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Everything posted by zambize

  1. I agree that this is how a yellow military would work in a yellow world, but do you think a yellow military would intervene in world affairs such as the Rwandan genocide/isis etc? In this way they are still focused on defense of people, but through force. What are your thoughts? How much does a yellow society involve themselves in world affairs militarily in your opinion?
  2. Your feelings are literally your friend, treat them as such
  3. So I think humbleness can come through as a kind of a mindset, and living out a set of beliefs. I think a big part of humbleness is just being able to admit you don't know everything, and have a lot to learn (which you definitely check). Another facet of humbleness to me is being willing to learn from others, and admitting others can teach you something. This is similar to my first point, but I think it's important to consider other people's points of view, and not just your own. Seems like you check this box. What I don't think humbleness is, is anything that makes you feel different than you feel. Like if you feel like you're a smart motherfucker, then that's just how you feel or think, you don't have to try to control your thoughts or feelings to make yourself more humble, fake humbleness is a mess, it's a trap I got myself into. I made myself less conscious by kind of creating a mental block and remaining half cocked ready to take down any thought that went above the threshold of how cocky of a thought I was willing to have. This is just repression, bad bad stuff D:: In summary, I kind of labeled what I define humbleness is, but I don't think you have to worry about forcing your humbleness or having to bow to anyone. I think a natural humbleness kind of sets in as you realize you don't have the control that you thought you did, and maybe shouldn't be taking the credit you've been taking egoically, but I wouldn't force that humbleness. As you grow spiritually, your thoughts may, and definitely did in my case, get extremely egoic at times, and there isn't anything wrong with that, it's not like I picked those thoughts, they just kind of chirped in. Anyways, best of luck, it's really nothing to worry about, just be as you as you can be right now
  4. Appreciate the post and resonate well with a lot of what you've said. On this quote "This can lead to an interaction that doesn't seem productive or even harmful, but actually ends up being helpful" I think it's just hard here separate interactions that seem harmful, and end up being helpful, and situation that are seem harmful and end up actually being harmful.
  5. I think you should leave some up to flow and what you're feeling you should intuitively do that day. I end up setting up like an hour every day, that's to make sure I can ensure progress. Apart from that it depends on the day, I meditate when I feel like it, I self inquire when I feel about it, it's mostly down to flow and it can end up being 3 to 4 hours of meditation and self inquiry throughout the day. But some days I dont feel like doing more than an hour of formal practice, and I'm super okay with that
  6. I do. I dont think these are mutally exclusive. I can both want people to offer solutions and already be doing that. I could and probably should be calling out the people out and saying they should be offering a solution, and that's kind of what the purpose of the original comment was, just something to consider.
  7. I'd like to see people more interested in offering a treatment plan than just diagnosing others as delusional
  8. This to me is like proving there is something we aren't listening to, maybe it's the case maybe it isn't. You can theorize all you want, but your complaint is with the Scientist taking the measurement, but for any study you have to measure the particle haha, you can't just set up an experiment and not do a measurement. But at the end of the day it really shouldn't matter, going into consciousness work with any assumptions about knowing infinity/consciousness because of the results of QM which is based on results from measuring dead matter, seems really materialistic to me, and I'm a big fan of QM, but QM seems to be being used to validate assumptions and ideas that haven't been realized through direct experience, and that direct experience of consciousness/infinity is probably only going to be more difficult with assumptions from a materialistic science. I don't know, I don't want to come off as harsh, but at the same time I want to make sure this isn't keeping you from self-inquiry. What I'm saying is that the experiment, the result, and everything exists only as a "probability wave" without consciousness. I can't disprove this, because it's just not our reality, and we can make conjectures about a reality without consciousness if that's even a thing, but that's just a guessing game, who knows
  9. "If you could see the particle with your bare eyes it would affect the result" I mean this is seemingly true because in this case a photon is hitting the particle and then back to your eye, but at the same time I don't see how you can make guesses about the nature of reality/QM in a universe that we don't live in (one where we can see elementary particles) without understanding QM in our own reality first. Then you go on to say the detector is not physically interacting with it? Of course it is, it's a detector, it needs to interact with it in someway to know its there. You don't have to call a photon-particle interaction physical, but that's one case of a detector. There's nothing mysterious about detectors though, if the particles were large enough I could bend over on the other side of the slit and my ass could be a detector, really nothing special about this detector terminology. I would like your proof though if you're going to disagree with me, as far as why the delayed quantum eraser proves the detector itself is not physically interacting with the system
  10. Oh I was just poking fun at him, I probably couldnt, yikes. I wouldn't think about it like that, I would ask what is the best teacher for each aspect of life or each level of development. So Leo does give very broad level knowledge in a lot of areas, hes really so generally that it's both his greatest strength and weakness. He touches sooo fucking many topics that it's hard for him to go indepth, and a lot of them touch on topics less relevant to you depending on the stage you're at. My point being is that you should be continually looking for new teachers that begin to resonate with you as you develop, and that while i think Leo has great general knowledge that there are seemingly better sources such as Mooji who posts quite a few youtube videos for individuals going down for lack of better words a more serious spiritual path. I also really like shinzen young, and would recommend him over Leo if you are solely seeking enlightenment work. But yeah I ran off on such a tangent, I was just messing around with the comment about you not looking, dont take that seriously at all. Hope that offered you anything haha
  11. Wait can someone do this to guys? Asking for a friend
  12. I think there's enlightenment work, but also just general personal development work on here. I agree that there's only so much the forums can offer you in enlightenment work because most people seem to have conflicting ideas about issues which you can't even properly express in words, so that side can be a mess. Then there is a lot of general tips like affirmations, how to tackle your goals effectively, how to find your life purpose etc. that kind of seems limitless in terms of the knowledge you can know
  13. I think there are more types of confidence than just big ego confidence. I think you can have a big ego that you don't take seriously at all, so outwardly it's often interpreted as you being super confident with yourself, but deep down you just aren't worried about saying something stupid, maintaining any image, or needing to behave in any other way than what is genuine to yourself. You can kind of pretend to be like this, and maintain it through deception and whatnot, but I think everyone has the more genuine form of confidence that they can tap into. Spiritual work has probably made my ego bigger in terms of the thoughts and how cocky they get, but how could it be any other way? Of course they are going to try and take credit and say whatever the fuck they want. So I would work on being confident in yourself, and not worry if it means you have a big ego. You can have a big ego you don't take seriously. I'm also not sure you lack this, but it seems to be one of the biggest things I've seen other girls be attracted to, and I personally find it very attractive. I also wouldn't necessarily rule out that you just got unlucky, maybe you just did the opposite of winning the lottery in terms of girls and the right one has always just been at a different bar that night or whatever. I'd still look within to see if it could possibly be yourself and some weird tendencies you aren't conscious of that, but I can't say with confidence that that's the case. Could also be some self fulfilling prophecy, where you kind of believe in the back of your head that after all this time no girls into you and you're just cursed, and that could be causing some issues.
