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Everything posted by zambize

  1. <3

    Listen to one whole album with Christmas lights hung up in your room and then you can talk shit.
  2. <3

    Literally eat my ass, not answering your stooopid questions
  3. <3

    Oh shut the fuck up she has some tunes
  4. <3

    Not what Lana Del Rey says....
  5. This made me laugh
  6. <3

    Yeah I'll try not to become a literal zombie when I walk by peanut butter, pop tarts, or chocolate :^) Wow love you too such nice words sweet like cinnamon
  7. <3

    Goals day 9/66 Finding myself a bit extra happy at random times throughout the day, it seemed almost unfair to my ego. Also random times throughout the day I'm not really sure if I am suffering at all or conceivably could in that state. I had an enlightenment experience where I was actually having fun finding my suffering in my direct experience and dissolving it, when I ran out I was like shit I was just starting to have fun. I thought to myself "I thought for a second I'd be enlightened tonight" then I remembered there wasnt anyone to be enlightened and I got into that state again. I dont want to dive into non duality though, I see enough of that shit on here. I dont think I'll post on that experience just cause it's a bit long and I already got too much lined up I want to talk about Need to get better about junk food, I bought oranges instead of pop tarts yesterday so that's a step. God damn the last batch of pop tarts I got was just so good. I've also been getting up right away usually which is great. Overall doing really well but could refocus on not eating soo many snackies B+ feels good maybe A- if the teacher is nice
  8. I remember maybe a couple of months ago I was feeling particularly lonely during an acid trip, I was laying in my bed crying a bit or at least had tears in my eyes. Then kind of a motherly ethereal entity came and tucked me in so to say, let me know everything was alright, gave me a bit more love and left. On one had I felt so grateful for this love I had received, and on the other it was never about that. I wanted someone by my side in life, not someone to come cavalier into my life for 30 seconds just to show me what I was missing out on. But at the same time, I really did appreciate the love she gave me. The loneliness for me went away largely after I was done tripping, and I have friends I can talk to all of this about if I need, so I don't really have any right to lecture you on loneliness, my environment is just different. I would say there have been periods of my life where I wasn't super social and didn't have a lot of good friends right in front of me, but I'm happy I didn't take up bad friends during that time as a band aid fix. Don't let weeds grow in your garden, they'll take up room for all the flowers you want. Also you're definitely not against the world, you at least have this community, which at times can be a huge pain in the ass, but a lot of people genuinely care. Wish you the best
  9. Fine I'll just have to put a curse on you
  10. <3

    With a little bit of work, anxiety will become more like a spiritual compass than anything else. It takes you directly to the place in your direct experience you might be resisting reality. It's not like you're going to be repressing good emotions and happy thoughts, or repressing the idea of you fucking someone right? Your lack of surrender to reality is probably going to be in the shitty emotions that no one likes by default, so stop trying to repress your compass and go Christopher Columbus into your anxiety
  11. <3

    That ain't a real pirate
  12. <3

    Do I look like a stage red mongrel to you?
  13. <3

    Nah dog, it looks good but it's also 60 AMerican dollars..... That's like 50 McDoubles
  14. That's prolly what it is, my girth standards just ain't been met
  15. Same, and I've been making sure. "Okay I'm sure I don't like dick right?" I'd like to think if I wanted a pounding i'd take one Emotionally receptive women just make my heart melt too much
  16. Oh yeah I forgot Charlotte was gone :^( and you won't fuck me
  17. Based on my experience with not fapping for say a week or so, a woman would barely be able to get my pants off without making me cum, I'm concerned for both of you D:
  18. I've never heard of such a reaction to no fap, although I havent really tried for more than a couple of weeks so I wouldnt know any extreme cases. Hopefully that's getting better for you, can barely walk straight made me laugh a bit (sorry) but imagining someone zig zag around a bit because they touched their weiner twice in the last 24 hours seems hmmm peculiar
  19. <3

    I've never heard of a diamond in a goats ass but I really like that chandelier metaphor, that's probably a better way to work with the ideas anyways depending on how independant you view the facets of conciousness or your personality
  20. This was talked about a bit when you were gone. I think it's important because some people who may have never had to go through these dramatic ego death where they are bathing in existential fear, are now kind of expecting it to happen because of all the stories. So now the belief that it has to happen kind of sets themselves up to have to go through this trial enen though many people dont seem to need to have such a dramatic ego death experience on their path. Also welcome back! I missed you even though you call me deluded
  21. <3

    A crude diamonds' facets judge each other and seek to cover each other up. The largest facet, however ugly, will believe the diamond's crudeness comes from somewhere other than itself. It will seek to blame, judge, and repress more and more until there is nothing it can do but admit its own crudeness. A standard diamond has beautiful facets. Each of them searching for the spotlight, but only through their own shine. When the jeweler turns the standard diamond, and scans over each facet, they all shine as bright as they can for him, yet they fail to work together to produce anything beauty other than their own. A polished diamond is more refined than the standard diamond. All of its facets are beautiful, and seek to shine in their own light. Yet, this diamond's facets understand when they need to shine a little brighter, or reduce their intensity a bit such that there is balance to the jewel. The facets work in tandem to produce a beautiful diamond greater than the sum of its parts by cooperation and awareness of the other facets, and how they can work together to make the most beautiful jewel.
  22. <3

    Awkward bot lane that game. I'm actually not sure if having a SO who played league and could duo both would be the most amazing blessing, or the reason the relationship doesn't work out in the end