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About LoveandPurpose

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  1. I had an awakening, and I’m shook I don’t know what to do.
    I had an awakening, and I’m shook I don’t know what to do.
    That's right.
    Aloneness just means oneness. And oneness just means unity with everything.
    It's not that you're alone and separated. It's that you're are so merged and united with everything that there's nothing you're not intimately connected with.
    When you are having sex, two unite and become one. And this one is then alone (only logical). But this aloneness is really just as close as two can ever get: a total Unity. So there's nothing to worry about. Don't think of sex as aloneness. Think of it as unity.
    What you really seek your whole life is Unity. And now you are like the dog that finally caught its own tail, only to realize, "Hey! But this is just a closed loop! It's all me! Now I have nothing else to unite with! Boo-hoo..."
    But don't forget, you are now fully united, so you don't need anything else to unite with! The circle is complete. Enjoy
    It's almost like you've stuck your dick inside a nice warm vagina and then you say, "Oh man! This sucks! Now I have nowhere to stick my dick." You must realize that you've arrived! The chase is over.
    FYI, if you did a mind-meld with every living being in the universe, you'd be totally alone. How else could it be?

  2. Taking Notes on's videos, am I making a mistake?
    Taking Notes on's videos, am I making a mistake?
    Overkill, bro.
    Don't waste your time hoarding knowledge. Rather just listen and start practicing.
    Maybe just write down 10 bullet points per video. Only the biggest ideas.

  3. Feeling embarrassed about dating curvy girls
    Feeling embarrassed about dating curvy girls
    Probably because you care about how your friends will judge you. Which is of course just you judging yourself via them.

  4. The Challenge Of Being Conscious In Social Contexts
    The Challenge Of Being Conscious In Social Contexts
    What?? No! Just go out and be social and share yourself freely. Why are you constructing this pathetic gloomy narrative?
    Go have fun. Then come back home and meditate your ass off. You can do both.
    Don't make your socializing too serious. A Buddha should be able to go out to a bar and drink some beers with some strangers and talk shit. Then return to his Buddhahood.
    Remember, life is long and you got plenty of time to space stuff out. You don't have to do it all at once.

  5. Just Finished Life Purpose Course
    Just Finished Life Purpose Course
    1) Be ware of turning the art of mental-masturbation into your life purpose. A purpose needs to have an IMPACT statement component. We covered this in the course. What IMPACT are you planning to make on people/world? Generating ideas is not an impact. Eating cake is not an impact. Having sex with a hot girl/guy is not an impact. Taking notes is not an impact. Organizing your closet is not an impact. Reading a book is not an impact.
    2) The domain of mastery is like the vehicle you most want to learn and use to make your impact.
    Like, if my impact is to kill people, my domain of mastery will be explosives, or firearms, or swordfighting, or nuclear physics, etc.

  6. Stuck in Life Purpose Course
    Stuck in Life Purpose Course
    To find your life purpose you could just go with something you find interesting and then try to get really good at that.
    there is research in cal newports book so good they can't ignore you that study how people end up loving what they do and what they did was basically getting good at something they found interesting.
    the research shows that if you are looking for passion you will have to get good at something and then it comes as a side effect not before.
    to get good I recommend looking at deliberate practice and deep work and something called the dan plan you could start something similar like he did there is great rewards from doing it.

  7. Stuck in Life Purpose Course
    Stuck in Life Purpose Course
    @Meretagh If you don't know your life purpose yet, your life purpose should be to find your life purpose.
    Which should be enough to get you seriously interested in reading books about LP and doing research.
    Do you want to live a passionate life?
    Then how can you not be passionate about reading a few books about how to create a passionate life???
    That's like wanting to be a millionaire but then saying, "Oh man... I don't want to read these books about becoming a millionaire."
    Think it through. Connect the dots.
    As I said in the Life Is A Maze video, you're in a maze whether you like it or not. So you might as well get curious and passionate about doing research to figure this maze out. You got something more important to do?
    To be successful at life you gotta love learning about how life works. Why don't you love learning about life?

