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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. It was so annoying though! ?
  2. It's the condescending attitude that simply cannot be tolerated. Sometimes the bully in the room needs to be brought down because it's just not cool. It has nothing to do with Truth. As I said the metaphysical work leo puts out is second to none. We had a personal chat about that and I told him I would support his work. That's the only reason I'm not banned here and I again I would back him for his work alone. But when you belittle someone you need to be brought down a notch. And that's what he is doing to his audience. He's belittling them.
  3. This isn't about Consciousness so don't make it about it.
  4. I just might. Only because skipping over my posts is a travesty.
  5. You can't escape suffering. You can just learn to live with it. I'm talking about being mortal or finite. This comes with a price. The price is you whither away.
  6. I'm banning you because of your signature. It's annoying as fuck ?
  7. It's not and ultimately he will not be a happy person within himself. And that is what's most important. What he is on the outside is a reflection of the turmoil within.
  8. Ultimately you are not going to be a happy person being an asshole. So it's bigger than retaining followers and you know it. If you want to be OK with mediocrity than you go right ahead. But there is something beyond mediocrity.
  9. Spit that shit homey ?
  10. The work does. But it's not a free pass to be an asshole. J guess you can be anything you want. But if you are going to want to retain followers long term you probably don't want to be an asshole.
  11. Why? Because it takes a little extra effort? It did not require you sacrifice anything. That was a decision you made and you can also undo it.
  12. No he said understanding everything. He has more of an ability to understand everything because he is God. So no..I'm not buying it and I'm not buying how the dudes ego keeps getting worse and worse. He's off the rails.
  13. Because you might start to believe it.
  14. I've been to his forum and it's too focused on no self. No self is paramount but using it out of context is very wrong. And it's used out of context there way too much.
  15. I disagree. Go back and look at what he posted. He actually thinks he is not as smart as Leo. That's the joke.
  16. This is the brainwashing he has instilled in you. No - you are probably smarter than him. That is an illusion he created unconsciously. I don't even think he did it consciously he just actually believes he is smarter than you and he is not. But he will portray this to keep you down. Again he's not doing it actively but this is the case.
  17. You just don't like someone who can come in here and overpower Leo. Did i shatter your dream of him being your hero? That is quite an attack. So because my awakenings were without psychedelics I didn't realize Love as Absolute? Or I didn't realize God? Before you make claims on my awakenings I suggest you go back to the drawing board. I am one of the most anti neo-advaita guys that there are.
  18. He has a lot of growing to do as a person but we all do. This culture and how us men are raised to treat women is still very backwards so its not all on him. It's on him for not breaking out of it though.
  19. They are a trigger but they will not alone awaken you. Things have to be in place for the bullet to go anywhere once the trigger is pulled.
  20. Amazing take. To me you are spot on. And well, he is trying to enlighten you. But arrogance only goes so far. You see where it gets you with women. Women like confidence but they dont like assholes.
  21. We talked. I support his work entirely. His work can and will lead you to awakening. So I'm good with that. Where I want to see improvement is this attitude towards women. What are your thoughts?
  22. Oh ok. Do you agree with what I was saying?
  23. Nobody gives a shit.