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Everything posted by FoxFoxFox

  1. Just here to wish everyone here a life full of love. @winterknight deserves a whole heap of it with how supportive and unshakable his abidance in the Self is. Respect and Love. Follow his voice and he'll guide you there.
  2. No you are not missing anything. You are perfect as you are. That is the key to bliss. Knowing that who you are is perfection itself. Can you seriously find a single fault with your own makeup? Don't look down on the ego. Love the ego. See how hard it tries to please you and acknowledge its efforts. It's not something to be shunned or hated. It's something to be cherished and loved. Above all forgive and forget.
  3. @SoonHei And I love you too. Every creature on this planet is deserving of God's selfless love.
  4. @Truthority I gotta say though dude, that's one hell of a cocktail, Rumi and Bukowski. Happy to meet a fellow poetry lover.
  5. @Truthority Welcome to the club, We have fun and games.
  6. @Sage_Elias You obviously have to sacrifice a hot goat in her honor. I mean, how do people not know this? Facepalm.
  7. Without a kindred spirit there to hear The storyteller’s voice must disappear, And if the rose should vanish from its sight The nightingale will keep its beak shut tight–– The loved one’s all, the lover’s just a screen, A dead thing, while the loved one lives, unseen. When shunned by love you’re left with emptiness, A bird without its wings knows such distress: ‘How can my mind stay calm this lonely night When I can’t find here my beloved’s light?’ Love wants its tale revealed to everyone, But your heart’s mirror won’t reflect this sun, Don’t you know why we can’t perceive it here? Your mirror’s face is rusty––scrape it clear! - Rumi
  8. @Gili Trawangan In some traditions, the Self is conceptualized as Sat, Cit, and Ananda. The first two are Being, Intelligence, and the last one (Ananda) is Love/Bliss. These are not different aspects or faces of the Self, but rather its intrinsic "nature", like how liquidity, fluidity and wetness are intrinsic properties of water. If you take one of these away, the substance is no longer water. Likewise with the Self, if one dimension is missing or not cognized, that indicates subtle resistance that prevents it from being fully known.
  9. Funnily enough, the vibe i'm getting from this conversation winterknight just posted is on of bliss. Of course its hard to confirm or deny when he chooses to not indulge it, but the "buzz" the dude mentions sounds like just that.
  10. @Mikael89 He is certainly not talking about lovebliss. It is funny to me that he says "love is kind of reflection of the truth of non-duality." which is certainly the case, but also believes it to be relational, which it definitely is not. That is why i doubt his understanding. Regardless, this conversation is at an impasse. I wish you well.
  11. @Mikael89 I infer that from the juxtaposition of the word love next to hate and indifference. These are all emotions and feelings. Not at all the topic of conversation here. I said above that the opposite of love the emotion is hate, while the opposite of the love i speak of is fear and separation. He is certainly not talking about lovebliss.
  12. @Mikael89 I asked him that question to check his understanding. He speaks of love the emotion in his answer, and not Love or lovebliss. For lack of a better word, you can indeed be enlightened and not cognizant of love or bliss (I checked this with multiple teachers, and in my case the lovebliss came before losing identification), but that is still an incomplete picture. Considering how avidly you shield yourself against even the remotest possibility of something existing that is outside of your experience, might I perhaps suggest you to take a closer look as the reasoning behind it? Just a suggestion, nothing more. Lastly, I can't stress enough how the love i speak of is not the emotion. As I said, if this love does in fact have a somatic "feeling" it would be that of bliss. It's the sensation predominant in sleep. If you are able to experience lucid dreaming you'll have a great idea of what this sensation feels like. But the Love itself is not a feeling or emotion or sensation. It is recognition of the other as yourself. This is not the same thing as the pure void of awareness you may or may not have experienced.
  13. @tatsumaru Not all gurus are scams, certainly not. Many gurus are however. Humility is a great litmus test for identifying a legit guru, however that test needs to be applied constantly and over a long period of time. Also you must be able to identify humility correctly.
  14. @AlldayLoop Nope. And that is the fatal crossroad right there. Following that train of thought gets you to megalomania town. Realize how the notion that you are the center of the universe is itself a thought. With "enlightenment", what we call objects and things don't suddenly disappear just because you are not conscious of them, rather its the thoughts you superimpose on perceptions that disappear. Most chiefly the thought of being the doer/actor/owner etc. The "I-ness", the sense of being a someone or something, whether embodied or not. Don't try to analyze your experience for the purpose of conceptualization. Thinking only gets you into trouble. Don't own awareness/experience/love. All that'll do is expand the Ego to terrible levels. At first you'll become highly unlikable due to how blatantly obvious your unconscious arrogance will be to others (Just look around the forums here and spot the condescending ones). Later on things get more dire as your super-inflation results in manic episodes etc.
  15. @Mikael89 No. That would make sense if we were talking about the emotion "love" (which's opposite is hate) and not true love (which's opposite are fear and separation). You have mistaken pure being with the Self (you understand Shiva but not shakti, Sat-Cit but not Ananda, The father but not the mother, Godhead but not the Holy-spirit etc. etc). The reason for that is that you still take ownership of the void which you perceive to be "the underlying Reality", no matter how unconscious and subtle this ownership is (to us where you falter is quite evident, but hey that's the unconscious for you). At the end of the day, this is still an incomplete understanding. The word "love" is perfectly applicable here.
  16. @AlldayLoop Got back to it and stay there. It boils down to a quiet mind. Quiet for a prolonged enough time for all notions of being the "doer" and "owner" all falls off. The trick is to recognize that one cannot be the force behind one's own elimination. The attempt itself creates the false self. That's when surrender starts to make sense. I also advocate energetic practices such as Kriya and Kundalini yoga.
  17. @AlldayLoop The one who doubts love is the obstacle itself. Get rid of it. What happens when you don't have the thought "I am not awake?" What happens when you get rid of the thoughts "I am this, i am that?" Lose "your"self to find "the" Self.
  18. @wk197 The love we speak about here is not something you experience. That is affect. Most people here are discussing affect, the emotion. That's not what you should aim for. Love is recognition of all as the Self. Imagine the love you have for your own hands. You don't feel anything about them, but they are familiar, and part of you. Now imagine your perspective changes in such a way that you recognize everything as your own Self. That is pure, unaffected love. The somatic feeling of this love is not emotional love, it's electric bliss.
  19. @Mikael89 Say you've never seen a black swan before. Does that mean black swans don't exist? The issue here is not that you don't accept love's existence. If you don't get it, you don't. But that doesn't mean "Love doesn't exist" is a universal truth and everybody else is deluded.
  20. The positions become important in Kriya/Kundalini yoga or any practice that involves working with energy. An erect spine is conducive to correct flow of Kundalini for instance. Posture serves no purpose if you are not involved in those sorts of practices.
  21. @Aakash I am this.. i am that. It's not about that. It's about what makes all these possible.