  8. Do You Guys Finish The Leo's Life Purpose Program ? How Has Your Life Changed?
    Do You Guys Finish The Leo's Life Purpose Program ? How Has Your Life Changed?
    You can certainly rake in millions of dollars with consciousness work. The one thing every human being needs more of is consciousness. There is nothing more valuable to human beings.

  9. 2017 in review, or why I no longer need
    2017 in review, or why I no longer need
    To understand 2017, you must understand the years before that.
    2014 - SURVIVE
    It was the year that I had athletics ripped away from my life
    It was the year that I saw my parents get divorced
    It was the year that I had my grades plummet, at the time ruining what I thought were my chances for a good career
    It was the year that I broke up with, at the time, the love of my life
    It was the year that I thought life was meaningless, the world was meaningless, and that I was meaningless
    It was the year I almost killed myself 
    2015 - WAKE UP 
    It was the year that I began following
    It was the year that I invested in the reading list
    It was the year that I invested in the life purpose course
    It was the year that I began  to watch every single video I could.
    It was the year that I was getting ready to finish college and began experimenting with my own business ideas
    It was the year that I was just beginning to wake up to a better life.
    It was the year that I truly began to explore the nature of consciousness.
    It was the year that I experimented with psilocybin, LSD, DMT, and several monster doses of 5-meo DMT
    It was the year that I created a 5-meo-DMT neurofeedback protocol 
    It was the year that I studied under zen masters like Brad Warner, Doshin Roshi, and Peter Ralston
    It was the year that I discovered who I really was on an existential level (THAT)
    It was the year that I recognized the importance of personal values. 
    It was the year that I began to understand the nature of true contemplation.
    It was the year that I began to figure out a real vision for my life beyond just money or power
    It was the year that I began writing my thoughts down religiously
    It was the year that I began to realize that its possible to have abiding, joy and love for oneself -- and truly grasp what that feels like. 
    2017 - PLANT THE SEEDS
    It was the year that I earned better life by embodying my self-derived philosophies
    It was the year that I got comfortable with Not Knowing. 
    It was the year that I doubled down on the importance of taking 100% responsibility 
    It was the year that I got a perfect score on the MCAT after 550 hours of study
    It was the year that I competed on American Ninja Warrior and Broken Skull Challenge
    It was the year that I worked as a photographer then a cognitive neuroscientist and now a professional videographer 
    It was the year that I began seeing out of the eyes of yellow, then turquoise, and now Coral
    It was the year that I cleaned my room each morning, slayed my dragons each night, and saved the girl in the long run.
    It was the year that I began dating a turquoise woman (and my fucking god it's so much better than dating someone at lower level.)
    It was the year that I began waking up everyday excited to know that I could die that day
    It was the year that I realized that life = happiness
    It was the year that I realized that love = a behavioral commitment to raising the quality of a being, no matter what and for no particular reason
    It was the year that I quit sugar
    It was the year that I quit the porn, masturbation, orgasm cycle
    It was the year that I quit sleeping in
    It was the year that I  finally understood what 'take 100% responsibility' meant on an existential level.
    It was the year that I finally became 100% financially independent.
    It was the year that I realized that ultimately everything we do is an attempt to recreate joy in our lives as an expression of love for our life, the people around us, and the world itself.
    It was the year that I realized that all work, all development, all things come down to simply loving oneself unconditionally and seeing yourself, the world, and everyone as perfect yet still able to get better. Perfection is a process of improvement, not an end goal.
    It was the year that I realized that there's no proof, no contemplation, no lover, no teacher, no exercise, no psychedelic, no practice, no accomplishment, no thing at all that can make you love yourself or show you why you love yourself because unconditional love is unconditional.
    It was the year that I realized that nothing can take away the fire of unconditional love that lies at my very core because everything that would try to take away that fire would just be more of that fire itself.
    It was the year that I realized that this is not some teaching and that any explanation of the above is useless, as seeing, feeling, and being the fire that burns is an experiential thing that goes beyond all talk and all philosophy yet is available at all times.
    It was the year that I realized that that is enlightenment. That conscious existentence is itself just a ride meant to show you the strength of that fire and that such existence is enlightenment thus everything you have ever consciously experienced is itself enlightenment and the entire universal consciousness of all things possible in all times in all possible realms is enlightenment.
    It was the year where I stopped trying to become enlightened because I AM. (Then again, if you're on this forum I can basically guarantee that you're not mentally ready enough to appreciate what it means to stop trying. So don't listen to 99.999% of the fools who parrot the words 'stop trying to become enlightened' --- It's only through all of the trying and all of the struggle that you'll even begin appreciate why it is that there's nothing to try for when it comes to loving yourself and the world for being perfect yet capable of getting better. So give it your best, do absolutely everything you can, and then you'll get that all you have to do is see that you've been perfect this whole time. To skip straight to the end ruins the fun; there's no shortcuts when there is no path.)
    It was the year that it became normal for me to cry out of pure joy while living everyday life. 
    It was the year that I could truly say I no longer need although its nice to visit every once in a while.
    What about 2018?
    The theme for this new year:
    So thanks, @Leo Gura
    I'd like to chat with you about some very interesting ideas I had regarding spiral dynamics levels past turquoise. I genuinely believe I can help you with the new level, as its part of my own life purpose to get a minimum of 100 men and women to Coral before I die. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on the planet who could help you with this, as no one else understands enough about spiral dynamics and is high enough to help you. 
    P.P.S. for anyone else curious
    The difference between Turquoise and Coral has a lot to do with facing death everyday through some form of BODYMIND practice like martial arts, big wave surfing, or extreme hiking, That is, whereas Turquoise faces death form the perspective of the MIND BODY as by psychedelics or meditation, coral level people face it in a "physical" sense from the perspective of the BODYMIND. So whereas I might place Ramana Maharshi at Turquoise, I would place Bruce Lee at Coral because Bruce Lee can understand everything RM is talking about regarding consciousness, but RM won't recognize everything Bruce Lee might talk about regarding moving his body toward an opponent. Both have experienced death from the MINDBODY perspective (deep meditation), but Bruce practices death from the BODYMIND perspective (a rear-naked chokehold, for example) and thus Bruce is at a higher level. 
    Moreover, the levels past Coral are bad ass versions of the lower tier levels, but they can only be accessed once one gets down to the physical embodiment of one's philosophy as by Coral level thinking. I know you know that, but the actual vision of what it looks like is the key here and that is what I'd like to talk to you about over Skype (there are body language nuances that I won't be able to convey through text). 

