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Everything posted by FoxFoxFox

  1. @Mu_ Not actually judging. Just cross referencing my own experience with yours, and I actually got the confirmations I wanted.
  2. Do you actually understand what is happening there?
  3. @Mu_ How much "i-ness" is in your direct experience? Does this question even make sense to you? Are you in a constant union with the Self (Sahaja Samadhi)? Is the mind fully absorbed in the self or is it still separate? Can you attest to the idea that "There is no ignorance to begin with"?
  4. @Jack Walter Leon Your imaginations are what get you in trouble to begin with.
  5. @thesmileyone First, don't project your own ignorance on others. Second, very few "enlightenment" teachers are actually enlightened, which might be the reason behind your present confusion. Third, enlightenment has nothing to do with you. So long as you wrongly assume stuff about yourself, you will be ignorant. Fourth, there is absolutely nothing you can do to become enlightened. All you can do is removing obstacles to enlightenment. You are this obstacle itself. The rest is God's will.
  6. @mandyjw Is it? Are you dangerous when you are asleep?
  7. @mandyjw Thanks for sharing. It's interesting that you say "I still have an ego". Does that mean there are two selves? There cannot be two selves. You are it, no?
  8. @mandyjw Yeah I get what you mean. Eckhart is a mystery to me. He makes complete sense 50% of the time, and is totally of the mark the rest. All this being in he 'now' business is him building up this whole philosophy on a simple aid from the scriptures. Enlightenment really doesn't have anything to do with time, the content of one's experience and the mind. Its just a simple, direct recognition of being. I remember we talked about a similar topic before. I think you told me that life itself is enlightenment and that one should be 100% involved with it (of course I'm greatly paraphrasing). And I said that as long as there is an "I" in the picture then that's not it. How do you feel about that now?
  9. @mandyjw Nauseous feeling? Can you elaborate? I know there is some great emphasis on the ego needing to die for the self to be recognized but I humbly disagree. The ego does not exist to begin with.
  10. @mandyjw If people just stopped clinging to their ideas of enlightenment and instead looked into their own direct experience, progress would be ten times faster.
  11. @Jkris It's alright. You don't need to know anything with the mind to have these experiences.
  12. Well, 90% of the time, "knowing" is what gets people in trouble in this forum. Incessant pursuit of logical knowing as opposed to actual knowing which is the only thing that is there is anyways.
  13. @Aakash One suggestion. Read Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi at least once this year.
  14. @AlphaAbundance Truly, it's not. But can you realize that without getting depressed?
  15. @JohnnyBravo Ralston is unnecessarily harsh. He is also unnecessarily confusing because he doesn't just teach about enlightenment, but also other stuff that are derivatives of that mode of absolute consciousness. I read Ralston's book and while I can say that he is most definitely legitimate, I cannot recommend him to beginners. I don't recommend any Zen-flavored teacher. They are, for the most part, too concerned with cultivating a certain type of personality, and that is not all that necessary for enlightenment itself. Read Ramana Maharshi. That's who most of these people (neo-advaitan or not) got most of their "enlightenment" from anyways.
  16. @winterknight Thanks for the reply. Look into the heart (not the Self, the one on the right side of the chest - the chakra) if you are interested. It is more tangible than just a metaphor.
  17. @Leo Gura Funnily enough, there are many records of animals getting enlightened.
  18. Well yes and no. Love is like the fabric that binds everything together. But the word "heart" is also used synonymously with "chakra" when it comes to the human vessel. Have you had any major chakra openings yet?