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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Is God still God if he completely forgets he is God? Ponder this carefully. If God forgets he is God and imagines he is some limited form - like yourself - is he still God? Remember the groundless nature of reality. Because reality is Infinite there is nothing outside of it that can reference it. The Self reference problem. It cannot point back at itself - so, it just is itself. Or it can just be itself. Now - if God then forgets he is Infinite, is his limitation absolutely total? Or is there some rulebook somewhere "over there" that says he's still God and he's still Infinite? If that's the case wouldn't that make him limited? If so wouldn't that also be a ground?
  2. This is false. Just because it was not sufficient for you to does make it an Absolute. Remember, there are no Absolutes. Infinity is boundless.
  3. Is there anything objectively true?
  4. No, you become finite by becoming finite.
  5. If mind is reality- then whatever is in the mind is reality. So yeah - hes a human.
  6. Whats funny is what he calls alien consciousness is formless consciousness. It is not human consciousness. It is consciousness minus the human. So from that perspective, sure, it's alien.
  7. That's true because potentiality is existence - its existence that exists as pure potential. So it really depends on what he meant by the word non-existence. Now where AI falls short is that he set him up. The individual is an illusion, and the illusion is subjectivity. But in truth, there does not exist an individual- so there cannot exist something outside its understanding. As in the question - if a tree falls in the forest, with no one around, does it make a sound? AI will not have the depth to realize this question is based on false assumptions. It is based on that there being an individual in the first place, and that there is an objective reality in the first place.
  8. I tried going to his channel and listening to some stuff of his on consciousness. He was playing the fiddle while rambling- I could barely understand him. You would have to point me to the right teachings he has that are clear and understandable and I can give you a better opinion. He's been on this forum in the past before by the way.
  9. It's really fortunate that you found both like that- and the timing in your life was also right. A lot of things have to fall into place. It almost makes you wonder if it was predetermined,
  10. This is so awesome dude. Reading your posts and your story is so refreshing. That's truly amazing and I'm happy for ya. It was the culmination of both seemingly.
  11. Damn right I'm jealous! I'm better looking on a good hair cut day- you just haven't seen me yet! Nah..I'm just giving you guys shit. I know that psychedelics can be a powerful tool. I'm not an idiot. But also, it's not the only way. And you can attain the highest awakening without them as well if it is possible for you to begin with. Genetics play a large role here. Some folks just don't have the genetics to be able to awaken sober. But Leo is not correct when he says you can't reach the highest levels of consciousness without psychedelics. It just wasn't possible for him.
  12. How do you know ? How do you know you just didnt adapt that from Leo? Read this thread. There is a guy in this thread who had a natural awakening. It might be more possible than you think.
  13. You're really wrong on the psychedelic stuff though. It's not required for awakening like you think it is.
  14. Both have videos on self inquiry and meditation - so it just happened to be that his videos helped you more. That is fine. As you said, the theoretical framework is here - and that's really all you need. The meditation has to be done regardless- and that is independent of teacher.
  15. Leo will get there - as you will. As frank will. But he's far from what I would consider awake. He's all excited about sharing it. That's how easy I can tell.
  16. Eventually I won't. Look at Ramana Maharshi. He starved himself to death because of how conscious he was. I barely have enough desire to post on a forum. It's dwindling away. But it's still there for me.
  17. He's drastically reduced the number of videos he is putting out. In fact recently he has put out nothing. This is because he's realized it doesn't matter. It's a killer, but it's a sign of enlightenment.