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Everything posted by LoveandPurpose

  1. @Elisabeth Well on the one hand it went terrible The powerpoint presentation was broken and because of time issues I had to stop speaking after 5 minutes. And I noticed that most of the students weren't even listening/interested. (Maybe because the talk was in the afternoon) BUT: My personal goal was to be completly authentic, something that I struggle with, and I achieved that Also, one person wrote me afterwards and now we're talking about it and sharing ideas. So despite everything, I'm happy Yet I ask myself: Was I the the reason for them not being interested? I don't know. It was late in the afternoon so after a whole day they probably just wanted to go home. But maybe I designed the talk too complicated. Two people who read something about it already said that didn't think they would have understood what "observe your thoughts" meant if they didn't have the knowledge beforehand. But maybe that's because of the nature of the topic. Thank you for asking
  2. It's relieving to know I'm not alone. I'll see what works best for me. Thank you!
  3. @bejapuskas How do you activate your fourth chakra? No, currently I'm not on NoFap.
  4. @bejapuskas Those who I know are, but it's in a "special class" where I don't know 2/3 of them.
  5. @Nahm @cetus56 @Salvijus @bejapuskas @Serotoninluv @TheAvatarState @Elisabeth @Aaron p @AlwaysBeNice I'm recruiting you all one more time to ask you one important question I am pretty nervous when giving a talk (pretty sure due to self worth/esteem issues). Tomorrow is the day and I already experience this unsettling feeling. Should I just try to be aware of these feelings and be present (awareness alone is curative) or should I try to think positively that I got this, everything will go well etc.?
  6. @Cocolove @bejapuskas That is true. I try to not go down the rabbit hole too much ("You are consciousness, which is absolute infinity and nothing at the same time." / "To experience you're God you have to die". ) I try to introduce them gently into this topic by showing them mainly that spirituality will improve their well-being which is covered by the illusion of their mind. At the end I mention that I just scratched the tip of the iceberg and that if anyone got interested they can research that themselves and that I can give them some resources to do that.
  7. @Nahm Thank you for your kind, encouraging words
  8. How do you think the approach should differ? I'm graduating btw
  9. @cetus56 @Salvijus @bejapuskas @Serotoninluv @TheAvatarState @Elisabeth @AlwaysBeNice @Aaron p Thank you all very much! Unfortunately, I don't have the time to respond to each answer, but I took everything you said into consideration and it helped me a lot!
  10. I have a strong desire to save the world. Creating a harmonious living together by all of humanity, peace on earth. Imagine that, it would be so wonderful. I think a very big role in this endeavor is spirituality. Enlightenment of all humans would solve this problem. Currently, I try to have as much positive impact in my daily life on my fellow men as possible by working on myself on a spiritual and also psychological level. How can this be achieved? What else is there that I can do? Perhaps career-wise (I'm 19, so many doors are still open).
  11. @Aakash Will do, but for now could you please tell me in one sentence the concern?
  12. Just by consciously thinking the thoughts that you want your subconscious to be?
  13. @BjarkeT @bejapuskas @MsNobody Thank you!
  14. There's something spiritual about the last part of this song, beginning at 02:30. Please give it a listen and tell me what you think
  15. @okulele Those are some really good ones
  16. @Key Elements Amazing ted talk! I'm getting more and more the sense that for me the good life is the simple life. Do you know anything about the causes of the healths problems of the monks? Love this. How it is incorporated in your life purpose, so that I can get an idea on how this can be done?
  17. @Serotoninluv I am very interested in what it was and what it is now.
  18. @DocHoliday Very nice analogy, getting Alan Watts vibes from it. Thank you very much
  19. @bejapuskas How do you do that? By having a genuine, selfless interest for truth?
  20. @fewrocker What is your vision?
  21. @TheAvatarState thank you my dude!
  22. @TheAvatarState Yes, absolutely, this question isn't relevant. Relatively, I think it is. So your answer would be to expand your own consciousness? (If I'm wrong here, please tell me. The spiral dynamic videos are still on my watchlist so I may have an incomplete/inaccurate model of reality right now.)