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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. It's only going to get worse if you don't make changes because before you know it a decade will pass and you'll be in the same situation just older and have to deal with the body diminishing along with everything else. So you're better off with some discomfort now to get yourself in a better situation. Otherwise it will only get worse. Just take one day at a time and take baby steps to improve your situation.
  2. Saw your other post if you wanna chat message me.
  3. he forgot randomness. Infinite Mind just winged it. It can do that! Why couldn't it? But it did it with great precision. From the big bang to your very birth. But just random in terms of why this. If you've ever studied chaos theory you will know that there is even an order to that.
  4. Existence is life. You're creating a duality by saying there is existence (consciousness) and life (consciousness) Consciousness is eternal .
  5. Thats enlightenment. You will die and go insane..but return. But yeah man I have followed your journey here and you're a solid dude...another is @Javfly33. "When you come back from the dead life is but a dream"
  6. Haha. Its just you trying to wake yourself up. Tossing yourself some breadcrumbs. I can't stop it penguin. I'm you.
  7. Precisely. It enhances it. And remember there is no difference between real and imaginary. If reality is actually made of mind then how could there be. All distinctions must collapse. And you get an enhanced, more magical product that's both real and mystical simultaneously. A beautiful and majestical synergy of creativity. Existence.
  8. I'm joking but I'm actually 1000 percent serious. It's just too radical to really accept that. But I was serious. Look if it wasn't a good trick or illusion then what good would it be. This is the master move. By God. But that's awakening.
  9. Then you would know he doesn't exist outside your imagination In fact.. you created him. You are the creator! But you're so humble and brilliant that you gave some dream character named Leo all of your authority. All of your sovereignty God damn you are good, God. God damn. One can only sit back and admire. You're real good!
  10. You are both the Absolute and the Relative simultaneously so there is no real need to make the distinction unless you want could also say you are both the finite and the Infinite. The finger and the hand. But yes I agree with what you said. Time is a relative notion. And here we are in the relative speaking dualistically so I like to be free with words.
  11. Yeah but you can expand his question further. Why don't we look like aliens in some other universe. Why are we humans not some other organism on some other planet. Or maybe there aren't planets or the same laws of physics. Or even physics at all. A quote from Leo's Oneness video: "And whatever it's got there it's got there" The answer is because it's an allowed possibility whose potential is being actualized or lived through. All possibilities must be allowed. Maybe next time you'll be that an alien in some alternate universe. And whatever it has there it has there.
  12. Yes. Exactly. It's so obvious. But science will dismiss this as this universe is an anomaly. And that other universes failed to form because they weren't the perfect formulation. From the Big Bang.
  13. @strika you will never know an enlightened being. You have to remember that an enlightened Being has realized they are everything. They could decide to be a crack head on the street. Or a fentanyl addict. Or - they could decide to be an Elon Musk or a Trump. Of maybe they want to be the average Joe? Or perhaps they want to teach the stuff? The bottom line is integration is nice - but it's not required. And what is integration? It's completely subjective. You're imagining some old individual packed with wisdom and actually being the perfect Being - in your eyes. But notice- this is iN your eyes. What is integration really? And even so is an enlightened being forced to do that? fact perhaps being enlightened provides the freedom to actually not be that if they don't want to. Enlightenment is the realization of the circularity of the whole thing. The paradox. You can never know an enlightened being.
  14. Awakening happens by surprise. You have to surprise the ego or simply pverwhelm it with psychedelics which shifts your state. But meditation can shift states the same way. The key is you can't be expecting it. And you better believe that after Awakening your ego will be even more on guard. It doesn't want to die even if you realized it isn't real.
  15. You need the distinction to realize there is no distinction.
  16. Up to you. But peace and absence of suffering is really independent of awakening. Yes a full grasp of all of reality does bring ultimate peace because you will understand everything so any doubt or fear going forward is strictly the ego playing games. The fear of death is gone. The ego will still play its games. But's up to you if you want to let it play with you. You have a meta awareness you didn't have before. But if you are at peace now then you don't need awakening or any of it. Its all very subjective. But i don't believe you can ever reach a level of peace and liberation asleep that you could with awakening or enlightenment.
  17. @Loveeee great episode...and what is perception is one of his best for actually awakening....but here goes...No self. You are the Self. Infinity. You are infinity. The Absolute. You are the Absolute. Everything. You are Everything. Nothingness, You are nothing. Onenes. You are other. Divinity. You are Divinity. And the substance of all of this - is Love. I am..I IS!! Oops..I forgot Infinite intelligence- Omniscience. You are Awareness. You have a complete understanding of Self and reality. Bliss is part of awakening. And lots and lots of tears and crying. You?
  18. Achieve yoga? What does that mean? How does this process work. I can tell you the self inquiry DOES work. If done properly. And only requires average intelligence but more importantly an open mind.
  19. What's that even mean 😳 I mean yeah I am lucid in the dream now..although most times I just lose myself in it. I cause myself a lot of unnecessary stress when I get lost like that. But it's what makes it real. If I were to stay in a state of Absolute Consciousness I couldn't exist as this particular ego..which I currently am very attached to for whatever reason. Maybe because the whole dream will dissolve with the ego. So I'm very attached to the dream. To the point I'm surprised I woke up at all with self inquiry. But maybe i hold on tighter now after awakening.
  20. Well yes but any old fool can't just take a psychedelic and awaken. It doesn't seem to work that way.