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Everything posted by Persipnei

  1. Until not so long ago this was exactly my stance. I "understood" the theory, had even had decent insights in the matter, but it stayed in the mind, a toy for my ego to play with. I needed to experience "it" to recognize that the pervasive "field" that had always been a part of me, but I was blind for, was in fact pure love. Not the love that Hollywood portrays, not the needy love in lots of relationships, but infinite, unconditional connection with all that is. I can only wish for you to give this kind of love a chance. I know this sounds incredibly cheesy. Deal with it
  2. @Consept Although we seem to have a slightly different approach to the word, I think we mean the same thing. Selflessness is in my eyes doing the correct thing (whatever it may be, most of what society expects is NOT the correct thing, although we want to believe it is), and selfishness is when you go again the Divine Current (fueled by ego). Defining the correct thing is not easy off course but when I stop thinking I can feel very obviously what is right for me. Not saying it's the Truth, but at least it's mine
  3. Sure, but please keep in mind my signature. Talking/typing about these things tend to invite superlatives. I'm not in any way claiming any "truth". It's my personal experience. 1. An experience that shatters your present set of baseline rules where your reality is built upon. It can be as mundane as the girl you are in love with, says she can't stand you and it breaks your heart. It could be realizing that politicians are not very honest and only in their position for self gain, and it shatters your trust. It could be understanding that cause and effect happen on every level, when you see that the plant you talk to everyday grows faster than your other plants. It could be so pervasive that you doubt anything you ever held for truth. 2/3. Preface: I did my share of halucinogens when I was younger, who gave me nice insights and experiences, but the one I mention was sober (haven't done anything else than ganja in more than 10 years). I have always been a very visual guy, so it's no wonder the experience had a lot of visuals. They weren't the message, though, I think they were just there to bring my attention to the fact something special was about to happen. I have that "6th sense" in life to when something is about to happen. I was very searching at that moment, and had asked for help to -what I called at that time- my higher self. And a day later, unanounced, without trigger, I just "clicked". I was aware of the complete connectedness of everything, everywhere, every time, ... I could "see" (in my minds eye, more like a dreamy impression) cause and effect from the "beginning" of times to the "end", but there was no start, no boundary, so the beginning might as well have been in the middle. The most important thing for me was a feeling of complete trust. I knew (and still do) that the Grand Plan / Life / Reality is perfect and all my egotictic wants are actually going in against the Grand Plan. I instantly understood I was the reason of my troubles, and for 40 years I have believed I was the victim. 4/6/7. This happened about two months ago, and those months had very nice highs and horrible downs. Ego is a strange beast in that it is able to let you "forget" even the most amazing of experiences if it endangers the existance of the ego. An experience is the start, the hard work has just begun for me. The hard work is integrating the experience in daily life and that is a journey that will take the rest of this, and I guess some other lives I did change a lot. I had angry outbursts, was always very nervous, didn't think before I said something... These all are way better now. But for every part that you "fix", you find a few new things to work with. But hey, it's only been 2 months... Edit: Oh yeah, it made me quit my 22 year old Ganja addiction. That can count! 5. It was a wake up call for me, like a rebirth.
  4. @PurpleTree The NATO narrative is indeed what I mean. That narrative has it's origin in English imperialism of the 1700's, that turned into American de facto world leadership in the 20th century. A lot of countries joined later (like germany and austria who had a different narrative until the '50s).
  5. I see Belgium being mentioned. That's where I live. Belgium had 300 deaths / day for years now and it is still the same. The only thing that changed is the reason they die from officially. Most deaths from old age and flu get counted as Covid death without testing, because it is plausible they died from it (official statement, by the way). My uncle died from cancer in june, because his cancer wasn't treated in time due to Covid measures. Guess what's on his death certificate...
  6. The official narrative about the last few centuries as thought in the "West" is written by the imperialistic mindset. I am not an American but have quite some I call friends. They tell me they get told thousands of times how great their country is, what good they did in the world, but he could count the times native americans, the african slave trade or illegal wars in the middle east were mentioned, on one hand. Off course, last year, the slave trade and it's following topic of racism were "hot" for a while, but I'm quite sure it was just to keep us busy. It went faster than it came and except for some empty slogans did nothing to fight racism.
