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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Haha. Don't tell me how, but I FELT you were gonna respond to my post. I saw you online and I felt it. Here's the deal. Quantum mechanics debunked materialism. So yes, materialism can be thrown out if you bother to look at the science. But this is NOT God realization. Do not confuse that with God realization. And in your own words, "all you have to do is take..." Well, that part isn't so simple.
  2. I assume you have a level of spiritual advancement when I speak with you. If you are a specialist in a certain field and you are having a dialogue with someone and speaking in certain lingo, then it may seem foreign to someone outside of the conversation listening in. Like, for example, if you are talking about computers to your fellow geek. Your mom probably won't understand a word you are saying. So I am assuming you have listened to the videos and have a clue of what I am talking about. Most who have bothered to create an account on the forum have taken some time to study the work. So yes, I speak In a very specialized way about Spirituality. But really, you can replace certain words with other words and they would still mean the same thing. There is still a very general thing that is being pointed to, regardless of the verbage. As to your ideas regarding proper contribution, God can't be proven, so that's out. Don't expect that.
  3. And what would be a productive contribution in your eyes? If you want me to coddle you about spirituality that's just not my style - I'm gonna tell you how it is. I'm not gonna beat around the bush. Because I see no gain in that. And I'm telling you there is a state of Consciousness, a state of Being - that IS just Pure Being. And AS pure Being, you will still have understanding. You will have it in its most pristine form - you will have Omniscience. Here, where you have piled levels of conceptual thought on top of Being and hidden Being, there still lies understanding. That is because Being is still there. But if you can remove the cloak, you will have God.
  4. You're correct. I didn't mean it literally. Go out and do the work yourself. Then come back and join those who did. You're sitting here bullshitting are you not? How many hours of meditation have you done? How many trips? Have you done either? All you need are the metaphysical videos and then spiritual practice. You don't need this place. This place is to push you to go back out the door from which you came.
  5. Trust me on can understand Infinity. Only it must be AS infinity. The finite cannot grasp the Infinite. But the Infinite, IS itself, and thus can grasp itself. Not really something I can explain for the reason just stated.
  6. To be unlimited is easy. Limitation goes against the grain because God's natural state is without limitation.
  7. There's a clicking when you understand a thing. It can't be explained bexause its prior to. Like when you get a good joke. You just get it. That's understanding.
  8. It's actually not that easy to realize it's all imaginary..but it's just as hard if not harder to forget. The challenge God has is how to forget. Awakening is the easy part because he's God. However once he puts it in place it is almost impossible to see through Because God is perfection.
  9. He's still in the phase of being Awake. Being asleep is what it's about. It's about forgetting. It's easy to realize you are imagining everything. All of it. It's not so easy to forget afterwards. That's the trick. The ability to seamlessly shift between the two.
  10. Just watch out for spiritual ego. Even with great genetics, as I have (Awake sober, contrary to Leo's belief) spirituality done with just dumb curiosity without much thought or spiritual dogma or corruption is the best way to awake - then pad it with great genetics and you have the ultimate 1-2 punch combo. Here you know too much about spirituality and also are bragging so it almost negates your genetic gifts that you do have. Let go of all spiritual dogma including good genetics. Also - keep in mind that the true genetic freak's mind is just wired different. They often suffer from mental illness - such as OCD or schizophrenia. To be spiritually gifted also means you may not be "normal" or even disabled in the earthly realm.
  11. You should see things begin to dance to and fro...side to side. Like the dancing Buddha. This shows the solidity of physical reality is a falsehood - and a dreamlike nature begins to be revealed.
  12. Anything actual. Look at it until you become actuality itself.
  13. More BS. Maybe you're just stuck In a Leo worship stage. Regardless - What do stages of ego development have to do with God realization? Not a ton.
  14. Damn looks like you left the room not me. You are too close minded for this forum. Thinking for yourself is good- but when you say that Consciousness is not reality or thar you aren't God, or that Understanding isn't paramount...Well, in your own words, you're just plain wrong. Don't let the door hit you on your way out
  15. Thank you. I enjoy reading your posts too keep them coming.
  16. @Someone here we are not surprised
  17. I awoke after two weeks, simply by staring at my hand. It would take him a millennium. So I think that's obvious. I also leveraged self inquiry and the do nothing methods. He would be hopelessly lost for decades attempting this without the assistance of drugs. This is sad. He has no clue what Being actually is.
  18. That video was missing- I think it's just audio now But seriously guys @MisterNobody I think it ranks up there with some of the best. I give him shit for having crap genetics, but the stuff he puts out is good. Where do guys think it is off?
  19. Are you really Lester from the other forum? If so your personality is much different here. Odd indeed.
  20. Now you are talking. Where the heck have you been?
  21. Dude- he had to take drugs to awaken so how can he rate a classic awakening? How do you think he is going to rate it? It will be corrupted by an awful bias.
  22. @Leo Gura Don't take that as a sign of weakness. I'm still more awake then you will ever be. But that's only because God dealt you a shit hand