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Everything posted by LoveandPurpose

  1. make posts like this j u s t k i d d i n g, how would you complete it? Some food for thought.
  2. @BjarkeT Sounds better than my approach until now! Thanks my dude
  3. @BjarkeT Nice article. Do you think studying 5 hours a day is too much?
  4. @ajasatya Good idea, thank you!
  5. @ajasatya I don't quite understand what you mean. My subjects are: english, mathematics, german and psychology.
  6. @Rigel @Sahil Pandit Good ones!
  7. I asked myself if being conscious/completly present could be a main goal in every situation. Or is it sometimes hindering oneself? An example: When being conscious while playing football I noticed that I feel the exhaustion more intensely and I lose motivation to push myself and win the game. Thinking and creating a purpose helped in that situation.
  8. @flowboy Calms me down to hear some approval, thank you! So you think that this (letting it go) is the right choice?
  9. Day 2 out of 37 Study Time: 3h 10min (Time for School in total: 3h 50min , had to organize material for 40min) (I'm writing this a day later) What went well: - reading my 'Mindset' posts in my journal where I wrote down things that I learned to be relevant, e.g. "Memento Mori, always see the bigger picture, patience, minding perfectionism, always doing my best then trusting the process, gratitude...), felt good, will do that the following days - listening to Eckhart Tolle for 10 minutes really calmed my mind down and made me feel better - although I didn't push through at the last hour of the day, I still, although it's hard (perfectionsim), accept that ~4 hours spent on school are alright What I will improve tomorrow: - I had a little ego backlash at the end of the day. I ate not so healthy, fat food and wasted an hour on my phone. I saw that backlash coming, considering that a few days ago all I did was that, only a few times worse. So: watch out for the ego backlash. - I was stressed the entire fucking day. Tense body. Feeling physically really bad. Mentally not in a good place. I noticed that my motivation for this project is really neurotic. Here are a few things that motivate me right now to get ""p e r f e c t g r a d e s"": fear: not being able to do what I really want later in life because I can't show the required grades (although unlikely, because for studying I can to another country where grades don't matter to go into university and when I go my own way it doesn't matter either, yet it's still in the back of my mind) regret: connected to the point above. Regretting that I didn't use this opportunity and gave it my all. reaction to my procrastinating ass: I procrastinated 1 1/2 weeks. To make up for it I set myself this goal. These negative motivations really effected my mental and even physical health. I'm not feeling good right now. I can't keep this up for the next 5 weeks. It would break me. I'm feeling bad and I make some people around me feel bad. I knew I had to make changes. So I more or less decided to strategize the next day, reconsidering my motivations and reconnecting with my authentic desires. Day 3 out of 37 Study Time: / Today I slept an hour extra and went into nature with two friends and my brother to meditate. Putting myself first, taking care of myself. I tend to neglect that. Two major things I realized: I need to be more conscious. More present. Being more conscious dissolves many of my neurotic tendencies. This whole "perfect grades"-thing might be hindering me. I don't need that. I just have to be conscious and have the goal to study that day. The rest is just fiction creating problems. When I'm doing my best every second, the best that could happen will follow. I can't do more than do my best. And when doing my best doesn't align with my expectations, I'll still be disappointed although I did all that I can do. So I think that I'll let all that shit go. Just study study study while being present. Doing it like a dance (as Alan Watts would say). Enjoying it. Enjoying life. A few weeks ago I studied while being completly present and not only was it extremly pleasant, I also felt like I could think about and remember the material better. Presence & Action That'll be my purpose for the remaining 34 days. I think.
  10. @tenta Well, that may be true to some extent but the main driver for this motivation is that I fear not being able to do what I want to do later in life because of my grades not being good enough.
  11. This one is perfect for anyone with a Life Purpose or anyone who is on a mission.
  12. Day 1 out of 37 Study Time: 4h 10min What I did well: - I'm content with my study time - during the breaks I didn't think about school - although I wanted to quit at the end I pushed through the last 25 minutes What I will improve tomorrow: - be less stressed when studying: I noticed a while ago that I study the best when I'm really calm, almost meditating. Today I was really neurotic. Maybe start meditating again - raise the study time to about 5 hours - be more disciplined with my breaks (I took a longer break than I should) - think more about the "why" behind this project and create a motivating vision out of that + figure out a specific goal I am happy with today. I would call it a success. Tomorrow I will do even better. Let's get this bread
  13. I find myself having trouble truly accepting/loving myself. How do I get to a place where I'm fully okay with myself?
  14. Very good points! Especially with the "why" behind it. Will think about that. Thank you @flowboy !
  15. @flowboy So true man! Glad I could help, you are very welcome!
  16. @Theta This was very helpful, thank you so much!
  17. Very useful, thank you @Commodent !
  18. @Truth Addict Yes, I think that's an extremly important factor. Yet I think that deep inside I don't really believe that I can do it. Past experiences (repeating a year) and procrastinating the last 1 1/2 weeks makes me believe that a) I'm not smart enough and b) I don't have enough time/I could be ahead if I didn't waste those 1 1/2 weeks although my parents told me yesterday that they always thought I'm smart and last year I was the second best student in my class. How can I identify and break all limiting beliefs? And how can I let go of the past. Those 1 1/2 weeks still haunt me a bit and rob me of energy. I subconsciously think I have to hurry, but I should go slow and careful. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
  19. @studentofthegame Thank you!
  20. @studentofthegame Good luck to you! I believe in you and thanks for your tips!
  21. @flowboy Props for having the courage to watch it! And I know that feeling of thinking that one is less developed than assumed. Painful, but hohesty and acceptance is the first step of change. I also don't yet know what to do with the information. It's such a big shift. I feel that it would be the right path, but doubt and attachment hinders me from letting go. Please update me if you can implement that knowledge. And don't forget to be kind to yourself. You deserve it!
  22. Although I slept ~12 hours yesterday to catch up on lack of sleep, started my day with exercising (running, stretching, lifting), then took a cold shower and ate a healthy meal I still feel some tiredness in me. I also take vitamin pills and eat vegan. I seems that even when I get enough sleep I am still tired. What could be the cause and how do I fix it?
  23. @SageModeAustin That's a nice technique, thank you!
  24. @Nahm Yes, I neglected listening to my emotions. Time to do that! Thanks Nahm!
  25. @Serotoninluv Ahh I see! Thank you!