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Everything posted by karkaore

  1. Yes, all is one. Oneness is all there is. There is no 'there' or 'here' for that matter. Just ISness is. That being said and 'true?' (i didn't have a non-dual experience yet) means that everything is an illusion. The phrase 'separate things' doesn't make any sense, ultimately. So if we are all so non-dual and spiritual, authentic and all the other pretty ideological words (yes, i am a bit frustrated here), why demonize this poor little ego filled with confusion? After all, the illusion of there being a self is just as real. As you guys said, one consciousness. Conscious of itself or not. I remember when I first started meditating my friend said 'It would be nice to kill the ego'. Now that statement didn't sound right for me from the start. Not long after I wondered upon Actualized to find that yeah, people just want to crawl out of their skin and fucking burn it. I do know that I am not this body, not my thoughts/feelings, not my ego. I know it caused me suffering. But I just can't grasp why such negativity is implied when it comes to the ego, like it's a rock dragging all to the bottom of the ocean. How is it possible to see it this way? One is where one is precisely because of the ego. Ones ego is what made everything possible. Even if it's unconscious. I guess my understanding of the concept differ. Maybe.
  2. @Truth Addict precisely. I think it appears as if it is unloving and uncaring because it doesn't grasp the fact that love and care is the core of happiness. In fact it doesn't know what these concepts mean. But again, that doesn't mean that it should be treated without love and compassion. Everything and everyone just wants to be loved. In one form or another. My point was that I have noticed ego being demonized just for being ego. I see it all across spirituality. Ego? Its BAD, it just wants one to SUFFER! When in fact, ego is the only reason one gets to live, breathe, taste and smell. In a way, I feel like this approach to the ego is a shadow on the spiritual communities. Yes, it needs to be taught and shown the path, but in what manner? Now, I might be completely wrong here about all this. It's just the way it looks like to me.
  3. @Manjushri I would suggest planning out your days schedule and following it. This would eliminate the issue.
  4. @Aakash and one more thing. the fact that you feel fear means you are going the right way.✌️
  5. @Aakash The reason you feel the way you feel, i assume, is because you might have missed a piece of the puzzle there. I think you might be failing to realise how infinite this universe-god-existence-consiousness-awareness-blablathingie actually is and how narrow your point of view is. Also, do not get mixed up here. The illusion that you are alive, feel, eat, shit and percieve everything around you is just as real as God. It's the same thing. It only looks and feels the way it does to you because you are the one perceiving.
  6. @ActualizedDavid Leo's book list ✌️
  7. That's something one should do as a last resort IMO.
  8. @EvilAngel The enlightenment experience you had is not a step forward, drinking and smoking is not a step back. Stop believing yourself, my friend. Furthermore, what benefit you want from meditation? The more you want to benefit, the less you actually do. Drop the belief system. Have you ever tried writing down your thoughts/feelings? Seeing them on paper could help you understand yourself more. And sorry, but no one can help you. Ever. Only you can help yourself. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Relax, stop trying to control yourself and observe. The key to enjoying drama is observation. Let it play. Great things will happen.✌️
  9. Hello friends ❤️ Can anyone relate to a loss of short-term memory while in the peak of the trip? I would also describe it as a blackout. Took a fairly high dose at 300ug.
  10. Cheers, guys. ✌️ Trip wasn't as intended, went a far way off. Good lesson. Pity that i can't remember at least 5hours off it. Very short glimpses just. ?
  11. I have found out what i really want in life while on LSD. Well, i have remembered what i really want in life would be more accurate. It was a long forgotten dream of studying architecture. So yeah, they can definitely help you figure out your purpose. ✌️
  12. @ground Yes, completely agree on that. The first sentence, however. What might be too long for you can be not enough for the other.
