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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. The chicks say i make love like an alien beast. Its out of this world
  2. No one on this forum but me knows what its like to awaken, to truly awaken from the dream, via meditation or spontaneously. No one here has such genetics but me. They don't understand what Being truly means.
  3. I'm here now and he's full of shit lol. Maybe he should go watch his full of shit epsiode again But his heart is in the right place.
  4. then we should just direct them to the What is Perception Episode anyway, good explanation of the differences and what we mean here. Perception is an illusion. There is only Being or Pure Consciousness minus the ego. Now, the only way the ego can interpret it is that like "oh fuck, I'm totally alone and all others are me!" That's not false, it just doesn't tell the whole story. Because of course, as there is no other, there is also no self. The ego doesn't wanna hear this of course But you can still have an awakening or expanded state of consciousness where the ego is sorta still there and that's why the alone facet or awakening can be so terrifying.
  5. You can go deeper than Leo because Leo is actually a subset of your own mind. The "course" is actually being imagined by you. So all you have to do is keep using the tools available to you to reach Infinite Consciousness again and discover what is true. A course can only show you tools for awakening - it can talk about facets, but only if you have become directly conscious of any discussed facet, is it true.
  6. You can view it that way but you can also view pain as a subset or type of suffering. For the guy who doesn't feel physical pain (its a real phenomenon) he wouldn't have this subset of suffering...but he can suffer as you say, by rejecting circumstances. It just depends on your definition of suffering. Which is relative.
  7. In a sense though, writhing on the floor because your arm was just cut off is's not a holistic or long term suffering (although there is still the aftermath and the psychological aspect of losing your arm) so it's still a form of suffering.
  8. I have criticized the way he talks down to people. I don't do that personally because its not my style and I don't believe in belittling someone. I've been belittled in the past and it's degrading and can cause trauma. So that's not right to do. However- I will not hesitate to kick you out of here if you don't support this work.
  9. The fact of the matter it is the criticism is an unnecessary distraction. We have allowed it to fester here for years. But that time is done. If I see someone here saying the teachings here are delusional I will ban them. I'm done playing the nice guy. If you want to be here, be here to learn. Be open minded and humble to the fact that perhaps you aren't yet awake and that perhaps what is being brought to you here can awaken you. If not, then get lost. It's really quite simple.
  10. That's a waste of his time. Albert Einstein used to have one set of clothes and he would wear the same thing everyday. It looked bad, but when asked, he could only respond with "it takes thought to figure out what I want to wear each day, and this takes away from the time I have to think about reality."
  11. Correct. So if u wanna be here as a human and run a forum to teach spirituality you have to give a fuck. Otherwise you would be in a cave somewhere starving yourself and not passing on any of your knowledge. That's fine, but then you and I wouldn't be talking right now
  12. Once you stop giving a fuck, of course. But life is about giving a fuck.
  13. We tried that. I told him to ban the haters years ago without thought- but he didn't wanna make this place an "echo chamber". Well, here we are
  14. The ignorance of the unawakened can push you to the brink
  15. I used to always say psychedelics were cheating for the ones not genetically prone to meditation awakening them. But it's really not the case. All that matters is the shift in consciousness. The bragging will fade as he ages- and actually he won't even care about this place at that point. When he stops caring about that he won't care about anything. So let him still cling to this world.
  16. Bottom line is if you don't support the work get lost. We got rid of this round of haters - but more will come. Honestly I lost patience years ago which is honestly why I am a more passive mod. I probably couldn't deal with all the criticism like he does. It has to weigh on anyone after enough time. Especially when the stuff here actually points to awakening and is valid.
  17. Yes precisely, because physicality is created by the mind. Well, it is precisely what @Breakingthewall said, as God - when you imagine a physical barrier, (or "other") it manifests. When you shift your mind to be lucid that it was something you dreamed up, then that is the state of consciousness you are in. It is a great responsiblity to wake up, because you essentially have beaten the game. You are now the developer of the game, and thus, you can never have the feeling of not knowing its a game again, unless you fool yourself. So the awakened being begins the quest of fooling himself, over and over, until his time is done. And that's all there is to it.
  18. well because it is one, it cannot ACTUALLY separate itself from itself, it can only create the illusion. But this paradox is a feature of Infinity, not a bug. Because illusion and reality are ONE, and so, in that sense, it DOES. Which is a mind fuck, but resolves the paradox.
  19. because its not necessary, all that is necessary is the appearance of it. If you were infinitely intelligent, you would do things the most efficient way possible. And this is the most intelligent design. It is pure genius, really.
  20. yes, because imagination IS reality. you got it now.
  21. its just one thing, there isn't something over there anywhere outside of your direct experience. You are just in a particular state right now. When it goes blind to the other fingers they cease to exist in that moment. All that exists is what is in your direct experience. It's just like a video game. There is nothing behind the scenes. The terrain is only rendered as needed. The only difference in a video game and reality is that in a video game the stuff that isn't being rendered in the moment is stored in memory, but God doesn't need this. it's a blistering realization when it hits you.
  22. Consciousness is a state shifter. It can be in a finite state or an infinite state to which there are no limits to how infinite as this is Infinity's nature. The finite is still the infinite because it's one thing. Just like the finger is still the hand. It can masquerade as the finger when it wants to be a finger.
  23. It's nowhere, space is an illusion, as is time, and thus unnecessary to God.
  24. It's a complex issue. What happens is rather than thinking for one's self, they place all they have into their guru - and then when their guru "let's them down" they blame the guru - when in truth, they should never have given their mind away to another human being. I don't care who it is - the President of the United States or Elvis Presley. They are human and that makes them limited. The suicide thing is a personal one can be blamed for someone taking their own life. That is a decision they made. Unless it's a case where someone told them to do it because it would bring them to a certain place for.example, or give them something they don’t already have, and they were so brainwashed that they believed them. That would be a cult. That's not what the case is here. Here we stress free thought, and embrace the human condition.