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Everything posted by flowboy

  1. Agreed. Make pills with DMT and MAOI all you want, just don't call it Ayahuasca.
  2. You're massively overthinking this. You can build meeting women into anything that you already do in daily life, and it will cost you zero time. I used to go for 20 min walks in the park on a daily basis. So then I talked to women I saw who were also walking in the park, got their number, and dated them. Do you go to the supermarket regularly? Great. So do women. Get their numbers there. And you don't need to buy a swimming ticket. Just invite them to hang out with you at your place and do something you already do, like cook dinner. Keep It Simple Stupid (just like in the programming world, hehe)
  3. Ok so you're an absolute beginner and don't understand anything about women. Fair enough. Here's what I think will help you: don't ever expect logic to move things forward. You put her in her head and made her think about what she is attracted to and whether you fit the requirements. That's logic. Now it's over. Don't ever go logical. Always make her feel things, like being funny, silly, sharing stories that contain emotions, tease her, don't take her too seriously. Instead you need to be playful and invite her to do something with you for a stupid funny reason. With the next one, because there's no recovering from this.
  4. @Eternal Unity Yep, I've done many workshops with thenewtantra.com De-armouring, releasing trauma, non-ejaculatory sex, group experiences, the whole thing. What is it specifically you want to know? Just sign up if you're curious. It's awesome.
  5. Thanks. @LSD-Rumi just get connected to that subgroup. Do you have friends you can ask about that?
  6. I've seen you blame girls for being stupid, I've seen you blame your environment... first you need to move to a different city, then an entire country... you're weaving a web of bullshit for yourself. Do you really honestly believe that no person where you live is having sex without being married??
  7. Yes you have to avoid that. But the way to do that is not to hide your intent from her, you have to be socially calibrated and not do anything that she doesn't want. Make her an accomplice in your game of naughtiness. Give her a good excuse to spend time with a guy. Maybe you can organise some sort of social hangout, or study group, what would be a good excuse that she could say to her family?
  8. Are you creating a sexual vibe though? Have you made out with any of these girls or not?
  9. Groundedness, leadership. Inspiration and intuition. I recommend you read David Deida's TWOTSM or any other book for more in-depth insights.
  10. Yeah we don't really date... wtf are you talking about. Everyone in NL speaks perfect English and loves foreigners/travellers with an interesting story. EU is not a country my naive American fellows... it's a BUNCH of countries with different cultures.
  11. Are you at risk of getting imprisoned or decapitated if you say something inappropriate to a woman? If yes, I understand your concern. If no, then stop blaming your environment. AFAIK, in the most restrictive cultures, there's a subset of rebellious young people who don't care about sanctity of marriage and just wanna get laid. Men and women. I guarantee it. They have secret gatherings or go to certain bars, somewhere, and do what God forbids. Just find out where that is and go there Of course, if that actually puts your life and freedom at risk, that's another story. But usually there will be a certain subculture where people gather and drink and have sex, even though Allah told them not to. And the authorities don't bother them there, because everyone sort of knows. Basing this entirely on stories by my friend who lived in Kuwait for a year.
  12. Also, don't ask for her insta at the end - get her number in the middle. If you get her contact and then leave, she'll feel like she just got sold something by a sleazy salesman. I don't know what's up with people asking for insta - what so you can follow her and look at her pics? send her DMs that she'll ignore? Maybe I'm getting old and this is what the kids do nowadays. It looks weak to me. Just say let's hang out again, make a new contact entry in your phone and hand it over to her. Then call her on the spot to make sure it's the right one.
  13. So you can tell them that you want to make friends - but you have to hold long strong eye contact with them until you're sure that they feel the sexual vibe. Look at them like a predator would inspect prey. And they should blush or reciprocate eye contact or shyly look away. And you should feel in your body like you could throw them onto a bed and fuck them any second. If you're not doing that, you're wasting your time. So don't actually hide your sexual intent from them - that's a terrible idea. Just create a storyline together that makes it look like a socially acceptable interaction if you only look at the words spoken. If she shows up for a next date and doesn't actually know you want to have sex with her, you messed up. I learnt that the hard way when I was in my teens and would get women on a date who said: 'wait... you thought this was a date??' in a baffled way. No bueno. Be at least honest with your gaze and touch.
  14. Ok but are you actually making out with any of these girls? If not, don't be so sure you've found a good strategy.
  15. I think at some point while watching porn you prayed for this and the Universe was like: ok, careful what you wish for though. @Someone here You can either put your foot down and say no, which is the easiest, or you can start doing semen retention, which means you don't cum and eventually you'll start having ejaculation-less orgasms, keeping your energy and sex drive high all the time. But only if you want.
  16. You can't be responsible for other people's feelings. All you can do is state your boundaries, desires and needs in a calm, non-threatening way. Whether she takes it well is up to her, and you should never be responsible for that, because that is codependency. Easier said than done, I know, for me as well. But that's the way of healthy relating.
  17. She clearly said she doesn’t want to talk and you harassed her for her Facebook account anyway? That’ not pick-up that’s harassment. She only gave it to you in hopes of getting rid of you. No wonder she blocked you. If women are less likely to want to talk to strangers where you live, doesn’t mean you should ignore their boundaries, it just means try more people to see who’s open. If she immediately expressed disinterest after getting in touch over social media, then you’re too in your head to notice her state when you met her.
  18. That's Salvia which most predictably does that. High-dose mushrooms and DMT also.
  19. @EyolfTheWolf Yes, coffee is not good for stomach and gut. The acids eat away at the stomach and gut lining. For most people this is tolerable, if you already have a sensitivity there, not so much. So you should stay away from it before you develop ulcers.
  20. Intermittent fasting works best when you don't do it every day (Dave Ausprey says) The idea is that it's a slight shock to the system, which is unexpected, and slight unexpected shocks to the system keep it sharp and well-defended. When it's too predictable, the body gets lazy. Similar to cold exposure etc. So you might want to vary your IF days, or throw 1-2 days of breakfast in there and an OMAD day. Also, get blackout curtains so you can cut out that stupid light Do you keep any devices with LED's in your bedroom? Also, no mention is made of how this lifestyle makes you feel. It all seems very scientifically controlled and with little room for intuition. This makes me think that you're somewhat out of touch with yourself.
  21. This. Getting the parts on the same page is the most efficient way to eliminate resistance and procrastination. ”Ego” is an outdated model imo. The psyche is multiple and the many parts all have their own agendas. That’s why people get “in their own way”.
  22. Sounds nice Too bad you're an extraterrestrial. If you were in NL, Germany, UK or Denmark I could make some recommendations
  23. You don’t really want to have deep conversation too early on, it can actually hurt the sexual tension, so don’t worry too much about that! Build sexual tension instead.