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Everything posted by cirkussmile

  1. I promise you that water has killed way more people than psychedelics.
  2. There’s nothing else than bliss. Suffering belongs to the fals (ego) ??
  3. What you talking about is advanced and very hard to see if you are new to this or haven’t done enough meditation or contemplation. You are right and I love you ❤️??
  4. It’s obviously a miracle, as you say! That force behind it is even more interesting and also more real ??
  5. You are right. But without it, no forum
  6. The more tou try to stop thoughts the more resitance you create. Switching thoughts doesn’t help either because it doesn’t adress the root cause of the problem. The root cause is that you have to accept everything, including thoughts about childhood or thoughts you don’t like. I can’t help you with this but the good news is: You can! Start a daily meditation practice and start to observe thoughts and emotions even if you don’t like them.
  7. What is the difference between a burger on a photo and a burger in your hand?
  8. From my understanding, the absolute has many qualities even though it is formless
  9. Relative = everything that we know, world of forms, phenomena, universe and multiverses and everything that seems to happen in the past, now and future. Absolute = The only thing that can fully satisfy 24/7. Unconditional love, bliss. And from this we want to know if they are one. From what I can see, they are only separate with the mind. Without mind (thoughts), I can not tell the difference. If I can’t find a difference I can conclude that they have to be one. I can also say that the relative exists as illusion because of the nature of experience which is constant change without ground. Without thoughts I have no idea what different even means ❤️??
  10. A bad trip and I hope it showed you to be more humble in general. Love is pure and warm. Cocky is cold and false. You did not have a unique bad trip ❤️
  11. Lazyness is a quality of the absolute. If you can be lazy without inner resistance you are in bliss!
  12. You started visualize when your mind already was attached on her. Have a clear mind without distractions In either case, you attracted learning
  13. Thought is not needed to be conscious. Only consciousness is needed and that is what you are.
  14. Just because you are not aware doesn’t mean there is not even a nothing in deep sleep. When you practice you will eventually be aware 24/7, including deep sleep.
  15. Then Coral is simply non duality. I think Tony Parsons and Jim Newman talks about this today. Even though they leave no room what so ever for deepening or learning which I would like to add.
  16. You will come back to relationship when you grow more. Right now your ego needs to be alone
  17. Have your view on this changed since you started meditation? I have the same experience. I also do not like to ejaculate wich ”takes” away the shallownsurface desires even more. I feel that the more I ejaculate the more I think about sex.
  18. Whatever it is, men has ALOT to learn from females and female energy. And I think to get really deep in that learning is to have a romantic relationship that focus on growing and acceptance. I think men will learn more by that than sitting in a cave. Even though caves are awesome to get deep in Being.
  19. You are pointing to something very challenging and complex that is good to talk about. You have ideas on how to handle or intergrate those desires? Or do you feel that a relationship that focuses on growth removes those desires? I have the feeling that the less our emotional needs are met the more we thinl about others. Do you see that correlation? If it is so, monogamy and focus on the relationship and emotional needs, is the solution to those desires. In other words: we cure sexual desires with others by being more monogamos. How you see this? This also adress the need integrate it. Is polyamory having more partners or is temporary sex partner included? My current view on poly is that they are missing something or trying to supress emotions. I can’t put words to it but I can’t see how they focus on longterm. More consciousness seems to take away the need to have many girlfriends or boyfriends, but this is just an idea I have.
  20. @Emerald A long term relationship is more deep and profound than new flings. It's hard, it takes determination and also integrity. The long term benefits of growing a relationship is, imo, worth more than surface desires. Do you think a relationship like that can include other partners or is transcendence of those desires preferable?
  21. I see your point. What could be a better way?
  22. Hopefully they will see that there’s something other than me Don’t you think is helpful to first differentiate oneself from thoughts if you are new to this?
  23. Depends on the person Or just explore silence togheter. No more no less
  24. In the past I had partners that was loveley. I loved to do things and was completley enchanted by those interests and the fun in improvement. Then I heard I never spent time with partner even though I really enjoyed their company. In one way I was completely selfish and in another way, she was waiting for me to make her happy. Or at least, she didn’t do stuff that she liked or something with meaning for her. Or maybe I missed something of great importance. Let’s discuss. Peace ??