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Everything posted by ground

  1. No, you're not consciousness. you are not. This body does exist the same way as consciousness does exists: no inherent existence. Again, you are not (ultimately). Consciousness is not (ultimately). This body is not (ultimately). But for the time being, don't confuse the relative and the ultimate.
  2. If feeling gratitude is beneficial for you then it would be unwise to reject it. Why? Because your rejection of gratitude wouldn't be beneficial for anybody.
  3. Neither are emotions to be mastered nor is there anything that could be purified. If emotions arise they are freed in their own place because they are empty of true existence from the outset. Everything being empty of true existence purity is spontaneously present.
  4. The question isn't a paradox but simply irrational. How can one ask about a location of something that has been generally negated? you may ask after a location only if the negation is restricted to a specific location, e.g. 'If there is no I in this body (of mine), then where am I?'
  5. Great! That's evidence for your enlightenment.
  6. A pleasurable sensation can even turn into pain if it endures over a longer time. Or there are people that find pain pleasurable (masochists). I don't think that the 'why' is important but that it is important to clearly see that feelings are only conditioned and that the liked/disliked qualities are not characteristics inherent in the objects perceived. I would say that thoughts and emotions are mutually conditioning each other. There won't arise feelings and emotions if intuitions and concepts do not arise upon perceiving phenomena.
  7. Maybe you should not interprete experience but directly perceive it as such? I think that 'peace' or 'confusion' are interpretations but not experience.
  8. you're wrong. Such fantasies should not be taken as true. Mind is very creative at times.
  9. Even the effect of words is kind of magic. Why? Since words are inherently without meaning. One may hear sounds or see forms/concatenation of characters and the mind synthesizes meaning. The meaning synthesized by the hearer's/reader's mind does not necessarily correspond to the meaning that arose in the speaker's/writer's mind and that he tried to express through linguistic sounds/forms - actually often it is quite different.
  10. Well there are two speculative assumptions. 1. that the child isn't taught anything and 2. that 'certain sensations' arise. as to 1: all cases I have been observing are cases where an adult first smiles at the child before the child smiles back. So there may be learning involved. as to 2: Since you cannot know what actually is going on 'inside' the child you can only project your own experiences onto the child. Initially something is taken to be true. That 'something' may be a sense appearance or merely an idea. This then causes a feeling on a scale from dislike to like. If this is taken to be true further intuitive or conceptual associations may arise and lead to emotions. These then again may be taken to be true and cause further proliferation.
  11. How do you do this? I do not know reiki so I looked it up in wiki where it is told that applying reiki is done by a reiki therapist to his patient. So do you have a reiki therapist? They also tell that reiki cannot replace conventional medical/psychological treatment but only accompany it. Why do you bother at all? Just forget religions.
  12. I have added the intended addressee (but you could have understood it correctly even without that because I have written 'you have already launched several similar threads'). Nevertheless being annoyed through inherently meaningless linguistic expressions can entail valuable insight.
  13. @NadosaAre you giving a show? I am asking this since you have already launched several similar threads
  14. Emotions are illusions, yes. Without thought associations there wouldn't be emotions in the first place. And yes, any 'cause' (what is it?) may make itself felt as positive or negative effect depending on the conceptual/intuitive setting.
  15. Now that you have experienced this think about the innumerable sentient beings who suffer from such kinds of emotions like you do. Try to develop compassion towards them wishing they get rid of their suffering forgetting your own situation for the time being. The more compassion you will be able to generate for these innumerable sentient being the less you will be plagued by such emotions. Cultivate the selfless wish that they be free from suffering. That will release you from your own suffering.
  16. Don't worry, videos can't make a difference
  17. Exactly. That is why only seeing the emptiness of 'I' or self dissolves the feeling of dissatisfaction. If effort is directed against the feeling then it's futile.
  18. But if nothing satisfies you that's perfect. Why? Because this prevents attachment to and craving sth. It is just that you have to get rid of the feeling of dissatisfaction, i.e. his has to be neutralized to evenness. How can this be done? Through seeing the emptiness of 'I'.
  19. It seems that still another type of emptiness, i.e. emptiness of feelings, could be helpful. Now if someone objects that this would be negative or depressive then that's impossible. Why? Because emptiness of feelings and negative or depressive feelings are incompatible!
  20. There are innumerable types of emptiness. E.g.1. The glass is empty of water (emptiness of water); 2. The purse is empty of money (emptiness of money); 3. sometimes my head is empty of thoughts (emptiness of thoughts); 4. the house is empty of people (emptiness of people) etc etc etc
  21. if you're interested in the essence of thoughts then you have to mindfully follow them where they go and identify their final destination.
  22. If there is the urge to do something, this nagging restlessness, but you don't know what to do then the best thing to do is just sit !
  23. Birds do not bother about reasons for singing. Birds are singing because it's their nature. The same applies to humans expressing ideas, i.e. expressing ideas is their nature. There is only the intellect that confuses itself through 'why should I do this? why do I do that?'