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About ShugendoRa

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  • Birthday January 30

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  1. I had some money to burn so I went to my local psychic tarot reader. I gave her my name date of birth and time of birth. She basically told me everything I already knew based on online natal chart you just put in your name and birth and time and she told me the same thing. What I got back was affirmations to say nightly a vow of silence and fasting of a specific food I choose chocolate. Then she told me to make a box with rose petals salt and money to take in my bad energy while I sleep. Then I will give it back to her for her to meditate on it. Then she told me this entity is really bad and she needs to do a 10 day ritual where she takes the box and puts it in a tabernacle which is pricey $700. I don't know much of this ritual with the tabernacle she said it's used on sick kids and entity removal. I went along but I just can't move myself to give her $700. You think it's a scam or it's worth it. She only has 8 reviews on google maps . I'll do more research and see where I can do this but cheaper. Or do you think it's worth it?
  2. Before this relationship with my girl I was eating healthy I was working out and I was meditating 1 hr plus everyday. Ever since I chose to let her live with me I started drinking eating fast-food and stop meditating. I can't dump her because she doesn't have a home and her family doesn't want her either. She has no choice to stay here with me even if I want to move on and stay on my spiritual path. What do I do? I can't just kick her out she will become homeless.. Fuck
  3. I don't really understand dhwat your saying . Your saying your path is your path only and you shouldnt follow other paths?
  4. Talk to me at instagram @thenoselfhelpjunkie
  5. I’ve been researching this disorder for months now looking at everything online. I have a strong feeling I’m 80 percent likely I have it. I had a sexual abuse childhood my mom is a narcissist My dad hit me. That’s how it starts. I’ve noticed I do this thing called splitting which I found out I do. What should I do with this. Should I talk to a professional ?
  6. stage green guy talks about mal practices from these big name brands
  7. a nice website in a stage yellow lens
  8. How is the four agreements the book stage purple ? Wtf
  9. Be more stage red
  10. Everytime I grasp an insight about your true nature my body reacts in a way I would describe as fear. Can anyone help? I really try to relax and see where this take me but sometimes I just trigger a fear body reaction when I try to look at reality as is
  11. I watched a random youtube video and some guy was like you watch revolver daily? I was like huh and I typed it up and boom a website we might enjoy.
  12. Kundalini yoga resources have good chakras. Santania has a great chakra resource on YouTube go to playlist you will see it
  13. It's not worth it. It does make you creative and happy and flowly. But it my opinion it's better taking 50ug to 100ug once a week .