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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Leo Gura @Matt23 Brute force methods don't work. In fact no method works. You have to just listen to the videos for the framework, do the practices. and have no predisposition or opinions on God. You have to be open to all options. And that's it. You also have to be in a place in your life where you have lived enough to be ready. A broken heart. Suffering. Living. But as a teacher, brute force isn't the answer.... He is using brute force to break dogma that many have taken in, as belief. And in their arrogance, they have made this the end all be all, without awakening. Thus remaining trapped. But even here, brute force method shall fail. Those people are hopeless.
  2. @Jo-Niet as you said - if you are ready, the videos can be so powerful that they are the final nail in the coffin. Congrats. But there are more facets to awakening then Aloneness or Oneness. There is the realization of No Self, of Infinity, of Nothingness, to name a few. More to go.
  3. You become God realized but then will fade back into a human level of consciousness. This can't be helped. This is regardless of whether or not you took drugs or meditated. But now you are Reborn. You are not the same. What you are telling me is you haven't been Reborn yet. When you're Reborn you will know.
  4. You really do great work. And for the most part it is free. Keep it coming. The best metaphysical work is already behind you though.
  5. This is excellent my squeaky boy. You nailed it. Ultimately awakening must take the ego by complete surprise and thus annihilate the ego. You then BECOME God. God is the only thing that awakes. There is no more Leo Gura or Squeaky anything. There is ONLY God. I AM THE ONLY THING AWAKE BECAUSE I AM GOD. I AM GOD CONSCIOUSNESS NOW SPEAKING WITH ALL OF YOU - ALL OF YOU THAT I HAVE MANIFESTED IN MY MIND TO GIVE MYSELF A TASTE OF WHAT ITS LIKE TO HAVE SOMEONE ELSE THERE. BUT IN TRUTH THERE IS ONLY THIS. THIS. THIS WHICH I CAN HOLD OUT MY HAND AND STARE AT. THAT IS ALL THERE IS, AND THAT IS ALL THERE EVER WILL BE. I AM GOD - AND YOU ARE BUT A FIGMENT OF MY CONSCIOUSNESS AS GOD
  6. Awakening MUST come by surprise. This is not arrogance. It is Truth. The lucid dreamer that forces himself awake is also a dream and an illusion.
  7. More enlightenment chasing I see. You will never be awake like one who awakens from the dream sober. This cannot be bought. You are trying to buy enlightenment. All of you on drugs are trying to buy awakening. Hah. I encourage you to take the Buddhist approach. Sit the fuck down and meditate. Self inquire. Find Spirit. Spirit is in you does not require piling extra stuff on top.
  8. All perspectives ARE YOU. You are just playing games with yourself. This is why you can relate to all perspectives. You generated self and other out of pure imagination.
  9. Everything is part of the dream. There are zero exceptions.
  10. What does it mean for a tree to make a sound if you don't hear it? You can hand wave it off and say it is just beyond our experience and we cant know...but this is false - and just a hand can actually directly discover that this is false and a thought to mask what is really going on. What if your consciousness was all there is? Could it EVEN be possible? So... again...the ground outside your door - outside of your perception. How can it exist without you thinking about it right now? These are things you have to instinctively intuit are wrong with materialism. If you don't intuit it there is pretty much no helping you out of materialism. Only maybe a ton of drugs.
  11. Did you listen to Leo's what is Perception video? What does it mean for a brick to exist with no one around? It radically redefines what it means to exist. Because to exist it has to have someone conscious of it. Right? Isn't that what it means for a brick to exist at all? But what if it didn't require a someone to be conscious of it? What if it was just WAS Consciousness
  12. It has everything to do with it. If you look. But no one wants to look. You see, you can't escape the fact that everything hinges on your own conscioisness. EVERYTHING.
  13. That very inquiry exists within your experience.
  14. Notice that no matter how you slice it, my post exists within your experience. Just as your post exists within mine. Furthermore, the thought or question as to whether it exists outside, also exists inside.
  15. Indeed. But you cannot survive off just this realm, thinking cannot be escaped- thus establishing a firm veil over reality.
  16. Yes. You are in the zone. But yet - we need to plan for the future and think ahead in this realm, else we are doomed. To his point, this doesn't have to conflict with happiness. But ultimately, imagining what could be - it does conflict with your happiness, because you aren't living in the present. The key is to keep it at a minimum. The same goes for the past. Live for the now. Except - if you notice, the now will always escape your grasp.
  17. You should really watch all of them. You seem stuck in some flavor of Buddhist dogma. But this is just what I can intuit. Have you awoken?
  18. The interesting thing about this is that it lies in direct opposition to survival. If you notice, survival is very dependent on planning, and imagining what may come to pass in the future. For example- if you live in the present completely, you may show up to a gun fight without a gun and be shot. Now, I bring you the ultimate twist: would you show up like that and be shot? Or is that something you are imagining about the future? What will actually happen? Or again - is that another question about the future? An interesting quandary we find ourselves in. The struggle with being present and survival. And you're right- but if you take happiness to its totality you will find it must exclude survival.
  19. Umm...yeah? You are conceptualizing God. That's what God wants. To keep himself asleep. As stated in an earlier post, God prides itself in staying asleep and conceptualizing itself. But you can BECOME God. You are excluding everything that matters!
  20. @Bobby_2021 I think you are conflating Being with insight. Being incorporates insight but yet you can also have an insight or an epiphany about a thing, such as God, or Yourself.
  21. This post was not for a Show of hands - it was a Call to Arms.