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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. I will add to this. It is to embrace the dream. It is not to fall into nihilism. Oneness allows you to experience separateness with a greater appreciation and love. And God's love will bring you to your knees and make you weep. Should you realize God you will not be alone but only for a passing moment.
  2. If you want objections you came to the wrong place. All you have to do if you want objections is tell someone you know personally. Listen- you will have an existential crisis. Discovering God is the shattering of the illusion- and unfortunately for the ego it is part of that illusion and will thus be shattered along with it. You will recover though, and you will be reborn. So do not fear God realization. For after God realization fear will be a thing of the past- a thing you will feel only by choice.
  3. @Razard86 it might be time to take a break from the forum. It's not like you're wrong or anything- but it just seems like a break would be healthy. With others being you and all, you seem to spend an awful lot of time and effort trying to convince them of the nature of reality. You might be too swept up in your own dream. That's good- it means you made it juicy enough to trick yourself - and that was the whole point (to make it real). But now go lucid and give yourself a nice break from the realism
  4. To discover that you are alone as God and that there is no Leo but that which exists in your imagination.
  5. Meditation is the most simplified thing you could do. If you begin to make methods out of it - then you have already gone off course.
  6. It is not because your work is not done - it is because you still have an attachment to this world - for whatever reason. So you hold onto it. It was your most beautiful creation - and you take much pride in that. The love you feel for other beings here cannot be fathomed. Cherish this as you walk within your creation. Look all around you and soak it all in. What you have done here as God is amazing - and it is not that easy to walk away from. Even as God.
  7. No my friend - that is what we call death which is awakening. You are stuck on this masamadhi thing where you think that is the only true awakening but it is not. You have not even awakened from this dream yet so how could you even take the step towards masamadhi when you haven't even died yet and returned? One step at a time friend
  8. It would imply that there is something prior to figments of Consciousness and that is Pure Consciousness or Absolute Consciousness. Do not believe for a second that Omniscience cannot be accessed. Absolute Certainty can be attained but you will not be around to attain it. You as God will attain it. Yiu will linger there- before time and space - only to create time and space for your own pleasure. That is what you have done, as Infinity Behold the beauty that you have manifested out of thin air! It seems to be quite a feat - yet to an Infinite God it was but a thought
  9. In God Consciousness you will be omniscient- so yes it is knowing everything. If you were in God Consciousness you could do that. There isn't a maximum degree. It is just a state of God Consciousness. You can be in a state to where you know how you created this universe and why you did. So, states, yes, degrees no.
  10. Not entirely. When you have a natural awakening - you will die - while still in human form. The ego will return but you will be far different from what you were before. This change cannot be denied. You may carry the memory of God, but your heart is altered if you can speak fhe same of a psychedelic awakening then you know of which I speak. If you cannot - then well, it was not awakening
  11. Because you still think awakening has degrees.
  12. There are no rules to how spirituality is done. Thus- Psychedelics must be on the table. But I can tell you first hand that if you asked Leo if he could awaken via meditation or Psychedelics which one he would choose - it would always be meditation. This is because it is much more pure. And I can tell you that awakening to no self pure without psychedelics is the most miraculous thing you could ever experience when you realize you are dreaming this way you will never go back to thinking it was ever a percentage game. You will be God realized, and that will be that
  13. I wouldn't say that. Listen to everything up to Infinity oF Gods. This was a crap episode and I can explain why. After that it was just an episode about not knowing and insight. Both good. Do not equate his work with the Simpsons or I will ban you. Offer something good here.
  14. First off - do not believe Leo because he is part of your own mind. So what you choose to give meaning to is up to you. If you wanna feed Leo that energy- let me assure you- you are barking up a dead tree. His early stuff all the way up to Infinity oF Gods was excellent. But then, with infinity of God's, he fell off. And he fell off big-time. Not knowing was the only good episode he has had since. So please- carve your own path and don't listen to him any more. He had good stuff in the beginning but that was it. With that being said - again - when you wake up from a dream in the morning is that something you have percentages of? No. In spirituality- it is the realization of no self. This is awakening. Because in this you stop being the self and you become God. After that , in God Consciousness- you can and will have thr realization of Inifnity. But that only comes in a non-dual state.
  15. No..i speak not of facets. I speak of waking up. You can wake up from the dream. If you want to say this is a distinct facet of understanding reality I say yes- it is - but it is intertwined with the realization of no self.. and it is fundamental to anything that happens thereafter. THis is awakening from the dream and it is the realization that everything is consciousness.
  16. Thank you for picking up the pieces, as usual. Youre always there, in some annoying way
  17. The effect on someone is a pure result of their OWN pysche!! Nothing more. If someone is damaged then they may misinterpret these teachings and are thus warned not to listen. Are you deaf to all the disclaimers to the mentally ill or unstable?
  18. It's the same practice in my view. Inquiring into the nature of reality and self is meditation and also getting in touch with actuality is meditation. Both are the same because at the root of realizing what you are is Actuality. Have you sat and just stared at your hand for hours on end yer? Don't think- just be in touch with the actuality of your hand.
  19. Indeed I did know. And you knew that.
  20. This is excellent. All you have to do now is realize it for yourself You have all the pieces to the puzzle. Now become the puzzle But yeah - this shift in consciousness is profound because Pure Consciousness was always there. You were always Absolute Consciousness. But you limited yourself via a shift in your state of consciousness. You're current state of consciousness is that of a finite self - with other being anything not you. When this evaporates, with a shift in consciousness, then there is just pure consciousness. But the shift must be total. This means the collapse of the self and other duality. This is a duality and an illusion that can be peeled away. The problem is that this is death. If you have strong attachments to this world the ego will not go softly into the night. It must be by the element of surprise. So the words in these ancient texts are true, but validating them is another matter. Long live the blessed Buddha.
  21. You are complicating meditation. Meditation should be two things. It should be sitting and dwelling in what is actual - free from the mind. And it should be self inquiring. Only these two.
  22. More accurate would be to say that on the ego's return it immediately commences its pursuit of self deception. You had become God. You had become Truth. But the ego cannot allow that. It must bring the dream back into existence and solidify it, for its own survival. This is no different from an awakening via meditation. Although, a natural awakening and a natural ego death, is more powerful than any psychedelic trip. This is because it was not accessed with any cheat code. It was accessed by being actual. By Being. This brings a bliss that taking a psychedelic can only dream of. It also will be forever glued to the memory of God in human form on the return. Far stronger then what God allows to be glued to the memory of the one who trips.
  23. Yes - and to add to that, I would say that well validation lies as a responsibility of the listener. But first an open mind is required. Most come in close minded to begin with - and thus they point out a reflection of their own bias. I don't find any of his public teachings to be irresponsible- for the record, Meaning Gura. He gets irresponsible here on the forum- but that is simply his human nature coming out. With such deep material the responsibility lies with who takes it in and at what level they are at to absorb what is being said. It does not lie with the teacher.
  24. @r0ckyreed it's ridiculously easy to trick them up. The problem is they dont really want to know. They want to remain glued to their beliefs, and you cannot rip them from them. You can only coddle them.