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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. That's awesome. Thanks for participating. You're fine.
  2. Indeed. When you want it to be. Ultimately everything Is in your head and you create your own reality. You create this reality.
  3. We must strike a balance. Finding this balance is what is most challenging. But one must welcome the challenge with open arms.
  4. I'm trying to help you grow as a person. What you said above is simply not the case. To be a man is actually to be sensitive and caring. And vulnerable. That is a real man. We don't want to be that because we are the protectors so we cannot have vulnerability. But this is an illusion. Vulnerability is actually what gives us strength.
  5. And perhaps you are an inspiration to all of us. But remember, when you watch the videos what you make of Leo is entirely your imagination
  6. As a male you will be handed the male ego. So welcome to that. But as you grow the key is learn that there is another side or perspective to things. If you will. It is a more sensitive perspective. It is this that you must tap into to become more well rounded.
  7. Still I bring you back to my original post. It is about you not him. Ultimately you will not be able to change others. The only person you can change is yourself.
  8. Buddha is imaginary. He doesn't exist. He's a made up story in your mind. Put that to rest.
  9. Then you are lost perhaps more lost than Leo. It is about the unification of the feminine and the masculine. It doesnt bring you freedom it is about developing yourself fully. If you want to be one sided go for it,
  10. Yes. Very much so. This is a key mistake because character development is extremely vital. Other wise your words are empty.
  11. Depth in what way? Here's the thing. Ultimately what will advance you in life is your relation to people and how you relate to others starts with yourself.
  12. It should be glaringly clear to you that these are two separate domains. If you can't see that then there is nothing I can do to help you. Or him, for that matter.
  13. Excellent point. It depends on the severity. For example, OCD can be a pro.. Mental illness in general can be a window into spirituality- but when it gets too severe it will prevent you from functioning.
  14. @Thought Art dont hesitate to ban him. The full 20 points will do. Leo wont overrule it. .
  15. There is no doubt about it. We all have some of this but his runs deep.
  16. He has a good heart.
  17. Maybe. I hope I'm wrong. We only have our perspective in the end.
  18. You can have amazing work and still be a shitty person. This is on full display here
  19. Real is fine but this is about character improvement. We all can improve in that area. I'm far from perfect and I probably have a bigger ego than Leo, but I don't talk down to people.
  20. Take a look in the mirror.
  21. I truly love you. Let's trip together sometme.
  22. That's becsuse you look up to him. But he's not above you. Remember one of his videos about taking back your authority? That's something that apples here. You took back your authority and that's great. But many here are enchanted by the wiser and smarter guru. And this simply cannot stand
  23. Oh stop. Put it back then.