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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. The trick is there is no you. There is only pure consciousness, which can feel. The pain you feel now isn't actually yours - it is consciousness'. You have made it yours but that is an illusion.
  2. That's because it's total. That is why you can't remember.
  3. No...what I see are you guys mesmorized by a teacher. That's what I see. Guess what that leads to?
  4. That's the appeal. That's all it is. Be very careful of false prophets.
  5. I do respect that he attained it sober because that's how I roll. He might be OK - but know this - he cannot bring you to any state of no self. Teaching enlightenment is a falsehood- and one you should know about right now. The framework is good and is provided here. He doesn't provide a metaphysical framework.
  6. There is no misinformation on this forum. If you wanna be brainwashed - there are other places to go. Here- we tell it llke it is - and we also tell you to think for yourself. And that is what you are doing- and I respect that. Now on the topic of fear - you have to remember that God attaches itself it to a finite form and when it does it is absolutely total. That is why it must include fear. Fear will protect one from losing its form - and the reason it took a specific form was to be that form. So it will do whatever it takes to preserve that form. It is only by stepping outside such form that it is realized that it was always an illusion.
  7. What does he have to offer then? I tuned in to a few early videos and what I saw I was an excited kid. I'm 52. He is young and he may have attained some degree of enlightenment- but he's just an eager kid from what I saw. No depth. He had an experience. Well - yeah - so?
  8. It's simply a way to compare what is actual and what is illusion. The Absolute is what is, and the relative is a game we play. What's beautiful about this is that you can lose yourself in the game. This doesn't mean you cannot remember it's a game - but it also doesn't mean you can't forget its a game. And when you forget, it becomes reality.
  9. You are conflating the relative with the Absolute. You can still engage in reality if you are lucid in a dream. It's actually more pleasurable. In the end, when you realize it's a dream you are liberated. The only thing that's scary is the letting go of the dream- because we have become so attached.
  10. You mean idealists right? Because in truth, if you've realized idealism then solipsism is the case by default. So let me ask you - what paradigm do you currently subscribe to? I really want to know...because I think that deep down you still feel there is an objective reality. And we'll, quite frankly- you should- until realized otherwise. Your intuition is what drives you. It will be what drives you to Ultimate Truth, just as it will drive you to survive.
  11. No..this is Godels Incompleteness Theorem. Meaning you cannot grasp the infinite. You must become it.
  12. There isn't a solipsist. If no one can claim it that is Absolute Truth. It is the omission of perspective.
  13. I think you are missing his point here...he said direct experience. This is prior to assumption.
  14. Well - you do return. But not the same. Gandalf the Grey returned as Gandalf the White - emerging from the depths of hell. His battle with the Balrog pales in comparison to what you will realize when you die. And what I am saying to you is irrelevant because you have a closed mind. A closed mind will never bring you the depths of peace you seek. It will just keep the ego running on high.
  15. Lol. I would never lock myself into a paradigm. I hope you don't either. I would never sell solipsism, in fact I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. However, that being said, that worst enemy is my imagination. I, cannot escape solipsism, because I have seen it for myself. You don't ever want to see it. If you see it, you will be enlightened, and you will be dead.
  16. Absolute Order. And the interesting thing about Absolute Order is that chaos sits at its heart. And yet- there is perfect Order.
  17. Frank is full of games - otherwise he wouldnt be putting out videos. Hes all about attention. Leo is 1000 times more awake than Frank. Frank has zero to offer.