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Everything posted by flowboy

  1. Yesterday got up at 5 and started work immediately, to compensate for improductivity the day before. (I actually did, however. Normally during a phase like this, I would just tell myself to, but then ignore the alarm) But then was improductive rest of the day because of sleep deprivation. And then I stayed up and watched netflix until 3am. Biohackers is a pretty good series with a solid storyline! Today I obviously lack even more sleep, so I need coffee even more. And because I'm at that level of zombification, I even smoked a cigarette. But it was enjoyable. I got to talk about random stuff with my neighbors. I'm doing an experiment to see whether I will eventually auto-correct if I love myself through it, without resorting to shame and guilt. It's kind of scary to let go of needing shame and guilt. And I could interpret: "See, without being harsh with myself, I will mess everything up" But instead I think: cycling without training wheels means falling over a bunch of times at first. I'm giving my natural drive towards positive action a chance to manifest, and steer me back. Already I realised that sticking to bedtimes and stuff really makes me more content than when I don't do it. I'm going to continue this experiment. It could be a breakthrough. I recognize that I have good intentions and am doing the best I can with the results of my decisions. But it's clear that I would have been much more productive if I even had worked only 5 hours in the day, for the past couple days, and just slept / relaxed for the rest, if I had stuck to bed times and routines. It's also clear that I have a need for socialization and downtime that I'm repressing. Perhaps not expecting myself to work 12 hours a day (and then ending up with 4), and instead being reasonable and allowing myself some relaxation/whatever time, is much healthier. Or am I just being a pussy? Perhaps, but I can always bring the harshness back. I think discipline will just grow back quite soon, but in a more evolved, less toxic way.
  2. Wanna know how to stop an addiction to overthinking/overanalysing? Just ask yourself: what benefit is it bringing me? I can spot it from over here?
  3. Life purpose unfolds in phases. Something can be aligned with your purpose for 5-10 years, and then you need to switch. It's like peeling the layers of an onion, to get to more and more authentic purposes. You don't have to do that particular one, but I have a feeling this is exactly how you paralyse yourself. By coming up with reasons why you can't. I'm just trying to show you that you do have clear things that you are interested in, and you should go after them, the rest is overthinking.
  4. @Etherial Cat ? Let's just say some things are okay for an evening, but not for the long term... Smell and taste actually says a lot about someone's health. Not that I know how exactly that works. I just trust my instinct when I like it or don't like it.
  5. Here's my wishlist: Good relationship with father Can trust people easily Warm personality Wants to connect and talk about things. Well connected to her body, comfortable with sexuality and orgasms easily. Reaches out by herself Wants to get serious, comfortable to talk future Emotionally healthy Independent enough to be fine without me for weeks Healthy body that she loves and takes good care of Doesn't smoke Willing to experience - not just analyze and think about Curious enough to talk about each other's interests, even if we don't share them Pretty face that is appealing to me Good ass, nice tits that feel and look good Esthetically appealing pussy with healthy smell and taste Well-developed sense of humor: she's funny and also gets others' jokes Really fun to be around her, also without sex Entirely subjective of course The 'nice to people and animals' is a good one. Sometimes I will try to find out how she is with animals, and whether they like her.
  6. @SamC Reframe it. Instead of trying to get her, you will find out compatibility. If she flaked you, you didn't do anything wrong. Neither did she. You are just incompatible. Incompatible at this moment in time. A later moment in time, may work. And you may get another shot to find out whether you are compatible now. But at this moment, this was the approach you would typically come up with at this stage in your development, and depending on where she is in her development, she's able to appreciate it, or not. And others will. You did not fuck it up because it could not have been any other way. I call it retroactive determinism. My secret tool against regret, here it is. You found out.
  7. Monks do weird stuff man. Remember the ones setting themselves on fire because "the body is a toxic plant"? There's fools in every group of people. This specific scene reminds me of a human sacrifice ritual, actually. Just like pagans would do, gather round as a group to watch chosen people give up their life, with some sort of spiritual beliefs attached to it. I'm also not buying the "consciously moving on to the next dimension" shit. Why not just stick it out until your natural death, you'll move on anyway. And maybe then they can do something useful on this plane in the meantime.
  8. Hi Max, no you did not permanently break your brain I've read many stories of symptoms like this, it's basically a lingering anxiety that is circular: one is anxiously awaiting getting back to normal, fearing that he doesn't get back to normal, and it perpetuates itself as long as he keeps waiting to get back to normal. Counterintuitive solution: learn to live with and fully accept current situation until you calm down. Then one day you'll notice you've been back to normal for a while now. Everything will be fine?
  9. @preventingdiabetes There's nothing wrong with that. How would you feel about taking action on looking for something like that? And if you can't find it, perhaps it's an idea for a (phase of your) life purpose to create it. You can always pivot or change your mind!
  10. Might be, but even with a small cup, I have a noticable crash and a sense of chaotic energy/adrenaline usually Too little data.
  11. So lion's mane + coffee is being sold as 'no-crash coffee'. Mine also has reishi in it. I found it a lot more calming and grounded, no pun intended, but I can't be sure which mushroom to ascribe it to (yet) because I am also supplementing reishi capsules and lion's mane elixir. An experiment with regular coffee + reishi caps will have to be done. It might still be mostly the lion's mane.
  12. Maybe I have that. Drinking only one cup makes me feel euphoric, but slightly poisoned and itchy too. Today I combined it with lion's mane and reishi, which lessened the side effects impressively, and negates the crash. Good, balanced summary @Preety_India If you're sensitive to it like me, it makes you sleep noticably worse, no matter what time you drink it. And bad sleep is a serious long-term health risk and also associated with accelerated aging.