  10. 2017 in review, or why I no longer need
    2017 in review, or why I no longer need
    @HII  The best source that I've explored regarding going deep on it's details
    Ken did like 30 years of research on it and just put it in 1 program as a summary of all his work on integral spirituality/psychology.  Although it's quite pricey






  11. What is sexual attraction?
    What is sexual attraction?
    @Lento The contemplation of questions like What is desire? is an important aspect of this work.
    Don't poo-poo it, is the point.

  12. Unconditional happiness and letting go are the two most powerful techniques.
    Unconditional happiness and letting go are the two most powerful techniques.
    Good, this is called Wu Wei, or effortless action.
    Your spirituality is skin deep if it is forced, premeditated, or mechanical. The key is to make it a seamless activity of your whole life, your natural way of being.
    Spontaneous action from a place of surrender and presence is the goal of all our work.

  13. Rate Your Current Happiness
    Rate Your Current Happiness
    As soon as you start rating happiness, you'll lose it.
    The proper answer is: who gives a fuck? Reality is whatever it is and you feel however you feel at any given moment. Don't confuse true happiness with mood. That can be a serious error.
    Trying to "lock in" a happy mood is very counter-productive. You are guaranteed to fail at that.
    If you want real happiness, stop caring whether you're dying or being tortured. Then you'll be happy. And nothing less than that will hold up.

