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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Guys - spirituality isn't about a teacher or his personality. It's about actually doing the practices and seeing what is true about reality for yourself. It's about keeping your mind open. Because if your mind isn't open you are handicapping yourself from discovering with is actually true, because you may hand wave off something that could actually lead you to it. So it's about that. And that is the message here. You should not have a should be your own guru. A trap bigger than Buddhism that I see is the teacher trap. You may become enthralled with a teacher's style because it resonates but then quickly make it about him and not the material or what he is pointing to. This is one of the biggest traps I see here, and it will keep you fast asleep. But those of you who could care less about the teacher's personality and go straight for the jugular - the territory - those are the ones that will reach the deepest levels. The world is a dangerous place - and it will break you in a second it you aren't careful. And spirituality is not for the faint of heart. It is as dangerous as it gets, and if you go far enough, it will kill you. And I don't mean the physical body, because that is irrelevant and an illusion. The mind is reality, and what dies is the illusion. We are not here to baby you. Life won't baby you - it will toss you around like a wet noodle, and hang you out to dry in the wind.
  2. I am actually not against Buddhism. Buddhism is closer to the nature of reality than most religions. But that also makes it a deeper trap. That's why Leo is so against it. Because of how big a trap it can be.
  3. It's horrifying, but more satisfying than a heroin high.
  4. Its more egoic games. I suppose there is cessation of consciousness too, and a whole bunch of other crap.
  5. That would be too nice of us. And we aren't nice around here....
  6. There's no one to realize no self. It's called no self for a reason. It's ego death. It has nothing to do with the ego.
  7. Its getting in touch with actuality. Hold out your hand and be conscious of its existence. NOW. Its that
  8. thats why i said Absolute Love includes both relative human love and relative human hate. But human love is just a part, not the whole. Just as the finger is part of the hand.
  9. @Unlimited When you wake up from the dream, you can't take the dream characters with you. But you will wake up.
  10. Love and hate are a duality that collapse into a Metaphysical LOVE which is an Absolute, not a relative, human Love. Relative human love is still part of the Absolute Love though, but also the Absolute Love includes relative, human hate.
  11. it's much worse than that - he doesn't even exist outside of your mind.
  12. Remember in the end you are only arguing with yourself - and THAT is the deepest awakening. There is no one to fucking teach because they are all in your mind. I'm just bored, so i'm on a forum talking to myself. Realize THAT. @dualnon centerlessness is indeed bullshit
  13. You can be advanced spiritually and still an asshole. But this person obviously lacked compassion for you and understanding, so in my opinion isn't really that advanced. If he was he would have shown humility and when you told him you were in a bad place, he would have been able to apologize. If he didn't do this he's not as advanced as you think. A big sign of spiritual advancement is flexibility. You can be many things - your identity isn't set in stone. If he didn't display any flexibility, he probably isn't that advanced or awake at all.
  14. You'll run into strange loops when the finite mind tries to capture the infinite.
  15. There's a trap in that too. Be careful to mistake Leo's words for egoic. Maybe he is in the black hole and you're not. Consider it.
  16. Remember the metaphor I think Leo used about falling into a black hole? Once you fall, you know, but you can't make anyone else fall into the black hole because there is no escaping it to bring back anyone else - not even for light.. They have to jump by themselves, or fall in.
  17. Its probably very annoying to hear people say psychedelics cannot awaken you or put you in a non dual state of consciousness. (Sorry for using the term non-dual) so I can empathize with him. At the same time, meditation can shift your consciousness into states you could not dream of, so that's bullshit too.
  18. Notice that you are conflating the ego's will with God's will here. Why is God's will such way? Well, thats like a castle asking other castles why the bricks made a castle - or something like that. You're asking the question from 2nd order, when the answer is at 1st order.
  19. He knows just fine. Why dont you start thinking for yourself like he does before you cast judgement.
  20. There's no such thing as a serious meditator. It's a means to an end. Don't get attached to that either.
  21. You sound like a brainwashed neo-advaitan who didn't take his medicine today. At least make it sound like it's coming from your own brain.