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About Josh2

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  • Birthday 07/23/1989

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  1. @Matthew Lamot Haha ik - Don't take me too serious - I still have a lot to learn
  2. @Matthew Lamot Man-sorry but I don't agree with you ... The path of enlightenment IS taught here - and in a very direct way. I have studied various resources and this is one of the best. I don't know about you but what else would you recommend. I would definatly say shinzen young and mooji , ....
  3. Hi! Can anyone describe me what the main differences are in Non manipulation method and do nothing ... I know both are very similar and it is very easy to mix them up-especially when you expect a similar outcome in each sit. I would be super grateful if someone would explain me this
  4. At home in front of a wall on a yoga mat with some cushions in a Burmese position. Basically how the monks do it in the picture above. But rly it's up to you - if u meditate with a technique like do nothing try doing what has been suggested and if u r practicing mindfulness meditation then meditating outside could be better (more labeling is possible).
  5. @MIA.RIVEL Never knew that you are a life coach! And yes I agree...all his videos are awesome
  6. Hi! Just wondering how many videos of Leo you have watched ... Which were your favorite ... Which video brought you here .... It'll be fun to get to know your insights! I personally have watched 52 of his videos (all of the enlightenment and on happiness ones plus some on emotions). I take notes on them and so forth .... I first got brought here by a video of him on YouTube where he talks about motivation (I was lacking). take care
  7. @Matthew Lamot I don't know where but Leo once wrote on the forum how once the ego is killed, some of its large structures may remain. So for example if u have confidence problems, you would with your awareness penetrate into its root and finally dissentangle it - this is where real self actualization/improvement begins. Do this until you have no more cravings and you are not holding on to life, stimulation and more. if you do this you would be unimaginable happy
  8. @Matthew Lamot Your right! Enlightenment is a permanent inner realization .... It cannot possibly get lost. Becoming enlightened means having KILLED the ego. (But its structures may remain)
  9. @Eelco1981 Ah ok. Yeah what I mean is that I loose concentration and then tilt forward with my body - but since it's SDS I'm not allowed to move myself back into the same starting position. Surprisingly I never really have to deal with falling asleep due to the pain I have to deal with I guess
  10. Hey Guys! I was doing an SDS today and while the sit I unconsciously or consciously (I really don't know) began to slouch forwards with my back .... Is this normal or should it not happen/try to forcefully keep my back straight the entire time consciously. I tried to sit through it but failed Thx!
  11. Hi Leo! I would like to have a video on Meditation and Self Inquiry postures: which ones do you use, how comfortable is too comfortable, which postures would be good for beginners, intermediate, and advanced meditators, or which postures are best for which techniques. If these are irrelevant and any posture would be fine....just make a video regarding that this is the case and any posture would be fine - but then give examples of these as well please! Thx
  12. Hi! I was thinking about if a meditation posture can be too comfortable ... I mean Leo said that he does mediation sitting on his couch right? But doesn't it slow you down from getting faster results...or does it even out - Idk. I would like to know what you think, your past experiences and tips please - thanks ! P.s meditators use Zazen positions for a reason ... Which aren't all to comfortable