fumble around all he wants but in the end he will never become enlightened. Not ever. His ego will always prevent that. If he tries selflessness he might have a shot. But you can't try that - you have to be that. And I can't teach him that.
  14. You may be banned if this tard goes on a rampage. So be it - we at least will have tried to save a few impressionable minds.
  15. Tread carefully between the relative and the Absolute. You can deceive millions and lead them all astray.
  16. This is NOT ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Absolute Truth has been spoken! Do not bastardize it. If you bastardize Absolute Truth you should be called out. Period. @vladorion I may be on your side here but you still don't know what Absolute Truth is and probably never will.
  17. Get off his junk bro. These are teachings that affect thousands.
  18. I never imagined ide be on the same side as Vladorion. This guy has lost it
  19. Perhaps he should name the next course - Descent into Madness - the story of a guy whose egoic desire for understanding reality could know no limits. To the point where it was his undoing. He was a man who found God - but whose ego was not satisfied that this was enough- typical ego mind
  20. Exactly. Let's give Leo the benefit of the doubt here. He has earned it. If you cannot validate this with 900 trips- it's not true. (OK..a bit of satire there ?)
  21. Guys- no. He became directly conscious of it while tripping. He's not that crafty. Now that being said, also keep this in mind - self deception wouldn't be self deception if you couldn't fool yourself. Just sayin...:) maybe it's Absolute Truth- for him. But to assume that is the case for us assumes from his POV that our POVs are independent. From my POV I have discovered that was is true for me is Absolute. And that there are no other POV's. I was actually the one that (or so it seems) implanted this in his head years ago. A month later it "appeared" he was parroting what I said - or he had just coincidentally become conscious of the same facet - which was that from God Consciousness all other points of views are held within you.
  22. If you took any teaching on as a belief you would be falling into an ideology and not Absolute Truth- which is contrary to what we teach. I would expect you to be skeptical and you should be. Just like anything else if it has not been validated in your direct experience then it is not true for you. And thus it is not true. I have validated directly everything up to this point and that is completely without psychedelics. I also have experienced some things as God that no one here has ever talked about nor is talked about on any spiritual forum. One of these is the Wind of God which I will not delve into here. But my point is what is true in your direct experience is true for you. If Leo has become directly conscious that Alien Infinity is the highest Truth then that is what is true - from his POV. And his POV is a mirror - meaning all points of view are held within his. Its gonna get paradoxical here. But in the end you have to discover what is true for you. There is no objective reality - and that is the only thing objective! Open mindedness will allow you to see what was true for you- which is that which was always true but you were blinded by falsehood thus preventing you from seeing it. But it was always there. It didn't exist anywhere but yet it was always there.
  23. God actually needs the devil more than he needs angels. To balance him out.