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Everything posted by zambize

  1. Yeah I definitely enjoy having actual females on the forums as well, and although there aren't that many, I think the ones we do have we lucked out on
  2. I agree but it's just going to be that way on here for a couple of reasons Leo is a very analytical, logical kind of guy. His videos reflect this, and the crowd that watches those videos ends up on these forums. The videos largely appeal to guys, I mean isn't one titled "How to make girls squirt?", not that there aren't girls that aren't interested in that, but yeah. Also on the forums, a masculine approach is a lot easier than a feminine approach because we have to communicate over text and a lot of subtle stuff that happen in more empathetic real life situations is hard or impossible to capture in words. Logic is pretty easy to get into words though. I think it's awesome you're exposing the community to a much more feminine approach, but it's just kind of expected to be masculine dominated. Also, in Leo's defense, he picked a lot of mods that take the counter-perspective to his often very intellectual approach, I wonder if he intended on balancing himself out when he picked mods
  3. I'm sorry sir, I'm going to have to direct you back to the purpose of the thread which is how deluded Leo is, let me give you some questions to illicit meaningful conversation 1. How deluded is Leo from 1 to 10? 2. Rank the following based on how many delusions they have. a. Leo b. Mooji c. Jesus d. dog 3. Name one of Leo's delusions and why it is stupid Thank you, Zambize
  4. I will be making no further comments for fear of my own personal forums safety
  5. Oh come on meme with me, cause if you do it too old man cetus can't ban us all
  6. Pre arranged lmao. Babe are you coming at 7 so I can hit you, scream at you, and try to hang you with my hands? I hope it was prearranged, be some kinky stuff
  7. Yeah I think you helped her get out some repressed emotions, very good job
  8. Wait was she your ex at the time? Or is that what made her your ex?
  9. He could go look the term up, but the idea of you posting "spiritual ego" in the comment section, and the OP deciding he needs to go look up the definition, and from that definition decipher how he can fix his life is pretty far fetched from my point of view. Which should be important for you to know if you were intending on helping him, that you seem to have gotten lazy with actually considering how your message is going to be perceived in favor of that little lollipop your ego gives you when you get the chance to judge someone. But yeah, there are an infinite many ways you can look at it, that's just mine. Thank you I will <3
  10. My point I was trying to make wasn't that anything you said was wrong, I mean it was just two words, it was more that it wasn't helpful. Like if you really think it's helpful to just point at a man who is having a hard time in his life and say two words "spiritual ego", then you should go run outside like you're jesus and start yelling that at everyone so all their troubles can just melt away. Of course the op is stuck in some perspective, aren't we all? I'm just trying to say it seems like you just came to label him and leave without any consideration for how the person is going to react to that statement. Like what did you actually think the OP was going to think when he read "Spiritual Ego". To me it just seems unnecessary to have one more person labeling someone who is going through a tough time in their life, he clearly requires a much more human approach to healing, and that is perfectly fine
  11. <3

    Oh well thank you kind sir :^) theres a couple people on here given the chance to meet irl I probably would, youd probably be on that list depending on the day
  12. <3 meat and greet, let's get every sexually adventurous person on this site naked in the same house @literallyeveryone(18+)(55-)
  13. Why are we trying to change your mind? I'll try for five bucks
  14. I'm getting so enlightened reading this I can barely handle it
  15. <3

    Goals day 13/66 I got granola bars instead of poptarts, which I think I was initially proud of but I'm kind of remembering that there probably isn't much of a difference, maybe more protein in the granola bars. I've had some high-highs as well as some difficult moments surrendering to reality, at times it felt like my resistance was a bra strap on a really fat woman, I'm actually thinking of a particular photo one second. Errr I guess it will be at the bottom? Anyways, all day is spent surrendering whatever resistance I feel towards reality. I've continued to become more expressive with my body as I've become more attuned to my own emotions, I also have really begun noticing people who do the same stuff I do, like covering up their mid section with their arms or hands when they are feeling a bit anxious. When people talk about being excessively bored of people as they go on the spiritual path, I think they probably aren't very emotionally developed. Those are often the people that are really intellectually fleshed out but lack the ability to connect on a human level. Of course you're fucking bored interacting with other people, you don't have the connection, you don't look them in they eyes, you don't feel with them. Good listening and good conversation takes skill and training. You gotta tell your mind which thinks it's the most important thing in the world to shut the fuck up and listen to someone else. I would liken the highest levels of listening to a state of Samadhi. So deeply entranced in their story that you become them. One thing that I think I've been guilty of in the past and am kind of seeing pop up more and more on the forums is escaping to non-duality. There are often super practical conversations that point out a trap or toxic belief that someone might have, then they will kind of turn around and be like "well I don't exist, there is no me, rada rada" It's like a shield, anytime you get uncomfortable just say you don't exist and you won't have to confront your feelings or uncomfortable truths. I think I would give myself an A for no intellectual reasons, just kinda feeling A
  16. Trying and imagining seem like what the mind does, unless I'm missing something?
  17. I dont think youd be upset if you saw how he spends the money, people need money to live
  18. Doesnt leo have like a 2 hour video on love?
  19. Man I'm excited for Leo to get on the forums today
  20. That is very rude to Joseph, he is perfect
  21. Wrong he is 3/10 deluded, fight me
  22. Thank you for the response! It's important for me to see what other people think of my advice or why it might be difficult so that next time someone has a similar issue, maybe a friend of mine in real life, I have a better idea of what to do. My advice then would be to take it at whatever rate you are willing to, maybe some of these journaling exercises and whatnot might be a little bit intense or feel like too much effort at the moment, and that's fine and normal when one has a lot on their plate. However, you should think of some small things to help you process these emotions. Usually to process your emotions, you'll want to be in a bit of a quieter mood with less distractions and kind of surrendering/accepting these emotions in your awareness. Do nothing meditation is maybe a more advanced form of this, but there are many smaller things you could be doing in your life to help process emotions. For example, one thing I do is sit by the window when I smoke instead of on the couch. It's not the typical spiritual advice, but it brings me just a bit closer to nature and quiets my mind down just a bit more to help me work through all the negative emotions that have piled up. Maybe for you a step would just be listening to calmer music, or watching a bit less TV, on your phone less. Whatever it is, I think theres something for you to start feeling better