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Everything posted by cirkussmile

  1. No one can say how and why it happens. For some people tremendous of effort is necessary just to see that it's not. For others it goes more smoothly although some form of practice is most likely involved. Go your way. Follow what's right for you and keep in mind that what you are looking for is already here. I highly recommend a daily meditation practice and making truth number 1 priority.
  2. Exactly that. It falls away effortlessly. The question should be "How do 'I' get to Enlightment". Who are you? It comes to you when effort stops. The suggestion is that you stay present at all times. There's no room for speculation when you are conscious of what is.
  3. You need to start creating man ?
  4. Focus on enlightenment and forget about mind games. Those questions are not important. When you realize what you truly are you will have the answer to those questions. Priority #1: enlightenment then we can start to think Much love
  5. Of course you have control over it. If you hadn't you wouldn't be able to repeat the mantra. The problem is not to see things as real. The problem is to see things as not real.
  6. Wow. You are definitely on to something here. We all have our shades but that doesn't mean it is bad. I'm just very impressed of your honesty. What else do we need than that? Much love ❤️ Edit: I'm so bored of being in the cold Europe for the moment. I've waited more than two months and I have yet to wait one more before I can leave this place again ?. Until then I just meditate. No books, no creation, no nothing really. But it's fine! Life has it's ups and downs.
  7. 2 years of meditation doesn't help if it's scary! At least it didn't help me from screaming ? This is me with two friends...
  8. Sounds fun! Which theme park is the best in the world? ?
  9. Beautiful thing you are doing. Where can I follow you?
  10. Well. If you are aware of it, it doesn't happen
  11. Why? It's the same with everything. What we focus on grows and if you are watering 4 completely different plants who knows what you are going to get? Ok, let's say it is possible. But why would anyone want to do that if they are highly conscious?
  12. First question should always be: what do I love and what do I want to contribute with? Then we have all the time in the world to learn. Passion seems more important than techniques
  13. @Shin It's easy. We just have to go to ourselves and be really honest. Do I want to grow in love with one partner or do I want to follow my cravings and yet not be lonely? Nothing wrong with wanting to have sex and that doesn't contradict monogamy. Everyone can be both but when we talking about a deep loving relationship we can not name polygamy in there. Even though I heard a yogi once who let his wife have sex with others since she was very sexual and he not so much. I resonate more with that then if I had many partners
  14. When she say "I can't hurt myself" she is absolutely right! Very interesting topic.
  15. Thank you for your topic. There's nothing to add
  16. Yes. We can choose! That's the beauty of being human. But deep down we work from programming and how does that programming express itself? The most high conscious beings are either alone or have a stable partner. Why? Because it take to much effort and hazzle to run from person to person only to have sex or intimacy. First step is to find out who you are and then the right partner will join. To have many partners is acting on craving. I can't see how many partners can be a good thing of you want to live and spread peace around you. Just because you handle it doesn't mean that all your partners can handle it. And yes. This is highly my intuition speaking
  17. The spiritual practice is about not taking the inner voice too seriously. If you commit suicide, you are practicing something other than that. But yes! I agree with you. People go from identifying with a self to identifying with a no self. The problem is not a self or a no self, the problem is the identification.
  18. Look at nature. Some animals fuck around like dogs (including dogs) and some stay togheter until death. Humans have the tendency to stay togheter for a very long time. Only ignorance and false expectations can end relationships but until then we enjoy one partner. If we believe that others can make us happy then it's also easy to believe in multiple partners. There's nothing more beautiful in this world than the expression of a loving couple that are committed to their own happiness but still make the relationship work.
  19. Everything is perfectly fine Continue and observe m observe emotions, accept emotions. They come and go.
  20. Free will doesn't excist And it does ?
  21. You have a miracle in your calculations but you seem to put that aside and try to explain it anyway It's impossible to comprehend ?
  22. 1 hour is optimal! 1 hour sittings and then short breaks in between if you want to meditate more. After some time you can experience with longer sittings.
  23. Seems like you had a glimpse of some kind Keep going, the path is long!
  24. Good question! Aaaaw I wish everything was blue love with pearls!! That sounds like unicorn land!