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Everything posted by flowboy

  1. No, cigars are less addictive. Pipe smoking even less so, which is why I still like it. How addictive it is has more to do with how quickly after the action (taking a puff) it gets into your bloodstream, and inhaling gets it there way faster than through the mucus membranes in your mouth. Also, cigarettes are chemically modified to be extra addictive- and this makes a huge difference. I’ve never had significant withdrawals after stopping pipe smoking for a few weeks, but after smoking cigarettes the withdrawals are gnarly. Nicotine is addictive, but on its own, without additives, it’s quite manageable. Of course I’m not saying a daily habit is a good idea. I used to chew nicotine gum every day because it has nootropic qualities. However there’s other substances that I prefer taking which have less drawbacks, such as bacopa, citicholine and rhodiola.
  2. Ah, forgive me for assuming it was about you. Even better, then. Yes, it's a romantic idea, I also romanticized it at one time. Though in my version it was a romantic sage who got laid a lot, still ^ ^. Regardless of romantic ideas, I don't believe in generalizations, so some people will be clearly predestined to spend a huge chunk of their life alone, but they're so few and far apart that it's probably a safe assumption for any one person to make that "you're not that, unless you feel truly called" Nice that you have such a loving relationship! Yes, I would say pure masculinity without shadow will prefer to live in, or build his own community. It will want to share his vision and leadership qualities, provide, hold space, give his gifts. I'm not sure what type of community you mean exactly. I'm referring to any community, from a nothingtown village to a selected tribe of like-minded ones in a large city, to an intentional community, whatever it is.
  3. With exceptions, people do best happiness and longevity wise in community. With lots of laughing together, hugs, touches and casual chats. This goes for all genders. To me it seems very strange that once you realise you don't need anybody to be happy, which is all well and good, you would then use that as a reason to not want to be with anybody. That indicates some sort of shadow to me. What's wrong with people? Why prefer to not have them around? If you can be blissful on your own, it should be even more blissful to share that energy and spread it around. It's unnatural in my opinion. I believe there's reasons to want to spend some years alone which are natural (seeking wisdom, healing from something, going through an awakening process of some sort), but a healed, balanced person will eventually prefer community because why not. That doesn't mean the same community they grew up in, of course. Like minded people. What is common is for masculinity to seek nothingness, zoning out, blissful unconsciousness after a day of hard work, and for femininity to seek connection through talking as a way to recharge. I could imagine a masculine soul perpetually stressed, hurt or injured to seek aloneness as a way to recharge. I just don't buy that there is something advanced about it, or that it's cool to not need anybody and therefore not have anybody.
  4. @Lila9 Tell me more about tantric coffee? I've watched a tantric hairbrushing session once on a tantra retreat. But you've captured my interest with this one.
  5. This blew my mind. Jung states that "falling in love", strong, obsessive infatuation, is actually a person projecting their inner anima or animus, whichever they lack connection with, onto another person. They are merely looking for a lost part of themselves, through the person they are falling in love with. Think of the "you complete me", "finding your other half" memes in our culture. Childhood trauma causes parts of the brain to be disconnected from the rest, as a self-protection mechanism. The part that is connected to the feelings, memories, talents and gifts of a particular age, is isolated by gates in the brain. Meaning that it will not be connected to conscious awareness, unless it goes into a 'mode' where it takes over. Thus, in normal every day non-triggered life, it is like this part is missing. In fact, feeling empty and like something's missing are very common human afflictions. It's not that they can't come into consciousness, it's that they're disconnected from the rest, and will only express themselves when isolated through an exercise, or when life triggers them to act out. Now what happens when this split is roughly across the left-brain right-brain side, is that someone develops into an unbalanced person, with either lots of masculine right-brain properties, like affinity for math, technology, logic and control, but the feminine left-brain properties are nowhere to be found: like the person is not creative, artistic, intuitive, or emotionally intelligent at all. Or vice versa. Think of the many software engineers who seem to lack emotional or social intelligence, or artistic types who believe they can't do any math. This is skewed development. Their brain is not talking to itself at all levels that it could be. People go through life with a vague sense of not utilizing their full potential... and it's true.
  6. Definitely not wait, you should have specified the other day instead of saying “another day” just propose the day and time you want, and do it now or it will seem like you’re not interested
  7. @Davidess Yes I actually re-watched a parts work session that I did on myself, and noticed that that is what's happening. I got the actual info from Cure By Crying by Thomas Stone, where he paraphrases Jung and explains those concepts in a chapter.
  8. 3 Ways to Use Journaling for Self Healing
  9. @Zen LaCroix Mind Lab Pro. I love it, it works well and is affordable for what it does, there's no experimental chemicals in there like racetams, just vitamins and plants. I know a CEO of a biotech company that swears by it. I know a career poker player that loves it. They should really give me an affiliate link or something Anyways, I don't take it every day because it does make me a bit overly "brainy" and less in touch with my feelings.
