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Everything posted by ground

  1. The methods discussed on this forum cannot replace medical treatment where medical treatment is necessary.
  2. @Arhattobe Are you trying to mix buddha dharma with something else? I am asking because you are negating 'individuated self' whereas buddha dharma is negating self. your negation could be understood as an implicative negation whereas the negation of buddha dharma is a non-implicative negation. But maybe I am getting you wrong. Anyway if your intention is to disseminate buddha dharma then this forum certainly isn't the right place to do so and if you are trying to mix buddha dharma with something else then why? Anyway, I am sure you will ignore my words and do as it pleases you
  3. As to like and dislike or pleasure and suffering there are different levels of being conditioned: 1. Conditioning on the level of human conscious being (being conditioned as a human being) and 2. Conditioning on the individual level of human conscious being (being conditioned as Peter or Mary or John or Jenny)
  4. Nothing is predetermined. How could anything be predetermined since there is no inherently existing causality?
  5. It is impossible not to identify with fear because fear arises exactly because of deceptive identification(s). In your case it is obviously social fear, fear of others and their judgement. The reason is low self esteem. Funnily a big ego actually would be helpful in case of such social fears. But this of course contradicts the spiritual intention to undermine ego. On the other hand seeing self as that what it is goes hand in hand with seeing others as that what they are and the result is also loss of fear. But be aware that the result of egolessness is not only loss of fear of judgement by others but also loss of erotic interest in girls. So maybe not get involved in egolessness too deeply?
  6. Painfulness may arise through identifying with what arises in one's mind. But the 'I' is not the thoughts/recollections arising. And the 'I' is not feelings or emotions arising due to thoughts. If you could spontaneously remove the sentiment of 'I' then thoughts where 'I' occurs would still arise. So just let thoughts be just thoughts. 'I' actually is like space because no substance of 'I' can be found, neither in thoughts nor feelings/emotions. So since 'I' is like space let thoughts arise, don't follow them, don't identify with them and they will simply dissolve in that space leaving no trace. you can trust in that space that you are. Space cannot be hurt. Space is imperturbable. Space has neither center nor periphery. Space is unbounded openness. Relax into that space that you are. Meditate according to these lines.
  7. Imputation of true existence to an alleged agent of movement entails appearance of movement. The illusion ceases when imputation ceases.
  8. you do not have to get rid of anything because enlightenment will manage everything. you should know however that emotions are as delusional as thoughts are and you should neither let them be your unquestioned guides nor cling to them as 'my' or 'mine'.
  9. If you experience sth, i.e. 'sth' meaning that the experience can be named as this or that, then it is merely a conceptual fabrication. All names/labels are fabrications. In actuality there is no true insight and talking about 'insight in' in the affirmative is ultimately delusional. As a matter of fact many spiritual traditions nevertheless are talking of/about insight. If so it should be understood as an instance of preliminary teaching. All teachings are preliminary because you have to start somewhere. If you keep investigating into the answer you've found then you'll find out that it cannot bear analysis. Why? Because it is just conceptual fabrication.
  10. 'conducive' was the word I used. E.g. when due to conditioning one would - without discipline - impulsively act in a way that would have results which are not conducive to the goal of liberation. In such a case discipline that entails refraining from impulsive action is advisable and conducive.
  11. Vipassana is also called 'insight meditation'. Usually concentration is the primer on the basis of which vipassana is conducted because concentration leads to calm abiding which is the prerequisite for insight. Breath can be used as both, as an object of concentration to attain calm abiding and/or as an object to attain insight into impermanence. Deepened concentration meditation can also lead to entering the form realm or even the formless realm. These are just other modes of consciousness which have nothing to do with vipassana and are temporary, i.e. they do not last longer than the meditation session does last ... with a little bit of 'hang-over' during a short period of post-meditation. In contrast to this the fruits of vipassana meditation do affect post-meditation perceptions/experiences. What I have sketched here is buddhist view. So maybe Leo uses the same terms 'vipassana' and 'concentration' but defines those terms differently ... ?
  12. There is no contradiction between discipline and freedom. Why? Because you can freely decide to apply discipline or not. One who knows freedom knows when discipline is advisable and conducive.
