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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Here's the reconciliation- or the thing you're missing. Who says there has to be anything if reality is purely subjective? Why can't God just dream? The whole multiple I will experience infinite number of perspectives is something you are projecting onto reality. To further this point - realize that there is no time. God is not bound by a clock. So he can take an eternity to roll through his roladex of selves. He can be a caterpillar for an eternity if he wants, and it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference. He still has an eternity left.
  2. He ain't awake. You're not gonna get past the alone issue. You're not. Your stuck with it.
  3. Ha ha. Who is? I love Leo to death but remember- ultimately you will have to forfeit all your attachments- for Truth. There's only one player in town sadly. That's the price of Infinity
  4. That is your intuition. Go with it. But to realize it directly is an entirely other matter.
  5. Well - I go off intuition. There is nothing that says I can't say what I intuit.
  6. And you would be correct. If it's not validated by you it's not true.
  7. There is nothing outside your door. It's a dream. Totally. This is extremely scary. I don't even acknowledge it to this day- and neither does Leo or anyone who has realized Absolute Truth. For to do that is to omit the dream.
  8. You're doing it too so be careful where you throw stones. This is serious shit. When you realize your own fucking brother is you - literally- it usually doesn't end well psychologically
  9. It's not a belief actually. It's reality. You can discover it for yourself. But I warn you- it will not be pretty. You will recoil in terror. You don't want to know you are God.
  10. Really? If consciousness is the paradigm then anything is possible. Physical form is a smoke screen once you see through this.
  11. God can make anything possible. It dreams impossibility into existence.
  12. No it conflicts. But as it should. It js a paradox. Others only exist if imagined. He went too far by making them be actual and separate in an alternate reality. The paradox here is to self reflect. All other realities are within you. So this ultimately breaks down.
  13. I repeat. Frank Yang is NOT awake. Fall into dogma at your own risk.
  14. Well you will get that in liberation. After that the only questions you can still ask are trivial.
  15. Well actually its all intertwined. I wish it wasn't . But the desire for understanding is selfishness. Riddle me this - once you have had infinite understanding would you be happy?
  16. Your agreement has no say on the matter. Do you want to be omniscient or is that out of greed and the want for power? Think carefully. For paradox will befall you at every step.
  17. I am too. Leo is too. The greatest minds are. And the answer is simply this: omniscience is completely boring. If you knew everything there would be nothing to do. That's why this question sits at the very heart of reality. Basically you're doing yourself a favor by not knowing.
  18. I bow to the enlightened master.
  19. Lol. Yeah I guess no rules apply but also they do. It will break your mind.
  20. I get you...but here's the thing. If you're the only thing in existence when you stop being God it is absolutely total. Because you are God. Interesting paradox indeed.
  21. You ARE God. You are IT. There is nothing else out there. In fact - there's not even an out there. It's a closed loop. With all the knots neatly tied.
  22. But who says it's beyond? If it is the only thing in existence and it doesn't understand beyond- where does beyond exist?
  23. I got you. Thanks for participating. Yeah - I don't necessarily agree that God is always God though. Because of the subjective nature of reality and its infinitude. God has the complete ability to no longer be God. And frankly - this is very troubling and scaring to me. Because we want to have an objective reality at all costs. But alas - that must slip through our fingers.