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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. The penguin comes out to play!
  2. It's pure magic that God can wake up from the dream. Or else he remains lost in his own mind forever.
  3. No..stop looking at things objectively. Reality is subjective. Meaning you are God. If you forget you are God who is there to tell you that you are God? This is groundlessness. It's scary as fuck.
  4. This is a very deep philosophical question. This is actually as deep as it gets.
  5. Precisely! You understand now - but now you are lucid! Before you were lucid, there was no difference between the dream of you being human- and reality. That WAS reality. Just as in a dream- it ISNT a dream until you wake up. And isn't that interesting? We take recontexualizion for granted. We call it a dream but we do not realize that we do it AFTER the fact!
  6. As mods we can address outside this thread.
  7. Stop being so butthurt about us criticizing Leo. Dude is going through some shit and we are there for him. I'm there for him. A friend would want us to point it out. You would want it. I would.
  8. @BipolarGrowth any opinions on God not actually being God in the moment he forgets?
  9. It's fun to think about the paradoxes of God too...I'm not taking away from doing the work. You're right- if you sit in philosophy class and think Descartes had the answers you're wrong. Truth is found in experience - it is found in Being. By the same token - if you think Einstein had the answers you would also be wrong. Science is good but at some point you must transcend and become a mystic. When you do you will find that all other characters in this reality were but figments of your mind.
  10. We as puny humans have no idea of the power of God. The power of God lies truly in its ability to create an illusion so total that it becomes reality.
  11. Consider possible and impossible is a duality constructed by God himself - and that he sits prior to both.
  12. I want to get others thoughts on the subject. You can probably already guess mine but I will hold off until more participate.
  13. There is no past or future. We have created time and space and we have created that time can only go backwards not forwards. Thus it appears you can have a past. But both are imaginary. You can't have a past or future because you are the eternal now. Remembering itself is designed by you thus it can be designed in any fashion.
  14. Ok but are you God in the moment you imagine you are a butterfly? Who is outside of you to say you are not the butterfly?
  15. You're good - but you won't catch me up in language. That's correct you won't experience "yourself" as God. But can you be so sure that God can't be experienced by no one? And that it can realize itself at the level of Being and not knowing? Can you be sure that this isn't possible?
  16. You're not worthy of an explanation. I spit on you, peasant!!
  17. I recommend everyone watch the movie Whiplash then report back.
  18. If you stumbled onto some spiritual stuff and you've been an atheist your whole life but are open minded- maybe you are curious? Maybe you might wanna see what they are all about and then do the spiritual practices? Why would you call that a cult? I'm talking about the metaphysical content which is fundamentally no different than any content out there. Do you call Peter Ralstons books cultish? Or Rupert Spiras videos cultish? Or Adyashantis stuff? What's different here in terms of the metaphysical material? Exactly. If you look closely enough you will see that the premise of there not being multiple consciousnesses is pointed to by sages that have come's not really new. It is different than what Spira teaches but I can tell you from direct experience that Spira is wrong. He teaches that there are multiple consciousnesses separate from each other. Yes this is exactly what Leo means you are just not understanding the core teaching. Which is part of the problem with using this word but again that video was pulled.
  19. That's perhaps the traditional definition of solipsism, where the ego is all there is or the person is all there is and everything else is within the person's mind. But its not how it's taught here. Here it means that You are not the person or the ego - that this is an illusion. You are Infinite Consciousness. Both self/other is a duality that collapses. Self as in the person you think you are, and other, are both imagined by infinite consciousness. There are no multiple consciousnesses. There is but One and this One can provide the appearance of many by creating the duality of self/other. That is what is taught here. Besides the video itself was taken down probably because it would be misconstrued or misunderstood. Personally I don't feel the need to even use the word Solipsism but it's not a problem if you grasp what we mean by it here. So no - he hasn't really put out much content of late so when we say the teachings are solid we are really saying up to this point. He could make some crazy off the wall episode tomorrow and I could change my mind. But for now I can say that I have validated enough of the facets for myself (including the aloneness one) to say they are solid in opinion. As for being a cult - just because you have a guy that may be unstable from the overuse of psychedelics who has manic outbursts- isn't enough for a cult. Plus, If it were a cult we wouldn't be telling you to think for yourself or not take anything on faith. We tell you to do the practices. The forum is just a place to shoot the shit really. You don't even need to like Leo to get value from the videos. You don't even have to log in here at all.
  20. Not that I know of - he's always talked good about Buddhism and Advaita in the episodes. Of course pointing out limitations, but in general it has been positive - Just as he talks good about meditation but then at times shit on it on the forum. Maybe he will have one in the future.