  7. 1) You are very welcome. In a way, expressing this is part of my healing process, so thank you for reading it! 2) I completely agree 3) I'd argue that as long as there was nothing in your life that triggered your feelings about meat, it was not a selfish act. The more and more you realize what your relationship with meat is, the more eating it CAN be a selfish act, but doesn't have to be. I went from 7 days meat a week to 0 days a week to 2 days a week. My body has (currently) need for that little bit of extra proteines and not giving it to my body would be a form of selfishness because the idea would be more important than my body (which is my temple and my Dharma to keep it healthy). 4) I have put a lot of time in reading about the topic since March, from official sources to conspiracy sources. I've put Pasteurs theory next to Antoine Bechamp's, learned about the difference between virusses and exosomes, ... In the end, I understood that I would never be able to make an intelligent choice, because there is no certainty to built on. I realize that my resisting point of view is colored by my experiences and perception, but I want to point out that the trusting mindset on the other side of the spectrum is as much colored and thus inherently not more or less true. My feeling says the vaccine will bring lots of bad shit. I can't stop others from taking it (and why would I, THAT would be selfish ), but I can do what I feel I need to do for myself and my family. Time will tell who (if anyone) was right.
  8. I'd argue following the official narrative is as much refusing to acknowledge the other perspective than is denying or relativating the holocaust. But getting to that understanding is, my in eyes, part of awakening: seeing that every thing is true and not true at the same time, that everything is and nothing is at the same time...
  9. @Yoshy Not everyone gets visuals but I guess it's how reality presents itself to you. I have them too, even more and more when not meditating. Don't give them meaning, because that's a big trap, but appreciate them for what they are: a way of the Source to show some facets of itself to you.
  10. Before we continue this, I'd like you to know where I am coming from. I know a lot of people have had a free upbringing, had a good base (not too much trauma) as a kid and have a lot of self esteem. They mostly have to reign in their ego, to include others. I was physically and mentally broken as a kid and am still recovering, but the first part of my journey was creating self esteem. I also have to reign in my ego, but my side of the coin is learning to show I'm here and I am worth something. Most of my life I did EVERYTHING for others, I can honestly say, for a long time, I had no own thoughts, will, perception than the ones that had literally been punched into me. I am certain that the abuse that was brought on me, was 100% fueled by love from his side. In his eyes, it was not selfish to punch me into his world view, because for him he was doing something selfless (helping me find the right way). This whole propaganda/"not taking the vaccine is selfish" thing feels the same: people who are sure about their "truth" push it on the others, feeling selfless by doing it, but actually being completely selfish since it only includes like minded people. I can't count the times in my life I have stayed silence when I should have said something. The reason for not speaking was because I was afraid of hurting the other, but now I realized, if I had said what I had to say and had hurt the other, I would've given them a wonderful lesson. So... my definition... I would say an action itself is not inherently selfish or selfless. The same action with different intention gives a different result. To go meta: not doing your "Dharma" is selfish.
  11. Yes, you are right, history is written by whoever writes it. What we learn in school (I'm talking Western education, here) is the version of the Euromerican culture, in many ways the winner of modern history. The millions of witness testimonies you talk about also contradict each other. You might at most find a shared base, that you could call 'facts', but even that base is subjective, because that's how people are: biased. I guess I just want to say: history is just another psychosis we give to each other, trying to explain the unclear mess we are living in
  12. I had this feeling when watching the Matt Kahn video about the Pleiadian Prophecy. I was like: this is the purification/the apocalypse he is talking about, and it's coming soon! And then at the end of the transmission he says: "What a beginning, what a beginning!" and I was like: "Oh crap, it's still a few centuries/millenia away..." Thinking like this is as much part of the journey than anything else, I'm afraid. We'll all go through the same psychoses and are amazed when we transcend them.
  13. About that free will <> predetermination... I had troubles with it, but don't see any reason why they both can't be true. I give you an example from my experience: I smoked ganja for 22 years. At least the last 5 years, I was doubting to quit, but I wasn't ready for it. It took me until a few months ago to make the "click", and could only do that after I had the right experiences, had encountered the right information and had felt the right emotions to make that decision. I had complete free will, could have taken the decision 5 years earlier, but didn't because the puzzle pieces where too scattered. So, it was predeterminated I would make the decision WITH my free will, at that certain point. Also, don't be to hard on yourself. I have encountered that self-hate (and do almost daily), but every single step, even your indigo shaman one, is valuable does something. Maybe you just needed to feel absolutely stupid by having that phase so you can learn that it's no problem to have stupid phases? Not saying indigo shaman phases are stupid, by the way.