  13. @VictorB02 You know better than anyone else. For me weed was always a way of pushing my insecurities or any bad emotional/mental states away. Made me psychologically addicted af. I would suggest journaling and pin-pointing reasons as to why you feel like smoking, how your mood changes when high and how you feel afterwards. This way it's gonna be much clearer if it's a good influence on you. Keep in mind, weed is very good way of forming a habit. For me it was absolutely negative impact in the long run. Then again, you know yourself best.
  14. @Cocolove first of all, I would like to say that reading this left me amazed! This really left me sitting here with a smile on my face. Dealing with high school stuff and sticking to the kind of schedule that you have set for yourself would have been something way too much for me. In my opinion, you are doing great! I would advise keeping up the meditation, self-inquiry, ect. until sitting there for an hour is not gonna be much of a struggle. Until you will voluntarily be wanting to sit there for that time, even longer! Keep in track of yourself whether you are aware and open minded when you aren't doing any practices. The most important thing is being aware and mindful from the second you wake up until the moment you fall asleep. Please, correct me if I'm wrong. To answer your question I would say that it would make sense, if you extend you practice times, it would make the retreat more gentle and smooth. Although be careful not make up very beautiful and visionary expectations. I wouldn't try and force it or plan too much ahead for it. You will know when it's the best to do the retreat. The circumstances will show you, your intuition will show you. And uh.. don't blindly believe @ajasatya or any other who's saying you'r not good enough! No offense @ajasatya Everyone is very different to one another. You might be just as mature as any other, despite your age. There is no need to rush into zen centers ect ect. You know what you need. Look within and good luck on your journey!
  15. @Roman Edouard @Roman Edouardu This all is speculative. Your point of view is a concept, my point of view is a concept. All we can do is debate. No mind can know the Truth. Infinite, finite fuck knows. It just is. Right before you. And you will never know. Yes, playing this game is fun, learning stuff, discussing ideas and concepts. As long as you don't delude yourself into thinking that you know anything. You will be a good scientist with that attitude. I wish you well. ?
  16. All Leo is saying, i think, is that you will never know what the fuck is going to happen when you mix the substances. Fuck knows what chemistry they might have with each other + your body chemicals, hormones and what not. I guess you guys don't really get the point of all this if you commit into something as irresponsible as that. Now I sorta understand the curiosity, try it if you want. It might bring you to some deeper understandings, insights n shit. But at what risk? This is taking unnecessary, dangerous shortcuts IMO. Not worth it in the long run. And please, do not encourage people to mix psychedelics even if doing so is fine to you.
  17. @Arkandeus The things you think you want aren't always necessary the things you actually want. In fact, you don't know what you want even though you might think you do.
  18. @Leo Gura so if one genuinely understands and get's interest in spiral is stage yellow? why is it important to get into detail if one is being mindful, practice meditation, yoga, sometimes do psychedelics? what i mean is does one has to have intellectual understanding of the spiral in order to be yellow or higher? what about enlightened?
  19. @Ampresus This will never end. Because remember, your life is your ego. There will always be something you desire.
  20. @wheelspawn Yeah, it's been around a month since I've done them. The things described keeps happening at the moment.
  21. Hey guys, so I have done couple of LSD trips and some strange things have started happening. Now I enjoy all phenomena that is happening, just want to share this with you and ask a couple of questions. So while on first LSD trip my head felt like something is pushing my skull out from inside, it was kinda intense(lasted almost all trip), I started hearing something like dubstep drop beats when i was in complete silence. When i put Bluetooth headphones on and started listening to music, the bluetooth signal from my phone (which was near my bed) just stopped as if I unconsciously blocked the signal. My internet just stopped working. I started feeling like there was somebody with me in the room. After the second trip, i started getting these dubstep drop symphonys when sober. When meditating, feeling like something would physically run around a room, sit down next to me ect. For some reason I get a feeling like it's a dog or a cat. Feelings like something would fall on my face when meditating lying down, stinging feeling on the back of my neck ect. All these kreepy kreep kreep experiences. I am not making a big deal out of this, using these phenomena as self-growth although it is starting to kreep me out. Any of you guys have any experience with this kinda stuff?