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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Of course not - but he's fear mongering.
  2. It's funny but its sad how enlightenment (no self) had been twisted and turned into an ideology.
  3. No it's just where the people's mindset is today. They're not all brainwashed. It's not that bad. That's basically saying everything is a conspiracy. The fact of the matter is that Biden sucked. And the people wanted change. In four years it could be something different. But it's going to take a while to shift out of Orange. A while. Right now everything glows Orange.
  4. You're lucky I didn't give you a warning too. I'm a lot calmer in my old age. @Breakingthewall you shouldn't be calling people names either.
  5. I think many here equate ethnic cleansing with genocide. They believe Israel sees no distinction.
  6. There's deep problems now. So let's measure it in four years. You may be very right. But look guys like.Musk have been coming on for years. It's only natural that Orange reached full peak. It's the natural progression to the next stage. Just look at your spiral dynamics series. This is a stage that we will pass-through.
  7. Are you gonna get in there yourself? If not then you're being too complacent too. You're not gonna do that because you're more advanced than where we are now. So there is no reason to be at arms. Everything will turn out OK.
  8. Yeah but your paranoid of an oligarchy. Nothing is going to to happen. It's still gonna be a democracy.
  9. I don't think it is about power. The guy is ninth in Diablo. He's a nerd.
  10. Thats where relativity truly shines.
  11. What you really need to start teaching is that survival must incorporate corruption to some degree. But then the definition of corruption becomes relative. What is corruption? You tell me first and then i can tell you if we all must fall into it. Because I already know that you can't escape a certain degree of corruption. Your innocence is assaulted on birth. After that you will be tainted. After that it comes down to what degree you are corrupt.
  12. A big distinction is to determine whether Israel directly wants ethnic cleansing. Meaning that they want to put to death any non Jews. I find this hard to fathom and I don't think it's the case. I think they retaliated based on threats to their direct survival. The Oct 7 attacks. And perhaps they have taken it too far with the retaliation...but..and let's look at this without bias.. I do not believe that they engage in wanting to ethnically cleanse other races. This is what leads to an unfair comparison to Nazi Germany and so forth.
  13. @Topspin715 it's never too complicated to look at holistically. The problem is everyone has a dog in the fight.
  14. I would agree with this whole heartedly. I wish there was a more holistic approach to this entire struggle here. But there never has been. Leo's response to this is simply "this is current events and this is what is happening now." To me this isn't a very holistic approach.
  15. Well- I beg to differ. Leo is a smart guy - and the fact of the matter is everyone is blinded by bias. But his gift isn't spirituality it's being exceptionally open minded in many areas. He had an intuition for spirituality but his gift isn't there. He needed psychedelics. A spirituality gifted individual needs nothing. Perhaps just meditation
  16. Exactly- agreed. But since he said he doesn't condone violence i wanted to see if that was truly the case.
  17. @Twentyfirst this is not a comparison to Nazi Germany. Germany wanted world domination. Israel just wants to stop opposition which was commenced recently on Jan 7. The casualties of defending one's nation is in fact sad - but do not compare this to Nazi Germany. Israel is acting on defense. If you think otherwise than you just look to history. Israel isn't moving on other nations like Hitler did.
  18. Figures. Your bias really shines though here. You fail to acknowledge the struggles Israel has endured and you just want to focus on the people who you wish to defend. If you guys really want to have a high level perspective perhaps redo this entire thread and make it about humanity in general. It will be much more accurate. But to demonize a specific people is very low level.
  19. No..i want you to say you don't condone the violence on Jan 7 where Israel was attacked. Or are you too biased to say that?
  20. I'm not going to hold a mature intelligent dialogue with you if you aren't able to hold one.
  21. Are you OK? I recall normally you're more stable than this. You don't normally resort to name calling. I'm not going to hold an intelligent dialogue with you if you can't be mature about it and hold one with me.
  22. But you condone the initial attack on Israel.
  23. If you guys wanna demonize Israel just remember it's a low level perspective.