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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Wake up. It's simple. When you wake up you will not have to disprove it. It will be before your eyes.
  2. By Being which is prior to knowing. This is mystical. But Pure Being itself can't be logically given to you you have to become it..meaning by dissolving concept and knowing- and who can "know"? Ony a self can know and what is the self but an idea or a concept! So Being is accessed (or one becomes Being) by dissolving the conceptual self. This is done via deconstructing or self inquiring. But also by quieting the mind through meditation and not "knowing" but sitting without thought.
  3. If there is no self there is no other. There is only Mind. You don't really have a point of view at all you just think you do. And you will dream and dream different points of views but it always be the same unchanging Infinite Consciousness.
  4. Yes everything is right here and held within your Consciousness..or better put just Consciousness. All Consciousness has to do is make a shift and it can be all of it or a tiny sliver. This is why God is the Master of Deception.
  5. You will die but also return. You will be re-born. I doubt Massaro is actually enlightened
  6. Here's where I go Socrates on your ass. It's about not knowing. And in not knowing you will leave Socrates in the dust - a figment of your mind. But know this- do you really want that? Because you have to die to become the Truth
  7. Because you haven't listened. Not to all of it and not with an open mind. Trust me - what is here will thrust you beyond philosophy, logic, and academia. It will thrust you into turquoise - into the mystical realm. But hey - don't listen. It's no skin off my back.
  8. Are you serious? You make a mockery of God. If you realized directly that God was real you would never be the same again. The biggest thing is you will never fear death again because you will know it is an illusion. You might actually want to jump in front of a train because you will know God is Infinite Love. But I don't recommend that. The reason is once you have become Infinite you also realize that your finite life is really the pinnacle of your existence. It is in imperfection and finitude that God finds solace. And thus you will cherish your finitude because in that is your perfection but also in that you can have imperfection. So God can have his cake and eat it too.
  9. He wasnt enlightened. And even if he was who cares. The best material is here. The material here goes far beyond Nietzche..or Descartes, or any of them. They weren't mystics sadly.
  10.'s just that science has consumed our culture. It will be hundreds of years before we have a society of enlightened beings who understand that reality is made of mind and not matter. We are hundreds of years away from idealism - maybe a thousand years.
  11. Excuse me but sit and do nothing meditation works as well. Quieting the ego is all it takes.
  12. Dude we are a family here and I love you like a bother I really do. I've seen you grow here from the beginning and become a wise member of the council (like the Council of Elrond hehe) . So I'm sorry for my comments as well. I don't know you - you're right. I'm only going off my intuition - but I do know that my intuition is very high. And I also know you are decades younger than me so from an experience perspective my intuition tells me you are caught up a bit too much in Leo and not the teachings. My intuition also tells me your mind is more open than all of us put together and you ARE and HAVE absorbed and grasped the teachings to some extent. There is more to go... But this is a strength I would wish all of us had more of. So your enlightenment will happen with time.
  13. What we have to make him realize - truly - is that there is no Leo. The avatar or form of Leo is simply a means to an end for God to wake up. God is you and God takes all forms - like a shapeshifter.
  14. It is perfectly possible because you are God. You make the rules. And you break them.
  15. To OP self deception runs deep. It will make you think that the teachings here are a sickness. This is all part of the dream and part of your own self deception to keep you far away from enlightenment.
  16. You wanted to know how to wake up and I'm telling you how.
  17. @Thought Art you are enchanted by the teacher and not the teachings. You wil never awaken until you realize that Leo was just a figment of your mind trying to wake you up.
  18. It is and can bring you fo God realization. But stop there. Because once you reach God realization the rest about Leo is null and void because he, as is your parents and everyone else, are discovered by you to be figments of your own Consciousness trying to wake yourself up. So who Leo is as a person is immaterial. For that matter when you obtain God realization what you are as a person is also immaterial.
  19. @Breakingthewall Being in Perfection is Perfection. There is no way out other than to be imperfect. So it is here that God finds true liberation. This is precisely why the ego is so upset about its imperfection. Jt wants what it can't have. But once it has it, it wants to go back to wanting again, this time something else. This leads to suffering and ultimately God reconciling with itself again in blissful eternity. Only to get bored again and do it all again.
  20. It's all about limitation and with what creative ways it can limit itself. Anything perfect is - well - boring.
  21. @Breakingthewall beautiful. And what does one with no limits do to amuse itself?
  22. Not in order to experience...just because of experience. It (experience) comes prior to any egoic goal. Experience comes first and then we try to assign meanings to it. But all meanings are relative.