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Everything posted by FoxFoxFox

  1. Kriya means involuntary movements. More accurately they are spontaneous bodily movements that are produced as Kundalini energy meets a roadblock in the energy pathways of the body. These movements are both symptoms of such a blockage, and attempts at clearing them away. These involuntary movements are sometimes extreme behavior, and there is no way to know how each individual will respond to a blockage. Kriya Yoga is the ignorant man's version of Kundalini Yoga. It haphazardly throws a bunch of practices and postures together without rhyme and reason, either due to western ignorance, deception or some inane reasoning (eg. it's better if the neophytes don't know about Kundalini because it might put them off due to sounding too mystical etc.). In Kriya Yoga, one chases these spontaneous movements, which is analogues to a person chasing the symptoms of a disease for some twisted reasoning (If only i can somehow develop a stomach ulcer, I will lose weight). When you chase Kriya, that is what you are doing in the spiritual context. From my own extensive analysis of many different Kriya Yoga regiments, i've found them to focus on maximizing release of energy within the body's energetic pathways - therefore involuntarily or sometimes voluntarily - causing Kriyas. That is quite frankly, stupid, as it serves no purpose whatsoever for the purposes of Enlightenment and Lovebliss, and is most definitely dangerous. In fact, I know of a case where the intensity of Kriya was set to be a measure of success with the practices. That is doubly stupid. As such it is my opinion that Kriya Yoga is inefficient, dumb, and downright irresponsible/malicious. I don't care if you are an ardent believe in Kriya Yoga, or you get offended by what I wrote here. You have every right to continue in your folly. This is meant to save people who are on the fence about working with energy and to guide them towards proper Kundalini work UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF A LEGITIMATE TEACHER, rather than following some online blog or Youtube channel. Here's a good test of checking your yoga program: Do you know the EXACT reasoning for doing each individual practice? There should be an answer here.
  2. How did the rose ever open its heart and give to this world all of its beauty? It felt the encouragement of light against its being, otherwise we all remain too frightened. - Hafiz
  3. @Shadowraix Kashmir Sivaism is the prominent spiritual lineage from which most surviving Kundalini knowledge has been passed down. Vijnanabhairava is the most authoritative text when it comes to Kundalini Yoga practices which i have found. It's introductory text regarding the Self and its realization is also incredibly to the point and crystal clear (almost bizarrely so). Other than that, actually getting Kundalini to "activate" properly to result in self-realization is not really something on can do by himself. It almost always requires another person (ie. a Kundalini master) to do it for you. This process is known as Shaktipat.
  4. @SriBhagwanYogi This is by no means safe or gentle. This is the core practice one does to "awaken" Kundalini. You don't do kundalini yoga in preparation for meditation anyways. The former releases lots of energy into your system while the latter requires a stable energy body.
  5. You try to imagine how life would be after self-realization and how 'you' will be like when the whole point is to get rid of the "I-ness". Choice, free will, etc etc. The "I" who you think you are is a thought. The feeling of being a someone or something is a thought. Individuality is a thought. Ignorance is a thought. Choice and free will are thoughts. That something is a thought is itself a thought. Here the logical system begins to break down and show its inherent instabilities. The best thing to do is to not engage in philosophizing and instead bring the mind back into its source (ie. you) again and again until it stops churning. Then all these dilemmas and quandaries disappear.
  6. Only do these practices if you are consciously attempting at working with Kundalini. Otherwise you can unknowingly set things in motion that you might later regret.
  7. @LucyKid I know the answer to this question but i'll only tell you if you get a dog to ask for it.
  8. @Brdman I have no idea. I've lost contact.
  9. Once upon a time there was this guy named Rali. He was a seeker at the time and none of use had any idea what we were doing. I believe Leo knew him or some such because that's how i found out about this forum. He got in touch with Jan Esmann and after a shaktipat session he just disappeared. Never heard from that guy. Anyways, he posted some really dope spiritual rap. Authentic as they came. I can't find them on youtube anymore though. If you are a real internet archaeologist you might search for: "Rali", "Naked Reality", "Rap". I know for a fact that his rap name was not the same as his spiritual name. But anyhow. Godspeed.
  10. Is that going to be called Rise of the Winerknight or simply Winterknight: Origins? Also, does it involve a super-villain called Monkey-Mind? :')
  11. @Pouya Truly self-conscious AI is an impossibility. At best you can produce something that resembles one. AI will never be able to perform true creative work. It can only mix and match already present data and input from sensory observation. This will be quickly obvious once you understand what intuition (source of creativity) and creativity are.