  14. I'm aware there are detectors that don't use light, that was just one example of a possible detector. Others could use magnetic/electric fields, could be a photomultiplier etc..... I haven't ruled out quantum mechanics, I just at this point am not interested in trying to explain reality via QM, maybe in the future I will. I don't really care about materialists, I don't agree with them, and I really don't care what they think. The people with at work, we don't really talk about QM and the nature of reality, nor do college classes. They teach the probability side of it, the matrix math you need etc. In my work, we talk about specific designs of circuits and what not, I don't know I think you have this weird view of brain washing scientists. It's just a bunch of dumb fucks in grad school trying to get a paper out and graduate, no ones talking about god,consciousness, materials etc. We talk about how it's a bitch when certain wires need to be replaced and how much they hate their jobs. Just so you don't have this notion that I'm in any way a materialist, or that we're a materialist cult in colleges haha
  15. No I think me saying light will effect the outcome of a particle it hits is no more materialist than saying a hammer will effect your head if you hit yourself in the head with it. I would say it does matter where I work in the sense that I had to get an education in QM and am frequently exposed to the literature. And even if I'm wrong, it doesn't mean my materialistic cult colleagues are trying to brain wash me. They may have limitations on their view of reality if they believe that QM and measurements in the lab are the only way of answering deep questions of the universe, but that's to each individual to decide. Most of them are just working a job in a topic they found semi-interesting, not really much more complicated than that. But yeah I'll leave the QM for you to decide for yourself, it wouldn't really matter to me if I was wrong or right because my questions aren't going to be answered with quantum mechanics
  16. I work in a quantum computing lab, I'm not going to argue quantum mechanics with copy and pasted mainstream articles
  17. No it's pretty certain that it is the light, if you can clearly see that the particle went through one of the slits, it definitely didn't go through the other. How do scientists know it went through one of the slits? They shine a light at the entrance of the slits to see if it went through, if it did, it won't act strangely, it will just act like the particle went through the slit that the light showed it go through. Quantum entanglement does not communicate information, that's against the laws of physics. While it's true that a system that is entangled seems to communicate a measurement on one end of the entanglement to the other instantaneously, it's not the same thing as "communicating", it's much more technical and has its limitations. It's not materialistic to believe that the perceptual universe effects the perceptual universe, I would argue it's more materialistic to use a topic of dead matter that you don't fully understand to prove concepts that unless you understand from direct experience, you don't really understand
  18. Are you trying to argue that shining light onto a particle that's in a superposition of going through two slits will not collapse the wave function? What specific claim are you arguing?
  19. So observation in this sense doesn't necessarily mean consciousness, it might just be shining a light on one of the particles. In QM, there are many types of measurements that will collapse the wave function, but that's being too technical. While I agree QM does point to there being something really strange and kind of meta-physical, I would not use these QM results to try and prove the conclusions you've come to, I would use direct experience
  20. Yeah I partially agree with you, I broke up with my ex because she did a lot of small stuff like texting goodmorning but I really feel like it was her being insecure looking for me to say something back for her own emotional needs. Maybe this is the case here, she probably needs more space or wants to break up with you. I tried to create distance in hopes that she would let me message back when I was ready instead of suffocating, so maybe shes trying to do that to him. I'd let her go or give her the space she wants then, if she doesnt come back unfortunately she just doesnt want to
  21. Maybe but I wouldn't want to be in a relationship in which I couldnt share my feelings, could just be me projecting my own needs in a relationship
  22. So you're suggesting he should not tell her how he feels?
  23. I would say something, if she can't handle you at least bringing it up, then y'all aren't going to be able to solve problems together
  24. From my experience I never really saw the manliness in trying to act manly, no one really thought of me as feminine although I think I made some of my friends and families heads turn after how open I was to being gay. I'm not gay, but if I wanted to suck some dudes dick, I would, and I think that kind of attitude can come off as feminine. At the current moment, I feel like people can be really insecure around me, I attribute this to my confidence and that I will genuinely press you on your ideas if I feel like you are being delusional. I think you become much more confident and assertive as you move up the spiral, and this fake kind of exaggerated chimp manliness falls away and by acting genuinely, a kind of smoother more natural confidence and assertiveness may arise, and that's definitely still interpreted as manliness by others if you are worried about other people's opinions, but it's a lot different than this seemingly forced I gotta be the strongest guy on top type competitive manliness. It's literally just tapping into what may or may not already be there, but just be genuine to how you feel and see if it comes through