  14. Fruit flies and pedophiles
    Fruit flies and pedophiles
    Capital S, capital L.

  15. Fruit flies and pedophiles
    Fruit flies and pedophiles
    Love and forgiveness is the solution in such a case.
    What such a "test" is testing you for, is the breadth and depth of your love.
    If you fail the "test", that's okay too. You'll just suffer more.
    The cure to all forms of abuse is deeper self-love, both for the parent, the child, and the abuser.
    It's very counter-intuitive because when your survival is deeply threatened the last thing you want to do is love. It takes great wisdom, bravery, heart, and consciousness to be able to love in such situations. And therein lies the "test". Such situations reveal your true level of development. Highly developed beings are capable of embracing it with love. But of course this is rare among humans. We are a crude species.
    Deeper self-love is the cure to all trauma and injustice.

  16. My dad is on the fence about taking mushrooms, advice?
    My dad is on the fence about taking mushrooms, advice?
    The whole point of spirituality is to face what is true and face all of one's fears.
    Your father will never awaken so long as he fears seeing sinister astral beings.
    All fear is fear of one's own consciousness. And until this is full realized, one will never awaken.
    He should take psychedelics precisely because he fears them. What he really fears is himself.

  17. How would you help the world reduce their ego and raise consciousness?
    How would you help the world reduce their ego and raise consciousness?
    lol, for a guy who didn't accept to live his life as a black that's funny.

    makes me remember :
    "There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
    Aldous Huxley
    lot of great quotes by the way / with the right perceptions
    He wrote about psychedelics before everyone in USA. ( writting the door of perceptions and the divine within (enlightened writting) )
    Especially this quote that should be contemplated :
    "Everyone who wants to do good to the human race always ends in universal bullying."
    make me think.

  18. I want to show people the limitations of science, but there is a problem
    I want to show people the limitations of science, but there is a problem
    This is a very deep ignorance to correct in someone. A person who believes that there is no value in existential investigation is hard to convince that it has value. It requires serious inquiry to start to appreciate the limitations of things like language, science, psychology, culture, etc. Only very seriously openminded and curious people will go down that rabbit hole.
    Entire books could be written (and have been written) about the limitations of science, language, and psychology. It requires a lot of reading, research, and personal contemplation to start to see a big enough picture, then the limitations become glaring. Until then it will appear like there are no problems.
    In practice maybe just skirt around the issue. Rather than trying to convince people that science or language is limited, just teach them whatever helpful thing you want to teach them which is beyond those limits. If you teach people helpful techniques they won't really care if it's "scientific" or not. People are suckers for effective, practical techniques that can help improve their life.

  19. Addictions- Why am I repeatedly drawn to it?
    Addictions- Why am I repeatedly drawn to it?
    You can't replace a bad habit with nothing. You need a new healthy habit instead.

  20. Addictions- Why am I repeatedly drawn to it?
    Addictions- Why am I repeatedly drawn to it?
    That's karma and requires consciousness to overcome.
    You are stuck operating from the lower chakras, as they say. You basically live like an animal, shitting whenever you feel like it and then complaining about the mess.

  21. Why I can't get laid just behaving authentically? Why I have to follow the rules?
    Why I can't get laid just behaving authentically? Why I have to follow the rules?
    Also remember that girls are not saints. Fundamentally mating is about survival for both man and women alike. So of course you will be judged by how well you fit into the other's survival needs.
    Girls are not obligated to love you no matter how you are. If your authentic way of acting is to be serial killer or some creeper, girls will rightfully reject you.
    Being authentic does not guarantee any level of results. Usually when we say "be authentic" we assume you will be acting within certain norms and criteria which girls find valuable and attractive.
    It can be easy to fool oneself into thinking that one's neuroses, bad habits, lack of socialization, and egotistical quirks are "authentic".
    Ex: Farting when you feel like it might be authentic, but don't expect it to attract girls off the street.