  12. Without lovebliss the picture is incomplete, no matter how convincing it might seem at the time. I remember having this discussion with Leo. He was skeptical but open-minded, and now he's all about it. I encourage everyone to keep an open mind.
  13. Is not the truth. Eternal silence is truthful and love.
  14. Sadhguru is the real deal, but has a propensity for stories which is not always useful, specially to westerners who have different ways of thinking and logic.
  15. If I am {this logical assumption} why is {this logical inference} paradoxical?ödel's_incompleteness_theorems
  16. You are not in the physical body already. In some sense, what you call the physical body is within you.
  17. @AlldayLoop Explore the idea that "me" is an illusion/thought in other avenues. For example, consider how you don't always think that you are an "I" at all times. Many times throughout the day when you are engaged in focused activity, you "forget" yourself, completely absorbed in the task at hand. That sort of exploration should allow you to see how ALL notions of being an "I" or a "person" is rooted in thoughts. Then apply the same to the self inquiry process. Who is this "I" that is inquiring its own nature? Is it more than a thought? Is the reason for there not being an answer when you inquire into the source of the "I" anything else than that there really is no source for it? Allow that to really sink in. What ends up happening is the relaxation of the mind and a complete change in perspective. When there is no longer an "I" in the picture, things will become clear on their own.
  18. @ed370025 Are you sure you did self-inquiry correctly? The point of that method is to realize that the "I", the persona as a whole, is a thought. Knowing "it's not located anywhere" itself is a thought. Once all these are understood, then what happens? If done correctly, this non-realization should create real significant changes that makes Ego-backlash completely nullified. The mind should give-up the attempt at understanding the Self spontaneously, resulting in pure-being. Then the Self will be automatically evident.
  19. @Schahin Yes. All this effort is a matter of making the body and mind conducive to be able to receive the divinity. It really is a matter of grace.
  20. When you wake up, there is a moment of peace and quiet, then there is a thought, "I am", it then goes on and associates with objects of perception, "I am this" or "I am that", and this mesh of associative thoughts get bigger and bigger. It depresses the brain and wounds the heart throughout the day, until peace is momentarily restored again in sleep. I am the body. I am this person, i have this value and not that one. But the thoughts never become anything more. They remain thoughts through the whole affair, meanwhile the real Self, the light of awareness that upholds this grand play remains unbroken. These thoughts have nothing to do with the real you. They don't affect it. They don't hide it, and they don't obstruct it. A thought cannot obstruct awareness, the thought needs awareness like how a shadow needs a surface to be cast upon. Only in our case, awareness itself cannot know itself as an object. Its existence is self-evident. Awareness is light. Itself unseen, it illuminates everything. That light, which illuminates everything without prejudice, which does not differentiate, which is all permitting, and which does not judge or deny, is love.
  21. Hey all. I'm in a specially loving samadhi state right now. Love literally pours through every pore of my body, the walls, the ceiling, the cat sleeping on the couch and i visualize it as golden white light. This is an invitation to ALL of you to take a moment and attempt to connect with the universal love God has for all its creations. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, just say: "God, please fill me with your infinite love, and show me that you have never abandoned me. Please let your light fill my being and end all my suffering, so I can bring joy to my brothers and sisters, and ease their suffering." I also want you to reach out to me, either in comments here or PM, with whatever that is bringing you down. I'm willing to hear your stories and lend a nonjudgmental ear to your troubles. Please God. Awaken my sisters and brothers to your infinite love. I beg of you.
  22. I bring a gun to my head. I want to kill myself. But am i the gun, the trigger or the bullet? Or Am I all of these things equally? Is it not through my grace that the Earth revolves around the Sun? Aren't we all, in essence children of God, equally bequeathed of her love and his justice? Jehova. I am that I am. I am the God that is born out of her own womb and so are you. You surrendered the moment you were born. Were it not so, you would not be able to doubt. Why are you here on this earth, walking? We told you there is nothing out there for you find. The angel replies. The fact that you doubt yourself proves your being, the fact that you want surrender, proves your innocence, the fact that you are proves your holiness. Be awaken my love. The light is primordial. And it's here to stay. When you look at a reflection in a mirror, does the reflection look back at you?
  23. @SoonHei Long live Winterknight indeed. Suddenly language is no longer a barrier. Love is universal and i perfectly understand you. Zendebaad shovalie barfi!
  24. @seeking_brilliance Brings up a brilliant point here. Open your heart to love. Let it melt all your demons and shadows. The bliss will come afterwards. All those anxieties and fears and wickedness that you have repressed inside you. Bring it out. Shine light on the dark creatures. Let the light of love burn them away. That is the only way. It will be scary at first, it will be uncomfortable, but let them all out. Open your heart and show it to yourself. Let it cleanse.