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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. start a new dream means you know everything about the current dream. You have reached omniscience. You have risen above the fear of death in this dream. It's like beating God of War. You go back to play it again.
  2. Being God Realized gives you the confidence to accomplish anything you want in life. But do you know why?
  3. Sounds to me like he is just lighting the torches. He is crying out in the name of God. And hey, I concur. But my point is you can internalize God and it will be just the same. Because other is you. Don't rain on his party. Let him express.
  4. Excellent! Yet the out loud is not necessary in my opinion because speaking the word of God is no different than hearing it in your head. Speaking out loud only confirms that you feel the need of OTHER which is an illusion. You can voice it but it is the same as internal thought.
  5. @Leo Gura if you have it setup properly you won't need mods. It will be automated. Mods will just give a personal touch.
  6. @tuku747 thanks yes very powerful. But when you awake none of this thought is needed you just ARE. It happens without thinking.
  7. Yeah but the key to God Realization is No Self. They don't t teach that. They teach to believe in a bearded guy in the clouds.
  8. @johnnygotvision next one and you are banned. Stop it.
  9. People really give Buddhism a bad image around here but it probably is the closest to Truth that there is. Far closer than judaism or christianity.
  10. You completely ignored what I said so I'm in agreement with @Osaid here. Sit down and do the work. Do the spiritual work and discover true spirituality.
  11. It has to because otherwise you couldn't exist. How old are you? You as the higher Self want to at least be 50 before you shatter the illusion. So you've had time to play. When you open a video game you don't spoil it after the first level.
  12. Because the dream has to remain a solid reality. When you break through the dream you will realize that I was just part of it.
  13. I am part of your dream. But remember if I was able to tell you what you were doing it would create a rift in the dream and the illusion would be broken.
  14. And unicorns traverse this plain.
  15. Whatever you are conscious of is all there is. Period. There aren't other minds. There is only one Mind. One consciousness and one awareness. But this takes a drastic shift on awareness. I am your mind talking to you. I am part of your dream. But remember if I was able to tell you what you were doing it would create a rift in the dream and the illusion would be broken.
  16. @johnnygotvision again..there is just Awareness. There isn't a you. That is an illusion you can dispel via self inquiry. There is only Awareness as an Absolute. The mistake you are making is that there is a small self being aware of another small self. This takes a shift in consciousness. Only then can you realize Aloneness as God. As Awareness itself. This is a very advanced awakening and will be the final awakening . Realizing Solipsism is true is the final awakening because it is synonymous with Total Oneness.
  17. I can answer but it will not bring you closer to God Realization. When you dream at night the characters in your dream can tell you they are aware of the lunar eclipse happening before them. But then you wake up. And you realize you imagined both them and their experience of the lunar eclipse. So if i told you I was sitting here watching a western I downloaded would that make my experience anymore real then what you are dreaming it to be?
  18. It's not like that. Shift your consciousness. There's no you only Pure Consciousness and that is both of us.
  19. You are caught up in a web of beliefs. If you truly want to discover if you are alone as God then first intuit if it is possible. If it could be, then inquire into what you are. For if you as a self are a concept then what can everyone else be?
  20. There's no hope for some people.
  21. Lol. Are you still pushing the alien BS? If so I wouldn't want you on my show either.
  22. I believe it. But also remember the tricks of the self. Of the ego. It will try to seize this. Try being humble and curious. Want to know to know, not as an egoic goal. Because it will not come without a cost - and thus the ego will try to keep you from discovering it as long as possible.
  23. I mediated for two weeks before awakening...perhaps less. Tips i do have..... I awakened while meditating to the very first few videos on enlightenment by Leo. He will go into inquiring into what you are, in I believe the second or third episode. That said - there is a problem. I am giving you the answers. God realization doesn't work like that because it's can't be ego driven. The ego has to stumble onto it. So keep this in mind: do you really want to know what you are metaphysically? If so really inquire into your true nature. Listen to the first few episodes but then there is a really good one called something like "self inquiry how to realize you are God". I'll find the title and send it to you. But bottom line is you have to really want to know what you are, even at the expense of your own life.
  24. I would say "as long as you reached Infinity, it matters not how." But then I immediately came to the realization that you always were Infinity, and that you need not reach for anything.