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  1. @Rudolflores Excellent book indeed.
  2. There is nothing profound about LSD. It's an autodestructive drug that effects your perception for a limited amount of time and causes addiction.
  3. Yes, it's awesome. Don't expect immediate results. Consume it on daily basis for a few months and you shall see what happens. Although you will notice some changes even when you've just started consuming it. Recommended doses is 3-5g. I don't measure it, takes too much time, I do it approximately, I take 1 1/2 teaspoon. I am sure you know that this won't solve your deeper issues, it's just a quick fix that will help you out a bit. =)
  4. I consume this on a daily basis so you have my recommendation: handful of walnuts; maca powder; 2 bananas I already had a pretty decent sex drive even before I consumed maca powder, yet it amplified. Bananas and walnuts aren't mandatory, maca is.
  5. @Nomad Hi Nomad! Understanding something intellectually has no value whatsoever when it comes to actualizing. When you understand something from the "I" perspective, and admit to yourself "I feel", "I behave" like this and that.. facing reality.. that's growth. Well done for your work so far. I feel like sharing smth about my relationship with my parents. I thought that while I am on a path of change I will bring them up and transform our relationship. I have inspired some changes in their lives, but only to some point. I was foolish to think that I will have an excellent relationship with them. The truth is, once you set up some changes, they can't really follow, because they are still playing their own games, they haven't come to their source of suffering, they are still in pain and I can't help them.
  6. Wasabelll, first of all I understand you. Everyone here who commented wanted to help you out. I believe they don't truly understand the place you are coming from. Therefore take seriously what Nomad said to perhaps do some of it now, some of it later in life, everything else especially the advice of learning from and with your parents about your/their emotions - that is just one big no, no!! That is an excellent advice actually. Unfortunately that advice isn't for a person in your situation, it's better to baby step something and than go to some hard-core methods. Not everyone is in the same place when it comes to actualizing. Do everything you can to move away from your parents for starters. From there you can build up your relationship with them (if that is what you want) and from there you can build up a relationship with yourself by baby stepping it. You staying with them and trying to work on your issues from there is like me choosing to build up myself to be a better parent by going to an Islamic country and fighting a war because that will strengthen me and teach me how to protect my kids! That is ridiculous. I wouldn't have what it takes to survive in that war. Not everyone has the same background and that is okay. Your family is your source of your greatest suffering. It's like you are in a war zone there. Don't try to work on yourself there, first of all get your little butt out of the war zone!!!!!!!!! I understand how difficult it is for you now that you are back, I feel for you and I empathize with you. If you want to grow, set yourself in an environment that isn't as toxic as yours. Here and there you can write stuff down when you recognize a spot that needs to be worked on (when you feel pissed etc.) or reading material that Nomad suggested, that is excellent as well. Do not burden yourself with trying to work on that, simply pin point stuff you can work on once you are out of your war zone! For you walking away from there is going to be a challenge. Everything else (including dabbling in self help work) is just going to be a distraction from doing that. This is my opinion. If you want I can elaborate more.
  7. Humans in general need (yes, it's a need) social contact. The fact that you are asking this question could mean one out of few things. You either want more friends/social contact or want a deeper connection as in girlfriend/boyfriend or you are doubtful "is it right" to invest your time and energy in your education at the slight expense of socializing with people. The thing is that it's totally fine whatever you choose to do. Perhaps find more friends or continue doing what you already are (investing your energy in your education that will pay off big time later and sacrificing your social life a bit). Either way it's cool. PS. You don't have to go out more to meet new people.
  8. Everyone here already gave you awesome advice. Whatever his issue is, it is not situational, because he mentioned having the same issues before. Making it clear - it is HIS issue. I was in your shoes once, although his problem was situational, without any history of anything similar. He simply felt super pressured to preform (first three times in a row). And me, I was emphatic - I ended it. Why is it emphatic? Because you are in pain, he is in pain and ending it eliminates it so that you can find someone else. And he can resolve it. Or not? Whatever you do, don't kid yourself how you are a "good person" if you drag it out with him for some time. If you want to help him out, that is cool as well of course if it resonates with you. Btw the same guy that felt pressured preforming called me up after a few months and told me how grateful he is for meeting me and how I inspired him to change up some things (not sexual, it hasn't happened to him again....... why? coz it was a psych thing).
  9. Social media isn't my thing. I am in a way forced to have accounts for work purposes and to maintain a certain number of "followers". I don't like the idea of people I don't really know, knowing something personal about me like - who are my friends, where I go out etc. I have a lot of acquaintances and friends, meeting people is easy for me. When it comes to social media - don't like it on one hand, it is useful on the other. And yes, usually number of followers resembles your social activity. And for the other question you had - I do not know, all I know is that I don't find it comfortable and I limit it. =)
  10. When does beauty really matter? Always of course.
  11. @Lynnel Keep up the good work you.
  12. How to meet new people? Seek and you shall find. I meet new people on the way, waiting for a bus. It's really that simple. Seek and you shall find.
  13. Indeed. A bit off topic, I love the way you think Lynnel. I tend to agree with you. I find your posts super useful and wise when folks poke you with the right questions. =)
  14. @tropicana You don't want to be a loner. I feel you. What is it that you aim for here, what are you searching for?
  15. Club is a place where you have fun. It is a legit way to meet someone. I have a bunch of friends who would never EVER sleep with someone on a first night even second, third.... yet they go out and meet people on the night out. You absolutely don't have to sleep with a person you've just met. And even if you do - that's ok too. You can build a relationship from that if you have other things handled. Also in a club you can meet a person you normally wouldn't (through social circle). I find that awesome. PU pushes you to improve your socials skills. While meeting people through your social circle.. eh.. not that much really (it has it's own pros tho!!) Therefore I wouldn't discredit clubs that easily.