  13. Patterns that I've noticed in these spontaneous tumor healing anecdotes: Patient was very calm, trusting and had a positive outlook Patient meditated and contemplated until they realized why and how the tumor was there to help them. They even expressed love and gratitude for their tumor. And then they healed. So these are good things to combine with taking your doctor's advice.
  14. I've taken literally all the nootropic supplements I own together today. I still feel sleepy as hell. Nothing can replace sleep. Duh. (I got up early because I didn't feel like I completed my work yesterday - actually I messed around on the forum instead of working. It felt useful - mostly.)
  15. And you are totally free to do so. Have you figured out the practical steps? What kind of monastery and where?
  16. I have no idea what I'm talking about, but let's not let that stop me. It seems to me the trouble lies with, when at this sea-splitting level of consciousness, to still want it. You don't care about your egoic desire to prove anything to anyone, or kinesthetically attracting that cupcake, when you're "up there". So it probably only happens when it aligns closely with something like God's Will. That would explain why Moses could do it that one time, but he didn't then make a habit of it. Jesus still walked around most lakes in his daily life.
  17. I see this has been posted already. To keep the discussion unique: Why do we think this guy doesn't get burnt at the stake for being a heretic, but Rupert Sheldrake did?
  18. Don't you just love how they all wear facemasks so they won't give covid to the guy trying to die on a table
  19. It is definitely that, and trying to think differently about things won't help be enough in my experience. Primal therapy is what transformed it for me. These early experienced were not properly processed, so they are influencing your adult life. I needed to go back and process them properly, so I could be free from them. It helped a lot, the issues you named were transformed from the inside. I would say I have 70% less social anxiety since I did that.
  20. No, I wouldn't agree. All these statements are bad advice and fear-based. A fear of one's own mind. Psyche-delic means mind-manifesting. What's on your mind (conscious or subconscious) manifests in your experience. Psychedelics punish fear and reward trust. All these advices are based on the idea that a difficult experience is a bad thing. That distrustful attitude makes it not go well, and people who take this attitude have more difficult experiences and often (think they) have to resort to trip killers and the like. Instead, trust that whatever the psychedelic shows you will be in your best interest. It's happening for you, not against you. It's actually amazing how learning to navigate a psychedelic experience is a model for learning how to navigate life. Of course, respect set and setting And if you don't like something, it's okay to change it. Just like in life. You can change the music, switch between open/closed eyes, walk around if you want. But you can't always change it. Just like in life. It helps to meditate regularly. It helps to practice keeping a symmetrical, open body posture and belly breathing. Have I had fearful moments on LSD? Sure! But then I get to the root of the fear, figure it out, and within an hour I have overcome it, learnt a lot and am super happy again. My first ever trip, I took 2 tabs of LSD, because someone had erroneously told me that if I didn't feel the first one in half an hour, it wasn't going to work. I went through a lot of fearing that 'this was too intense'. And every time I feared that it was too intense/exhausting, everything became grayscale, wet, and a lot of crawling bugs appeared. Then I discovered that breathing deeply made everything rainbowy again, and color returned. So I learnt to breathe through my fear. That was useful.
  21. I'm wondering if there is any link. Who can shed some light on this? Psychic mediums sometimes (not often) hear voices, often hear and see thoughts that are not their own (hearing and seeing in their mind's eye), and also often have olfactory hallucinations (smelling things that are not there). If they interpret those things correctly, it tells them things they could not otherwise have known. Sufferers of schizophrenia often hear voices, often have olfactory hallucinations, and often are paranoid that someone can hear their thoughts. So not the same pattern, but there's some overlap. Also they often smell things, but rotten things, that are just disturbing, not giving them intel. The voices and thoughts they hear are just messing with them, not giving them useful knowledge. What is the difference, what is the overlap? It seems to me that these type of hallucinations are how spirits communicate, and in one case they are helpful spirits, and in the other, they are mean-spirited spirits.
  22. It's actually awesome that we have this hyperintelligent man explaining to us how he would govern the world to the best of his abilities. Because it provides a sneak peek into the dystopian nightmare that would follow if we would let our country or world be ruled by a hyperintelligent machine, and tell it to 'optimize for human happiness'. Is the goal of government to minimize suffering? That would loop back on itself and create more suffering. Government should provide a framework within which for the individual, the healthiest choice (for the whole) is the choice with the least resistance for the individual. Force should not be necessary. My interpretation is that Langan doesn't see that because he lacks empathy. So he fails to account for the innate human need for a sense of agency and models people like logical machines.
  23. @mandyjw Thank you. When I smoke weed, I immediately start "hearing" my thoughts as if they were voices. The thoughts don't necessarily change, but they seem to be coming from someone-who-isn't-me, and I start feeling uneasy because now it seems like there is a stranger in "my" head. (and then I start fearing becoming a schizophrenic, and psyching myself out and trying to numb myself until it's over. It always passes) Your explanation is oddly comforting for this scenario. "hearing voices" is just an awareness of the fact that you aren't thinking the thoughts, that the you is another thought, there's just pure reception. I'll remember that. So how could a schizophrenic tune their reception to a channel where they don't receive these gnarly deceptions, but regular loving thoughts or even guidance?
  24. "hearing voices" is just an awareness of the fact that you aren't thinking the thoughts, that the you is another thought, there's just pure reception. - mandyjw I don't hear voices except when I smoke weed. And the voices I hear are exactly like my regular own thoughts, but represented as something external. This insight comforted me, and if I ever get stoned again, it will make me less scared of becoming psychotic.