  22. What are the most relialble /convincing sources about societal and adult development?
    What are the most relialble /convincing sources about societal and adult development?
    Frederic Laloux has written a book about stages of development of organizations and used Wilber's nomenclature in doing so. It's called Reinventing Organisations. I totally vouch for it, it's a great book.
    In this book he has listed people working on development thories starting with:
    Ken Wilber A Brief History of Everything Integral Psychology Jenny Wade - Changes of Mind And others like:
    Don Beck - Spiral Dynamics Susanne Cook-Greuter - Ego Development Georg Feuerstein - Structures of Consciousness James Fowler - Stages of Faith Carol Gilligan - In a Different Voice Clare W. Graves - The Never Ending Quest Robert Kegan - In Over Our Heads Lawrence Kohlberg - The Philosophy of Moral Development Jane Loevinger - Ego Development Jean Piaget - The Psychology of the Child

  23. A little rant/reflection of disillusionment + A question about University/College
    A little rant/reflection of disillusionment + A question about University/College
    For all my life, I have always had a sense of entitlement to Life Purpose and Success. When I was young I read heaps of self help and personal development. My young unaware mind eventually ventured down the path of The Secret and Abraham Hicks. I became hooked on consuming that content because it allowed me to avoid emotional difficulty. However, because I was young, I had no clue that I still had to actually face emotional difficulty to get anywhere worth getting in life. I just assumed being a self help junkie and mentally masturbating was the key to happiness. I fell into a deep depression due to my lack of self awareness and overall weakness and laziness. Now I am in the process of clawing my way out into reality and every shred of happiness I feel  grateful for because I don't deserve anything I have in my life. I have been given awesome life circumstances and amazing opportunities and I know it's my moral obligation to pull my bootstraps up and raise consciousness for others.  I feel shameful how much I complain. 
    So in the past few months outside of high school, reality is starting to hit home. I realized I am not entitled to anything. Although I was a successful leader in high school and I was always told I was going to be great this does not actually equate to anything in the real world. The real world is full of people who just want to live their lives who won't usually give anything to you. They don't owe you anything. They are not your teachers patting you on the head saying good boy. Additionally, in the real world there is a lot more fear and uncertainty in starting things.
    This has hit home harder when I see small YouTube channels who are unremarkable copycats doing nothing. This hits home harder when I realise half-assing life will not get you anywhere and is quite childish. I realise I need to be profoundly practical, effective and courageous which is painful and hard work. I need to reactivate deep courage and push through the emotional difficulty.
    I have so bloody much to work on and I realise the Life Purpose course was the absolute best thing for me. Leo really says it how it is and sometimes it is scary and hurts but I am so grateful this random man on the internet is fucking generously providing all this education. It's really inspiring for a young man to see that there are people out there who are actually giving. Who are genuine loving leaders who really care and are ethical. (I know I am kissing ass a bit but Idgaf) If Leo wasn't courageous we wouldn't be here and right now and I would probably be lost in low consciousness. 
    Finally, I have a question in and amongst this reflection.
    Last year I was accepted into an 'exclusive' Business Leadership course at my university (What a disillusionment this was). However, I have realised that I could easily educate myself better. I could read a book a week really hone down and focus on what I need to learn and hustle hard. But the thing is I don't know if that's my laziness and inability to face emotional difficulty speaking or somewhere I need to be courageous and drop out. Just because the course is 'exclusive' doesn't mean shit but at the same time dropping out could be a strategic blunder. Also my parents who are mostly stage blue are very much against me dropping out and I live under their roof. 
    I have been searching through the forum for Leo's answers on University/College. However, I couldn't find anything I could sink my teeth into. I also realise this has to be ultimately my decision and my judgement. I am putting this out there and seeing what comes back.
    Thank you in advance. I don't expect anything ( but I am hoping really hard here dawg)

  24. How to deal with constant doubt?
    How to deal with constant doubt?
    By realizing that by not making a choice, you've made the worst choice.
    Your heart tells you what the right path is. But do you dare to listen to it?

  25. Confused about LP and its relationship with meaning/desire
    Confused about LP and its relationship with meaning/desire
    That is the paradox of life. All meaning is imaginary, so what kind of meaning do you want to imagine? If you don't imagine consciously, you will imagine unconsciously. Not imagining is not an option. You are going to imagine something. You are going to create something. So what do you want to create?
    Life purpose and detachment are not opposites, they go hand in hand.