  10. I've had that. It was the worst when I was in school. I used to overuse caffeine to compensate for it, or stress myself out on purpose, in order to "wake up". I even hated myself for not being able to fully wake up. The advice to get checked by a doctor and get bloodwork is of course solid. I don't know for sure what it is caused by, what I do know is that I haven't experienced it in years, and I've done a lot of trauma purging since the last time I had it. I think it may have stopped when I started addressing childhood trauma. The body has all sorts of weird ways to express unfelt pain. Of course I am a bit biased. Explore other routes as well, like cleaning up your diet. Also 3 weeks of semen retention is an awesome short term fix, I'm willing to bet that if you do that, you won't have that symptom. But yes, how much have you cried about the past yet? It's my domain of expertise so I am biased, but I do believe it can be related.
  11. What I learnt from Patrick Teahan is that the one trait that separates NPD from all the rest is that they cannot be shamed. Their shame system is so completely blocked that they are not capable of entertaining the thought that they may have done something wrong.
  12. @meta_male It's pretty simple to order a mushroom grow kit no? Also, Western European countries have tons of loopholes in their law for particular substances (example, 1V-LSD) Not telling you to do anything illegal ofc. But even if you were to, suppose you get caught with 3 tabs of acid in Switzerland, are you really in that much trouble?
  13. It's perfectly possible to feel fine after a rejection. When it feels bad, that's because of internalized shame. Because you believe yourself to be inferior, and the rejection makes the unworthiness/inferiority story stronger. This internalized shame should always be assumed to be from childhood (early or adolescence). I've never seen an example where it's not. The way to get rid of it, is through crying-in-context: shedding the unshed tears about the past. Not willing to do that? Understandable, but then you're not going to feel fine about rejection. The way to do it is through regression therapy, primal therapy, schema therapy, shadow work, or what have you. I'm putting together a playlist on doing-it-yourself (more vids will be added in a couple days)
  14. That's awesome dude, you should get a ticket like right now, if you have the time. yeah I've been to festivals alone, I just roamed around approaching girls for 3 days, some moments were really brutal and I felt sad and rejected and scared, but then also I got to skinny dip with some really beautiful ladies and made out with a stripper, so I'd say I had a good time. Festivals are great because everyone's your friend. I was very socially anxious and awkward at that time, so I pushed myself a lot and still had a great time, chatted to lots of women, had great moments of flow, some massages, a nice ketamine trip... Everyone's your friend there so you're free. It's great. You can even roam around butt naked on acid and still people will be open to hugs and conversations. I've tested this theory multiple times But yeah that's when I was 25 or 26, still massively awkward, too insecure to show my real self. I think if I would go there today, I'd make a lot more real and long term connections, because I'm just more of my real self.
  15. I think she might be on her period, therefore feels radically different and unsure about everything, and you should lightly keep in touch for 2 weeks (like 2-3 casual value shares) and then try to set up another date to see if she's feeling enthusiastic again.
  16. @MuriloPais Intuition doesn't justify itself with arguments in your head. That's how you tell the difference.
  17. Indeed Sometimes we just need to be reminded.
  18. You made that assumption immediately before even reading the links I posted, one of which is to a place where high consciousness events happen where alcohol and drugs are forbidden, there is high quality live music, and awesome people. But you know, the women of substance and depth of which we speak are NOT too lazy to read a website or go to a high consciousness place, they DON'T make snap judgments and excuses for laziness, they are actually intelligent and open-minded and curious. So you should ask yourself whether you are actually even a good match for the women you say you want, or whether maybe you could act more like the people you want to meet, and attract them that way.
  19. Then you should probably move there. Many high consciousness people, also in the smaller cities like Groningen and Deventer. I grew up in Leeuwarden (not recommended, would not repeat), then moved to Groningen (great little city, full of students, lots of the activities that I mentioned are available there). Now I live in Austria close to Linz.
  20. Maybe there's something to that, then. Alas, move to NL I suppose
  21. You don't know, because you haven't gone where I'm recommending you to go. So you know nothing until you try. What you wrote is all nonsense, assumptions and the excuses that keep you stuck. I'm handing you the places to go to make high quality connections on a silver platter. And you're too stubborn to even consider taking action on it. Throwing pearls to the dogs. But it's not for excuse-making whimps who just want to sit comfortably and complain and repeat their faulty assumptions to each other. That's all I'm gonna say on this topic, because I'm starting to resemble Leo in my impatient tone and that's not good for anyone
  22. Needing is different from wanting. If you are experiencing negative emotions and slapping yourself around when she says no, then you "need" the yes. That's a problem. It's better to not think ahead at all, say what comes to mind and be willing to drop it at any moment.
  23. "I always lick them till they cum after the disappointing 2.5 minutes of sex, that's how sweet I am. If that's what you're getting at"
  24. https://psymedia.co.za/best-psytrance-festivals/ https://www.angsbacka.com/event/ Buy some tickets and stop complaining you two