  14. @Mvrs Yea, it seems like conciousness creates ideas, words empower ideas, form is conciousness focused on ideas just my 2c, baby seeker here
  15. I'd dare to argue humanity has mostly progressed in the opposite way, by becoming more and more attached to this world AND as a species we think we are going the right way: "technology will 'save' us to become more complete" is this generation's new mantra, while I can feel this will just generate another layer of maya and thus devolve our species even more. So, I a sense, progression occurs in different ways, but you can only see the direction coming from your perspective. @electroBeam @Moksha You both seem to have taken quite some steps on the path and seem to have a different approach. If feels to me that Jnana/metaphysics/searching for Truth has more pitfalls (ego backlash opportunities), especially for a (still) way too active brain like mine, fixated on new information. The more I "feel" the less I need an explanation.
  16. Yes. I have seen that It's a very interesting journey and it seems we all take make it in our own unique way.
  17. @electroBeam I have noticed, and you made me very aware of my boatloads of karma with your post I have a lot of work to do.
  18. On these forums you can find quite a bit of links to video's from spiritual teachings. 99% of what these people say is the same, but the way I experience their teachings couldn't be more different. A few teachers a lot of people here seem to really trust, don't touch me at all, even give me a repulsive feeling when checking them out. Others feel trustworthy, but not very special and then there are some that talk straight to my soul and create extreme experiences in my mind's eye. I was wondering why this happens. Since they say the same things, I suppose they must be around the same vibration and thus should kinda give the same feeling to my experience, but they don't.
  19. That's the next step Edit: I was too fast. It's this step! @electroBeam What else is "doing Dharma with full devotion" than Being?
  20. I was a full time meat eater until about 10 years ago. When I started to skip meat a couple of meals a week, I clearly felt more energetic and clearer in my head. I went full vegan, became very weak, then started testing all different kinds of meats, different timespans between meaty meals, ... and came to the conclusion that for my body, the best thing is a 150 gr of organic poultry every 3 days. It depends on your body build, your environment, your actions/work, ...
  21. @Consept Off course you are 100% in your right to leave me in that case. I wouldn't even think you are selfish, you are just doing what you think is best in that situation. Me deciding how you should act would be the real selfish act here.
  22. But even when forced, you have the option to not listen. My grandfather understood the political situation in 1940 and deserted as soon as he was called to serve. He was killed for it. I have my deepest respect for him, that he gave up his life because of his ideals. My father was 2 years old by the way. Propaganda makes people do inhuman things and we clearly haven't learned since then, because the same thing is happening over and over again.
  23. I am really astonished by the energy you guys put up to convince me. Wasn't expecting this on a forum that is about self-actualization. The media tells us that the hospitals are full, but every single doctor and nurse I know tell me something is very fishy (Belgium). They can stay at home, more than ever, and when they work, they have nothing to do since there are almost no patients. Yes, they are just asking us to take it, but they are using their propaganda machine to force you, because people who don't take it are marginalized. I realize that not taking the vaccine means I will never again be able to go to a festival, take a plane, and soon won't even be allowed to go to the store. In essence it will be: take it or leave society. Well... I was ready for that second part long ago. You ask me if I rather die than take the vaccine. Yes I do. Because taking it is acknowledging that they can decide for me, and I am just starting to be myself thanks to self-development. Yes, I prefer to die if the other choice is to live like a slave.
  24. I never saw it coming, it suddenly was hovering above us, not very high, I guess about 100-200 m (325 - 650 ft), round, black with metallic stripes and symbols. It made no noise, although I felt some gentle trembling in my body. After hovering for I guess only a few seconds (but it felt quite long), it blinked and the next frame in my mind, it was very high up and then disappeared. Typing this feels very good, like experiencing it fully again.
  25. @Consept This might seem very weird, but no, I don't think I'd take it. I *might* if my son would still be too young to live without his dad, but that's the only reason I could think off.