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Everything posted by karkaore

  1. Yes. Mind filled with conflicting ideas about stuff and no experience to ground those ideas in. The real problem with this is that we can spend months and years on contemplating 1 of Leo's videos. Yet we do just run through them, adopting ideas and beliefs.
  2. Any feedback on LSA seeds? Anyone experienced with it, could you describe it? How is it compared to LSD? Maybe it's more comparable with something else? Thanks ☺️
  3. I agree with you, sir! Interactions can be spiritual and rich. However, we must not take for granted how our mind gets engulfed in the interaction, wanting to take one position over the other. If we are looking just for the interaction and discussion of ideas then sure, nothing wrong with that. Doesn't bring us any closer to the truth tho..@Wilhelm44
  4. Of course they are useful. Our minds are very quick and subtle in mixing the truth with a finger though. Assuming things about truth in relation to the finger, ect.ect. I was just making sure you are aware of a belief being just that, a belief.
  5. Parallel realities Now is a belief, isn't it? Are there really parallel realities, or just beliefs? Now and Consciousness..? Two different labels on one thing? On what thing? Or are these different things, Now and Consciousness?
  6. Let me ask you this: If one day you met someone and it hit you. You really want to be with him/her. You love them. They love you. What is your decisions of today now?
  7. @freejoy ? I don't know what to tell you, it might. But it's purpose is not achievement. Although our limited mind(beliefs, concepts, assumptions) do become more aligned with our desires. We could say that we do manifest them in a way.
  8. @freejoy What do you mean by "work" in that sentence. Can you describe it? "work" can have different associations to it, we might have different concepts about it.
  9. What is the "work" in the question: does prayer work? We pray (use communication may it be language or something else we imagine) to someone/something (concepts in our minds) and then we do what? Listen. Feel into it. Yes? That is a form of meditation. So the question becomes, does the meditation work? We are back at where we started. What is the "work"?
  10. What is prayer but a form of meditation? Who/what are we praying/meditating to/for is a whole different inquiry.
  11. @Wilhelm44 It's a belief, isn't it? I mean.. Now. It's a belief, right?
  12. You know what the practical implications of this was for me? Insanity, doubt, anxiety and craziness. Why? Ideas about concepts built on assumptions... God damn parallel realities haha
  13. If you're a male, try going into the police department and claim that you have been raped by a female. You gonna get a lot of smirks coming your way. Noone is really going to take you seriously or in the same manner as they would take a female. I suppose there could be exceptions. If we were to look at the overall picture of where we roughly are at collectively in the SD model, we could see that we are mostly blue. How does the blue view weakness? Especially in males? We are scared shitless admiting that we were abused first of all. Then comes the pressure of exposure, how do we even talk about it? And if we do talk about it, who will listen? Moreover, this hassle of reaching out and finding resources doesn't look too fun once we are in a situation. I'd rather just swallow the sorrow, light up some weed, go out and get wasted. I might even go harrass some hot chicks at the club to add icing to the cake.
  14. This seems to depend on what you want from her and at what stage of relationship are you in. Imagine doing pickup that way. Now imagine pushing your significant other for sex all the time.
  15. How do I stop creating problems? I have noticed that my mind can not stop looking for problems and in doing so it creates them. In a state of meditation, being in the moment stops it. Alright. I know how to stop it. I can't seem to do it while interacting with someone. While I am listening to what they are saying, in the background there is this "radar" scanning for things to solve. If I turn it off while I am with someone, keeping a conversation going isn't happening. I feel like I lack integration of what is "other".
  16. Never had an experience of "other" so I don't know. I have only experienced "me". So "me" must include "other". But I definitely need to look into this much deeper. Does this have a correlation with "problem solving"? @Nahm It seems to me that if I can stop seeking for problems in myself, I would stop seeking them in others, too. Hmm..
  17. @Human Mint I feel you. I also experienced this. At some point I realized that this was because I was objectifying them. Why was I doing that? Because I wanted something from them. I looked at them as a piece of cake. Then I have asked my self what was it that I wanted from them exactly? and so on the questioning went until I realized that I really do not need anything from anyone. Chances are that you are using self-talk to come up with excuses why you are afraid and insecure. You can stop doing that.
  18. Investigating on this might answer your questions.
  19. What is anything "outside" your experience? In your experience "earth is round" and "unicorns are true" are both equally true/false. Your mind has different rationalizations about these ideas though.
  20. It isn't and it is. Gotta share that cake.
  21. Contemplate. Meditate. Yoga. Psychedelics. Contemplate. Meditate. Yoga. Psychedelics. Contemplate. Meditate. Yoga. Psychedelics. Contemplate. Meditate. Yoga. Psychedelics. Got more questions such as What is God? What is Love? What am I? What is a thought? What is consciousness? What is Reality? What is space? What is time? Contemplate. Meditate. Yoga. Psychedelics. Contemplate. Meditate. Yoga. Psychedelics. Contemplate. Meditate. Yoga. Psychedelics. Contemplate. Meditate. Yoga. Psychedelics. Why does "my" mind look for answers somewhere "out there"? Why is "my" and "out there" is in comma's? What is understanding? What is perception? Contemplate. Meditate. Yoga. Psychedelics. Contemplate. Meditate. Yoga. Psychedelics. Contemplate. Meditate. Yoga. Psychedelics. Contemplate. Meditate. Yoga. Psychedelics...