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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Make an effort to look someone in the eye and remember their name. Just place it in memory. Simple right?
  2. Nope. You won't become enlightened until you are at least 50. You've lived. You've experienced. It's only attachment to whatever forms you have left is what remains. When you awaken you know directly that death is an illusion. So it is the dismantling of the illusion that bothers you. Because you took so much time to set it up. And you attached yourself.
  3. No. Fear of death is extinguished when you awaken. Sadness may remain, but fear evaporates. Fear is a lack of understanding.
  4. Still, one fact remains. "Other" is a reflection of yourself. . Turn inwards. The only being that can do that is yourself.
  5. Share away. I pride myself in three things: 1. Remaining open minded. 2. Self reflecting and realizing I may be wrong. 3. Admitting I was wrong
  6. Is it though? I think if they were capable of self reference at all they would exhibit signs for us to see and pick up on - so that we could communicate in other ways. No. They are simply more limited than us. Dolphins may have the ability, and we haven't had a way to communicate with them yet. So yes, there may be species that do Forget science. I am not coming at you with science - I am coming at you with intuition. Intuition will trump intellect any day of the week because it is able to cross more sectors than intellect. Intellect alone does not self reflect. Have you attempted advanced communication? It will prove futile because they are more limited than you. Again, there may be some species where we may be able to have some type of alternate communication with but I feel a dog may not be one of them.
  7. Look at your dog and ask if it can self reflect or turn its gaze inwards. It cannot. Man can reverse its gaze. This is God. Now, thats not to say that there isn't an alien out there capable of self reference. But make no mistake - self reflect and realize that an alien only exists in your imagination.
  8. Dude. Man is just one dream of God. Just as is a lion. Or any creature. God morphed into human form because of man's intellect and ability to feel emotions. But most of all - to self reflect. This ability is only gifted to humans so that they can awaken.
  9. Notice your bias here. When you delve into reality via mysticism it will be free of bias. It must be. And yes, mysticism is beyond language. But it starts with simple meditation and lack of thought. Here, you are deeply engaged in thought.
  10. Man will do what is required to survive. The bottom line I would say to him is don't demonize survival. Don't demonize anything actually. And then you will rise above self bias.
  11. You would be better served looking into the nature of reality and not into the nature of mankind. Get to the root. Mankind is a subset.
  12. @Razard86 in competition, ego takes over and your true self takes a back seat. This is because the ego does not like losing. It will feel inferior. This is simply that it is inferior to "other" in some type of way. Be it physical or mental. The ego does not grasp that physical and mental is a duality - nor does it grasp that the opponent is none other than itself. It only wants to win.
  13. Well said. Man it's good to be back! I had a month away and it was nice. But I miss the wisdom here. Look - ill be honest with you. We are probably a thousand years from the society you envision. You are millenniums ahead of where our current society is. This is because, simply, philosophy just doesn't pay the bills. And that's sad. ?
  14. @Razard86 anything finite contains some level of corruption. this is because the finite is imperfect. That being said - trying to reduce it is not what I would say is arrogance. By the way, arrogance should not be shunned. But we must attempt to limit the amount of corruption we have for our survival- and that is all that is - it is an effort to preserve survival. To survive at all takes some degree of arrogance. As for devilry - well - man is the devil, so I would say I need not go further there ?
  15. Reality is a dream. Realistic and imaginary is a duality that must collapse. This whole thing is an illusion. You were peeling layers of the illusion off. The realization of no self will rid you of it entirely. Yes you did. You are Infinity. You started to become your true self. Continue on. But be forewarned: you will be no more as the small self when you become the entire thing.
  16. He hasn't. He's a rationalist and a man of logic. But that is what will always keep him from waking up.
  17. @Holykael God has no bias or preference for anything because it is nothing. So it just dreams infinitely. . Then, the finite mind comes out of this. It has preferences. It wants to be entertained. If you extract the finite you will just have Pure Infinity.
  18. Its the ego playing more games to keep you asleep. You see, it is through curious self inquiry that you stumble apon and realize directly that the self is not your true nature. And that your true nature is pure Awareness. Trust me, if this hits you, if awakening hits you, you will know what they are talking about - but not conceptually. It is not special- it is beyond or prior to any human description Note- many of these individuals may not have even realized it themselves directly. Pretty sure when Leo put his first enlightenment videos out- they were right on the money (the very first few which included self inquiry) but he may not have directly awoken to no self yet himself.
  19. @YogiCosmos heh. Sounds like you have got it all figured out save one thing. There's one step after the last step, which is to return to step 1 ?
  20. @r0ckyreed it's pure magic. That is, to me, the true beauty of Infinity/God. Any process or mechanism is something it holds within it. It is not bound by it. If you think of a brain having a conscious and subconscious mind, well, the magic of Infinity is that it requires no subconscious. What you imagine to be the subconscious is just that - imaginary. But then you may wonder, but how can reality, or myself as God, be doing it without me as the ego knowing it? It has to be happening somewhere or being done somewhere. But this is the cosmic joke. That is you imagining there has to be a somewhere where it's being done, or even that anything is being done at all.
  21. @Loveeee so that the climax could be amazing:). Do not underestimate God.
  22. @Razard86 @Breakingthewallis correct here. You are conflating the relative with the Absolute. Within the dream gaslighting is a real phenomenon, and as the ego you cannot unimagine it, just like you cannot unimagine this reality. When someone is gaslighting you, being conscious that this person is you in the Absolute sense may provide liberation, but it won't solve the relative issue at hand which is that you are being gaslit. So, yes, you can recognize it when it's happening, and you can know that Absolutely speaking it is you gaslighting yourself, but this isn't going to solve the issue, unfortunately.
  23. They are so ugly! Wtf is this visage of theirs? A nose protruding from their face? Is this not foreign? A mouth that opens up to allow stuff to be consumed like a trash compactor...what is that? Two circles above the "nose" that allow one to have "vision"....what is that? Is this not some alien thing? Look at their "face" in the mirror...what is this stuff growing on the top? Is it called hair? What is the stuff growing beneath the ",mouth"? What are the two orifices on each side of their "head" ? They take in something "known" as sound. So Jesus,, what the fuck are they? It's so...well it's so goddamn - alien! Have you ever seen anything that looks like this before? It's so weird! What's even weirder is that some of these alien beings are considered "handsome" or more appealing than others? Why is that? Aren't they all just so grotesque and something out of a science fiction book? I mean really - that snout right in the middle of their face says it all! We have truly discovered aliens!! For the very first time! They exist.