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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. What is the difference between reality and imagination? That is the question.
  2. Einstein wasn't a mystic although he could intuit that reality was mystical. He himself was not and this confounded him. This was because his role was to evolve science. And yet deep down he knew that science was limited, just as limited as time and space.
  3. Because I knew long ago you had a sixth sense. Not enlightened yet..but you will be. Well hell- we all will be.
  4. Gods love is to create other in order to give itself to other. This is its highest act of selflessness. You see - if God is alone- it cannot be anything other than selfish. So it has to create selflessness by creating the illusion of other.
  5. Here's the strange Loop. The more you pump the ego the more you will ultimately suffer. Short term satisfaction will never fulfill you. It will leave you wanting more. So when your suffering becomes so severe it will inevitably kill you- sending you into a pure ego less yet God full state. Thus, completing the loop. Moral of the story? Let that motherfucker run wild.
  6. Logic cannot capture the Absolute but it can point you to becoming the Absolute. Being something and walking in its shoes is far superior than trying to describe what's its like to be that. Descriptions have their value but cannot compare to actually being the thing itself.
  7. Just keep your mind free and discover for yourself. If someone told you your mom was a bad person would you take that on faith? No external force should ever influence your direct experience. This is because external forces are second order. They are imagination. Your own direct experience is first order.
  8. Yeah..we take good health and a good mental state for granted...that is until we lose it...then we appreciate it so much more. That's not to say you can't be happy with a chronic illness. It's amazing how the human mind adapts. But we do take for granted the little things- like being able to walk for example, or having healthy organs. We get so picky with our material and egoic desires, yet we should just feel blessed that we are healthy and can be self sufficient at all.
  9. Health is everything. Without it you have nothing.
  10. @Emerald @No Name was banned so there is no point in addressing her in this thread.
  11. That's a very silly, limited notion of God. There is awakening to God, and you as the ego do perish, and then, magically come back. If you aren't open to this possibility then your mind shall remain locked. States of consciousness are fluid - Consciousness doesn't remain in any state. You can dissolve completely and return as your prior form (meaning the ego mind dissolved but not the body) or you can dissolve completely and return as another form. It's true that some awakenings to Infinity will blow the doors off the human body and when they come on in this fashion - raw, pure Infinity - the finite body cannot handle it - But this is like taming a horse. At first it will buck like a tornado..but later you can ride it calmly. You can have awakenings in which you will become Infinite Consciousness - while still in the body although really it will not exist unless you are conscious you are in a body - and in such a state you can become omniscient You can be in a state so divine and mystical it will be an absolute miracle. AkA the Godhead.
  12. This is what the rock group Boston has to say on the matter, and I tend to agree. The song gives me chills. What does it take to be a man? What does it take to see It's all heart and soul A gentle hand So easy to want and so hard to give How can you be a man 'Til you see beyond the life you live? Oh, what does it take to be a man? We can be blind, but a man tries to see It takes tenderness For a man to be what he can be And what does it mean If you're weak or strong? A gentle feelin' can make it right or make it wrong What does it take to be a man? The will to give and not receive The strength to say what you believe The heart to feel what others feel inside To see what they can see A man is somethin' that's real It's not what you are It's what you can feel It can't be too late To look through the hate and see I know that's what a man can be Source: LyricFind Songwriters: Tom Scholz
  13. I used to tackle my little brother and pin him down..then slowly release a glob of spit from my mouth that would slowly trickle onto his face. It doesn't mean I didn't love him ? I think he's still traumatized but that's another matter.
  14. Yeah but ultimately your consciousness has the authority..not the finite consciousness but the Infinite. But you're giving your authority away to another finite consciousness.
  15. @StarStruck look around the room or space you are in. That's all that exists. The rest is illusion.
  16. Exactly. Hence the term Absolute Solipsism or Solipsism as an Absolute. It's the same as saying Alone as an Absolute. The actual thing itself is ineffable - so any type of language trying to capture the Absolute will ultimately fall short. Any descriptions. The experience itself and the feeling of awakening to Absolute Oneness or Absolute Aloneness or Absolute Solipsism is also ineffable. But there is definitely that holy fuck moment where you say "OMFG everyone is me" and the collapse of other and self sends you reeling in both a terrifying but also blissful way. You know everything is yours..... but also, you know everything is yours.
  17. Yeah my vanity was maxed ?
  18. I'm narcissist as fuck ?
  19. Yes with God realization you will become God and you will understand everything will total certainty. God will ultimately release omniscience because omniscience is honestly not the highest being. The highest being is to limit itself to be less than perfect. And so, here you are.
  20. We're a family here. The work being done here is earth shattering.. You will not find anything anywhere on the internet like what is being put out here. You guys have stumbled onto a gold mine and i highly suggest you take advantage of it. The material here will help you become a better person and will also bring you to God. If you have an open mind.