Dumb Enlightened

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Everything posted by Dumb Enlightened

  1. Thank you for the help !!! It was really helpful
  2. You have to make a distinction between the you/the one who is aware and you the thought/self, because the you that you think you are, that is a thought, this one doesn't exist, so by logic, neither does your girlfriend. But the aware you, the you who exists without thought, is the only thing that exist, you look at your girlfriend and you think you are aware of a girl, but the only proof that you have of a girl existing is being aware, so you are aware of awareness itself and a thought comes and say it's a girl. If the thoughts stop your world ends, so do you and everybody else.
  3. Got it, the I who thinks can wake up is a thought, there's no I thinking the thought there's just the thought itself, the thought comes from nowhere, so this I who wants to wake up appears when the thought appears, without the thought there's no one to wake up
  4. My wife is just like this, just yesterday she was crying a lot because of something that happened to her at work, if was I in her place I wouldn't give a fuck, and I was thinking about how to help her, I will try to slowly introduce self-help to her, and make her work on these issues, I think it is an internal work, there's some belief that she has that makes her this way, even the belief that she is a sensitive person can be causing all these reactions to an external situation, but if the person is not willing to change there is nothing to be done besides trying to avoid this external situation that will trigger those reactions.
  5. aks yourself who is suffering ? Who is this you who feels hopeless, who is this ??? ask yourself this, and you will find out that this is a mind made self, made out of thoughts. This you who thinks is suffering is a thought from a conditioned mind. If you think now, "but I am truly suffering" there isn't a you who thinks it, there's just the thought itself, a thought who thinks it exists as a self and thinks it is suffering. But then you could say, "but this and this has happened to me, and I have this and this memory" but what are those if not another thoughts, just more delusion. I think that you right now have a great opportunity to see this mind delusion and finally break free. I know this is a radical approach, of course you can work on yourself, developing and creating a better and healthier self, but why not be free of it right now, and after start over, living a free life.
  6. Well, the only practice I do, I don't know if I can call it practice, is trying to be aware of all the thoughts all day long. At the beginning it requires a lot of effort, but sometime during the day the unconscious thoughts stop, and this "state" of being (completely aware) arises, without any effort anymore. But then after some time, I go back to "sleep".
  7. I've had lots of awakening experiences, I know It can't be called an experience, but anyway it's better to describe this way. Sometimes it will be hours without random thoughts appearing, a complete stillness and emptiness, all the questions vanish, because there's no one to ask questions anyway, but eventually, I fall asleep again (the ego comes back). It has happened lots of times already, and I ask you, why do you think it is not permanent yet ? * I don't do any practices anymore.
  8. The problem is that the ones who are conscious of the nothingness won't go out there talking about, they'll keep quiet, why is that ? Because to whom they'll talk to anyway, but sometimes people read something in a book, think they understood and try to preach it to others. Also, if you were conscious of it, you wouldn't have written this
  9. I agree, no men should suffer because of women.
  10. The greatest realization that you can have in your path to enlightenment is this, it's all bullshit. All the knowledge you think you have, all the things you think you know and understand, if you are honest you have to admit that you know nothing. "How do I know my bicycle really exists when I don't see it ? The answer is; I don't. The better question is; How do I know my bicycle exists when I DO see it ? The answer is; I don't. The best question is; Then how the hell do I know anything exists ? The answer is; I don't." Jed mckenna's theory of everything. The only thing preventing you to become enlightenment right now is this, you still believe that you know something or that reading or doing anything will help you to acquire the right knowledge, if you're on the path to enlightenment for years, studying , dedicating yourself, and nothing has happened, perhaps you had some glimpses here and there, maybe now is time for the final move, to drop everything, burn all your knowledge, all your beliefs. The path to enlightenment can be very, very short, only depends on how much you hate falseness and how tired you are of seeking. Just give up the search now, finally get some rest, realize now that the illusion is perfect, you can't defeat Maya. To give up doesn't mean to do nothing, staying on the couch watching TV all day long, it means that you are gonna do the same things that you have been doing so far, work, family, whatever, the difference is that deep inside you don't accept these things as real anymore, you give up becoming enlightened, you give up finding happiness somewhere , you give up having a life, you just don't give a fuck anymore, you realize that not even physical death will get you free. Once your last attachment is dropped you have no choice but to wake up.
  11. Yeah agree 100%, I know how to type this words, I know how to speak, if I didn't know it and other things I couldn't survive. But is like knowledge is being used in the wrong away, knowledge is being misunderstood as truth. I know that if a drop something it will fall to the floor, but is it truth ? Is something really falling onto the floor ? That's the problem. It's beautiful bullshit, existence is amazing, but nothing will help one to realize truth, but after one does realize, things aren't bullshit anymore.
  12. Actually people aren't like that, people say they don't give a fuck, or maybe they act as they don't, but they actually do give a fuck. I bet they care if they live or die, deep inside they still have lots of attachments to their situations, maybe they still have the hope of some better future, still have hope that they may find freedom someday. And there's not truth in what I am saying, it's bullshit, the only truth is that you exist, everything else is bullshit, everything else is up to believe and interpretation. I write this for those who are tired of seeking, only when you are exhausted you'll call off the search. Obviously this isn't the only way of awakening I suppose, actually I have no idea, I attained no knowledge, I only lost all knowledge, I am not expert in anything, nor can I explain anything about the truth, I am just writing my experience, maybe it can be helpful to someone.