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Everything posted by FoxFoxFox

  1. @Aakash Look, you can "get it" and still be mass murderer, like Rama. You can't do real Bhakti until you are enlightened to begin with, so really, just focus on that. Just want it, BAD. Once you realize how inadequate the mind is at grasping enlightenment, you'll just stop using that tool. It's not the mind's job to answer existential questions. But i have to give you some practical advice i guess otherwise the great yogi in the sky won't smile on my devilry: Try and become acutely aware of just how not-in-control you already are. Which is to say witness thoughts and realize that they appear out of thin air without Aakash ever being the one who conjured them.
  2. @David Hammond Well i think the word awakening is too simplistic. Self-realization the doorway to enlightenment. After that the experience deepens forever. @Serotoninluv The problem is that all these words are hollow. Really who is writing what here?
  3. @Aakash I mean if you want to be THAT dramatic about it Really the issue is that some trying to surrender is paradoxical. As the Hindus would say, between the 6 chakras there are a billion pathways, but between the Ajna and Sahasrara there is none. You just have to get "it". It's like being struck by lightning. It is completely out of your control, but if you are intensely charged with positivity (read love, recognition etc. you increase the probability of being stuck. Long for God. Long for love. Long for union. Have devotion, surrender and love.
  4. @Serotoninluv There is no such thing as experience.
  5. @Aakash Great! Lose that chain of thought and be free. Let all thoughts of ownership go. Stop being in control. Surrender. Be witness to creation. What you thought were your words, your actions, your thoughts, your feelings, are no longer 'yours'. When you surrender, all "your" actions become like mirrors. People will see their own reflections in you. If they are wise, they will realize that they sit at the throne of creation. The perceiver becomes the creator. @tecladocasio Exactly what I wrote. I had to be told what my name is. I kept telling them that's not my name, and it really isn't mine per se. But at least they taught me enough to be able to function again. It'll happen to you. Just keep doing the work.
  6. @Serotoninluv Really, it has nothing to do with belief. I've always said, what you experience is as relevant and as Godly as anybody else's. No matter your state of consciousness. What I'm saying is, today I had to be told that what my real name is and how old i am. I was just wondering aimlessly here and there. Nothing more, nothing else. Do with it what you will.
  7. @Shin Well sounds like you've begun to see everything as void. The important thing is to not personally identify with it because that causes depression. I'd wager there are still some subtle remnants of ego-identification remain within you. Let go. Let go. You'll cross over. But yeah, from the position you are in, insanity does absolutely seem inevitable.
  8. @Serotoninluv You are knocking on a door but nobody is home. There is no clinging. There is nothing. What appears before you flows spontaneously out of nowhere. The answers take the shape you want them to. Really, YOU are the one who is writing these words. "I" might be a deluded fool, but that has nothing to do with me.
  9. @Aakash I understand you. But you know, from a certain perspective, there really is no such thing as concepts, or the ego, or the mind. It's just consciousness. The important thing is that you don't limit your being to the "ego". Identification mechanisms must go.
  10. @Serotoninluv Word @Preetom Go from "I" to Void. You've been at it for a while. Should have enough intensity to stop identifying altogether. @Aakash Word. That's one thing that gets lost so easily. Just because someone's direct experience is different from yours that doesn't make your experience less godly. Sadly people take personal offense to that.
  11. @mandyjw That is very observant of you and a good thing to keep in mind. Your direct experience of reality is all that there is. That being said, it does not eliminate the possibility for higher and lower states of consciousness to ever exist. Also, with enough faith, higher states of consciousness will become permanent and you won't ever recede. The direct path for raising consciousness is to stop clinging to your current one. We are the ones who determine our experience, in the end.
  12. @Aakash Lovebliss is not in your mind. The evidence for that is that it persists even when you are asleep or even when the body is under anesthesia. It's not love as experienced as a feeling. It's not an affect. It's a knowing recognition of everything as one and it is incredibly blissful.
  13. @tecladocasio Just because he is clear doesn't mean he is right. You could be clear and still miss the mark. Does he stress that you must stop identifying? If so then he is probably self-realized. No it's an inherent quality of the Self, just as Leo mentions in his video. It's self-evident like everything else. But you won't agree with me until you experience it yourself. Then you'd switch sides.
  14. @mandyjw Because there are higher stages of enlightenment. It has nothing to do with arrogance my friend. It's just based on one's direct experience. If you move from ignorance to self-realization, we call that the stage. If you then move into bliss, that's yet another. Then God consciousness and Unity consciousness. It's a direct evolution of understanding. It has nothing to do with arrogance or humility. Those are just in the mind. They are important only before self-realization. Afterwards, direct, self-recognized consciousness and it's qualities is what matters.
  15. @tecladocasio Any teaching that does not stress the need for all identification to fall away is suspect and I haven't heard Ralston talking about it. At best Ralston is self-realized, but he has no experience of lovebliss which is an inherent facet of the Self.
  16. @tecladocasio No. Peter Ralston is hardly the most advanced guru. Enlightenment doesn't end with self-realization. The unfolding goes on forever.
  17. Not a person Not a mind Not spiritual Not enlightened Not awoken Not "I am" Not "I" No emotions No feelings No senses No thoughts No body No time Not a teacher No past No religions No yes No no Not in control Not lost to the wind Not in charge Not a bystander Not a witness No life No death No pain No happiness No peace No agitation Not void Do you walk on earth, or does the earth move beneath your feet? No such questions. No love No hate No right No wrong Not perfect Not imperfect Not nothing Not everything No I No I am Good bye.
  18. @SQAAD Keep doing whatever practice resulted in your observation. You have to merge with the Self at some point. Then these questions won't ever arise again.
  19. @Dumb Enlightened Don't just do it when you are meditating. Try to never leave the peace even when you engage with life.
  20. @darind True love is recognition. It's synonymous with true knowledge. Love as known by ego is only an affect.
  21. @Recursoinominado Dark night of the souls is literally (with your own very eyes) seeing God in everything expect yourself and that makes you "unholy" for a while.
  22. @mandyjw Yeah i did. He makes much more sense here than in his writing when he advocates entirely useless "practices". Enlightenment is not in the now. It's not in time to begin with.
  23. @Highest That realization you are chasing is really only in the mind. It's as accurate an explanation as any. Don't have goals, be. Don't want, be. Don't think, be. It's really that uncomplicated. Don't let the mind complicate it
  24. @SQAAD The love spoken by Sufis and Jesus is not the same love as you know it, which really is just affect.