Eric Tarpall

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Everything posted by Eric Tarpall

  1. I don't know. It seems weird to me that you can be seperated and connected simultaniously. I'll check it out. It seems silly to me to put effort into becoming something when I don't even know if it's real. You know? I'll just wait until I die. I'm not preaching. Just asking questions.
  2. Certain things might be worth doing every hour. To keep yourself energized and motivated throughout the day. For example stretching, low intensity exercise, deep breathing, affirmations etc. Or you can do a small task every hour to chip away at a big project.
  3. I agree that you shouldn't distract yourself from problems. But rejection is not a problem. It only becomes a problem when you keep focusing on it and attaching negative meanings to it. You can't go back in time and undo the rejection so it's pointless to think about it. Just move on.
  4. I've come up with a simple practical way to overcome rejection. Move on. What do I mean by that? I mean you keep moving and stay busy. If you do nothing you will dwell on the rejection. When you get rejected just go home and watch Leo's videos. Or play video games. Or do both at the same time.
  5. Ask them if they want sex and if they say no move on. Some of them will say yes. Don't waste your time on having meaningless conversations with girls.
  6. Ugly people are not victims. You don't need sex to be happy in life. And you can get plastic surgery, prostitutes etc. Fear of intimacy. Heterophobia. I have both of these problems. I've had girls try to kiss me but I pushed them away because I was scared.
  7. It's true that only looks matter in sexual relations but the good news is that 99% of people look fine. Most people who consider themselves ugly are not ugly.
  8. In order to grow you need to have multiple perspectives. Including my perspective. And then decide for yourself which one is true. Sometimes the truth is very ugly.
  9. Only looks matter in the dating game. If she cares about how "interesting" your life is she's probably a gold digger. This is the black Truth with a capital T. When I say looks that includes your body language, facial expressions, fashion, items that you carry with you etc.
  10. More proof that democracy doesn't exist. The majority of people wouldn't vote for this.
  11. I know this is kind of a weird question but hear me out. Before you do something you have to make the decision to do it. And it wouldn't make sense if you decide to do something that doesn't benefit you. For example eating glass shards. No one does that. Every decision you make, you make because you think it benefits you. So you want to do things that you decide to do but you might not always like the pain that comes with it.
  12. Usain Bolt Is fast like a lightning bolt. Bill Gates has lots of dollar bills. Doctor Phil is in the business of selling pills to his patients. Leo Gura is a guru. Coincidence?
  13. Not so fast. I said they can change behavior but it's not guaranteed. Don't you think you would be more confident if your name was Sauron the great? Or Napoleon.
  14. There's better ways to articulate this idea. But my mind is not working optimally right now.
  15. But you still want to do it because you want the result right? A clean floor. And goggins wants to do those things because it makes him proud & strong.
  16. You might be able to create daymares in your mind if you practice. I like to visualize fighting a huge monster with a spear.
  17. A flat earth youtuber said that the moon emits cold light. So I decided to test this. I stood in the moonlight and then I stepped into the shadows. And the shadows were warmer than the moonlit area. This is crazy. You can verify this for yourself.
  18. Outside. I don't think it's a placebo because I don't have a desire for it to be true. And I don't trust thermometers because they weren't made by me.
  19. There's many things I hate about modern society but I wouldn't want to go back in time. I would like to visit the past but not stay there.
  20. It's becoming more stigmatized these days but the reason I think that some guys repress their heterosexuality is because they had bad experiences with women. Maybe they got teased by girls in school or girls ignored them. Or they were taught by their parents that sex is dangerous. Some parents don't allow their sons to have female friends because they are afraid that sex might happen. And some parents don't allow their daughters to have male friends for the same reason. This can have lasting effects.
  21. No I don't like masculine women. It's not that I'm generalizing. I know there's shades of gray but it's annoying to always have to point that out. When I say "Why do gay men like feminine guys?" I want people to assume that I mean most gay men. Not all of them.
  22. Maybe because you feel like you have something to lose. I would let go of the desire to own her. Owning girls is pleasurable but it's a pipedream because they have free will.
  23. Those who say they can and those who say they can't are both usually right. Before you do something you have to believe that you can first.
  24. Being "alpha" is simple but not easy. You must decide that you are The Authority. There are no authorities outside of you. Repeat that in your mind until it becomes real.
  25. Eight year old kids are encouraged to "explore their own bodies" by sex education teachers. I think this is wrong. Because masturbation leads to anti social behavior. They should explore the bodies of the opposite sex. Not their own bodies. I started masturbating when I was twelve because I was taught that it's normal. It caused me to be unmotivated to talk to girls.