Extreme Z7

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Everything posted by Extreme Z7

  1. Exactly. But in your quest to rescue humanity, you forget the importance of intellectual and epistemic rigour and just generally being able to spot bullshit.
  2. @DrewNows Stop trolling. The Topic Starter had a legitimate concern about Ralph Smart and dangerous covid conspiracies. Personally, I don't believe Smart is a Libertarian. He has too much of a hippie vibe to be one imo. Ralph Smart just comes across as a Stage Green nutjob to me. Not a nutjob because he's Stage Green, but a nutjob who just happens to be Stage Green.
  3. I'm having a hard time thinking about what to write on this thread because you keep trying to prevent reasonable discussion.
  4. Just stumbled upon a YouTube channel called <insert topic name here>. Pretty interesting stuff. Shows you how Non-Trumpist conservatives are worth listening to.
  5. Sounds like someone who wants to trump the competition.
  6. You've got to be kidding me. Shrek and Kermit the Frog? More like Stage Green.
  7. And soon, it could possibly cease to exist.
  8. Trump in his private life: "Grab 'em by the pussy. When you're a star, you can do anything" But let's say that that were even true, that does not mean that he secretly knows what he's doing in his public life.
  9. I normally don't want to post just random leftist videos I watch but one of the largest (actually THE largest) right-wing creator on YouTube has hit a new low. I have no idea how people can take him seriously when he says that he's not right wing but just a "disillusioned democrat". And I have met people online who genuinely believe that he's a liberal. Tim defends Trump's idea to delay the American election and parrots Trump's whining about vote-by-mail. On another note: Be sure to check out Actual jake's channel, he's able to be informative and really funny at the same time.
  10. Edited the original post to say 'informative' rather than 'educational' because I think it's a better word to describe Actual Jake's channel. It's not exactly that educational per-se. . .
  11. Creatively lazy humans topple in shame.
  12. Nothing more Red than tons of video game blood
  13. If I remember correctly, the phrase he puts at the end roughly translates to "By doing whatever we want, we become whoever we want". Not sure if that's a Stage Red message, necessarily.
  14. <Insert comparison to that one Einstein quote here>
  15. @Leo Gura I'm not sure if you've seen the sitcom It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but there's a main character there named Dennis that I realized fits Stage Red perfectly after watching your video.
  16. I just don't use adblock. (on YouTube anyway) And YouTube Premium does not allow you to download video files to your hard drive so what's the point. Use FDM (Free Download Manager) for that, it works for most videos. Sometimes it doesn't when it comes to really old, usually pre-2010, videos. But even then, I don't download most videos. I only do when I want an audio clip I want to play around with. Edit: SPEAKING OF WHICH. . . FDM supports downloading only the video's audio file. Checkmate @Leo Gura, lol!
  17. And It's somewhat politics-related: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/5/8/21244090/pentagon-ufo-report-navy-alexander-wendt
  18. Virtue Signalling is a meaningless term that virtually every stage on the spiral does (except perhaps Beige). Don't fall for the right-wing talking point that it's exclusively a Stage Green thing.
  19. Why do we even crave Love from "other" beings?
  20. Trump thinks memorizing 5 words is an amazing feat. Bonus Points if it's IN ORDER ! ! ! woah.
  21. @Leo Gura PragerU reusing old content to make "new" videos. yyyyyyEEEP! Stage Orange effort-efficient strategy in action.