  13. What you call 'unquestioned assumption' is the manifestation of delusion. It is actually not a conceptual/intellectual assumption in the first place but a sentiment/intuition that is inherent in sense perception as such. On top of that intuitive delusion there may then arise conceptual/intellectual assumptions or even assertions. So if sense perception is missing, like in conventional 'imagination', it may feel as if 'less real'. But both, sense perception and imagination, are equally empty of truth.
  14. 'Mind' can be understood to be 'ordinary mind' or 'mind-as-such'. 'Ordinary mind' is common mind or deluded mind that is guided by conceptuality and feelings/emotions. 'Mind-as-such' is the essence of 'ordinary mind', is 'ordinary mind' emptied of conceptuality and feelings/emotions and delusion, 'Ordinary mind' is like a veil concealing the fundamental nature of 'mind-as-such'. One may also say: 'Mind-as-such' is the gap between thoughts. Awareness as it is understood in the context of enlightenement is an awareness that knows itself. This awareness is beyond time and location and is a feature of 'mind-as-such'. To 'transcend mind' means to transcend 'ordinary mind' and means to be introduced to the nature of 'mind-as-such'. Having been introduced to the nature of 'mind-as-such' awareness lightens up.
  15. The issue here is fear, not death. Negating death won't help as negating 'I' won't help. The conditional circumstances of human beings are such that since the thoughts 'I', 'my', 'mine' appear unceasingly the thought of death appears unceasingly. Continuously one faces news of people having died and is reminded of one's own impermanence. And death may happen in any moment. One cannot know when it will happen. Some lucky people do not know fear of death and some are fearful but can live with it. Some however are very fearful of death and suffer. So how to get rid of this fear if one belongs to those plagued by fear of death? All religions are offering their own specific beliefs to deal with it. One can have a try. One can also try psychotherapeutic treatment if the fear causes suffering or gets overwhelming from time to time. Or one may try practices that change one's view of 'I', life and death without negating these. This however is different from religion only if the change of view is sustainable and based on imperturbable certainty.
  16. "Before surrendering anything it's better to realize it as that what it is. Why? Because then 'surrender vs not surrender' may become irrelevant." means the intention to surrender is based on the misconception of true existence and if this misconception is removed through realizing it as such the intention collapses and 'surrender vs not surrender' becomes irrelevant.
  17. you can't trust your instinct and if you were enlightened you wouldn't have posted what you've posted. Before surrendering anything it's better to realize it as that what it is. Why? Because then 'surrender vs not surrender' may become irrelevant.
  18. But you can say this only when affirming what has been negated before.
  19. @Hardik jain Usually it is thus: a teacher gives you precise instruction how to meditate and alerts you to the possible faults and hindrances and when you experience difficulties you consult your teacher.
  20. Time is like 'I' and location in space: although not inherently existing it will never go away as long as there is conscious being, you may meditate interminably, still 'I', location in space and time will unceasingly appear.
  21. Compassion is wishing others be free from suffering or trouble. Love is wishing others may have happiness. Of course love is more commonly known as erotic love which may be platonic or desirous.
  22. People tend to understand 'the ego' as real because psychology and psychoanalysis make a big fuss about an alleged 'ego'. But since there never has been an 'ego' and never will be an 'ego' giving advice like “it’s the ego” is similar to saying “it’s space”. Where should people look to find 'ego' if they're told “it’s the ego” ? They do not have any chance to see the root of their issues. Look into space, Can you see the root? So what to do? you have to pick people up where they are and give advice only if they are asking for it. If they are asking for advice and If they believe 'I', 'me', 'mine' too be true then why should one try to persuade them of their truthlessness? Instead cherish the 'I', flatter the 'I' and motivate the 'I' to do what is conducive. Activities and effort are necessary for every 'I'.
  23. you may not agree and you can simply ignore what I say but wanting this (alleged 'non-duality') and rejecting that (alleged 'under current of emotional shit') is the issue here.
  24. As far as I understand 'do nothing' implies that one does neither follow/attend to thoughts nor try to suppress them. In that way thoughts usually subside naturally so 'thoughts going wild' appeared a bit strange to me.