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Everything posted by zambize

  1. Only people with 200+ IQ can become enlightened -me
  2. Thanks for making this post, definitely valuable. Could you dive deeper into how you current sincere love may have felt different than the love you felt in your other relationships? I feel like so often we kind of trick ourselves into feeling like we are in love because we are lonely and just want someone to be around. How do you distinguish the love you know is worth building a marriage around, and the "love" other people have but end up breaking up or divorcing. Or is it the same love but you do a better job at maintaining it?
  3. I have a friend who is seeking enlightenment and I still prefer to trip solo, but were all different
  4. Similar to this Haha, some people try to come off as advanced by using big words, being confusing, ambiguous etc and playing it off like their super advanced I tend to believe mooji when he says that spiritual practice is simpler than simpler
  5. Whatever you put in will be effective, 20 minutes is definitely in that range of effective. I dont want to be harsh on you either but i really need you to document exactly what's wrong and how the technique worked or didn't work for me to help. I was the same exact way, with depression and apathy, I never felt like starting I had to just bite the bullet through it, I feel like you're waiting to have a good enough idea of a technique that you feel like doing it, you cant control if you feel like meditating, you may never feel like it, if you could control whether you felt like doing it your press the switch and make yourself feel like being happy but you just gotta bite a bullet and fight through the not caring. Please just do like 30 minutes tonight and let us know how it went, any technique
  6. Wait a minute I remember telling you all this ready, and many other people had their recommendations. Do you really want to be happy? Ask yourself that seriously because it seems like you are stuck in thoughts about what to do. I had a link in your last thread that had like 12 different techniques, exactly how they work, exactly why you would do it. If you are serious about being happy, youd go through that whole list and read through every technique. It would take 15 minutes or less and be invaluable to you, I'm fully willing to help you with these techniques but you have to try them seriously and be very specific about what didnt work
  7. I really recommend do nothing, but you could focus on your inner smile throughout the do nothing meditation and maybe that would produce better results for you
  8. Probably the rebel Haha, but I think we have pieces of all of them. For those confused this was a really handy site I found
  9. Could you be really specific with some of the things you might consider external growth/changes? Maybe even specific to you would be better
  10. Whatever gets the ladies, apparently lady birds of this species like a big ol smile
  11. I often think about how much suffering it took to get me where I am, I rarely think about how much others have had to suffer throughout both my life and all of history to create the society that would enable someone who is excited about their life to exist. Thanks yall
  12. @Emerald if you get the chance I always enjoy your perspective on gender related issues, I feel like there are disproportionately many Male gurus/spiritual teachers and I dont know why that would be either
  13. Hmmm I'm not sure what role they played other than a villain. The main baddies couldnt go into the houses, and they had a lot of supplies. I think that's just the way they chose to drive the plot forward, so they could have a villain push them out of the house and also so the only villain in the movie wasnt an invisible creature. It doesnt quite feel as dramatic when the only villains of the story are an invisible creature that causes a lot of wind and leaves to be whipped around. They were certainly portrayed as monsters and weren't fleshed out as well as I would've liked. I'm not sure whether I'm missing something, or if they were just additions to make a cohesive story
  14. If you try it and run into any issues you should let us know, but I'm glad that was handy
  15. Nahh you dont need leo when you on shrooms/lsd
  16. Thanks for making this post, I hadn't heard much on the subject and I'm glad that something like this is doable, I've always liked working in a team and was kind of worried that relationships would only be seen as a hindrance
  17. I saw that film last night actually, and to me it was a lot about the necessity for both Male and female compassion. Those are just names, I dont want to imply they are based off of genders so much as just names. Anyways the protagonist was raised by wolves as the movie says, she has a hard time connecting with people and although she's very tactful and can survive, she has only a relationship with her sister that is good but not necessarily loving. As the movie progresses she more and more fits the role that her father who she hates played in her role. She becomes the person she hates the most, you can see this in the scene where her and that old bald dude freak the fuck out on the girl who let that dude in. They dont downplay the value of this kind of compassion, because naive compassion is punished throughout the movie. Towards the end of the movie, she is largely her father. Cold, and just out for survival. This allows them to survive, but at what cost? The tipping point is in the Rapids when instead of making the logical decision, she kind of decides that that life just isnt worth living and so she decides they either all survive or mineaswell die. After this, she balances out and renames her kids from boy and girl to Olympia and tom, and really embraces them. So I see it as largely a film about balancing survival and pragmatism, with love and compassion which give value to it. Both important parts or life, and a balance that can be hard to find.
  18. Having a good time, enjoying my life, dont really see how suicide would benefit me. I'm excited about my future, however irrelevant it may be
  19. I would say it depends on which on makes you suffer more, and also the difficulty in which removing that desire would cause. My desires dont personally bother me that much, so I really wouldn't mind having both of those desires
  20. I actually like a lot of what you said, so just because I picked this one part, doesn't mean I disagree with your post. Also lowkey love how you write, me and the rest of these chumps are so boring with diction. Anyways, I think you have to consider different kinds of desires, certainly it seems that the deepest desire we have is to self actualize, and I would call that pure and genuine. However what about the desire of a heroine addict to stick a needle in their arm, would you recommend them following through with this desire? Is it pure and genuine?
  21. While I'm not actively trying to make myself full of desires, if I have the desire to go skiing, I do. I'm not upset that I have that desires, they just exist. To me I feel like the idea that you cant have desires leads to an attitude of repression whenever desires come up, and this leads to a less concious state of mind for me. Many of my desires such as the desire to make myself happier are very welcome to me. This is not to be confused with being a slave to your desire or needing to act on your desires, because some desires can be toxic and hurtful to yourself and others. That being said, this is the attitude that has worked best for me, and I plan on seeing it through until once again I find myself realizing how delusional I am
  22. I believe I can fulfill my desires and still see Truth, atleast that's my experience so long as those desires dont cause other people to suffer, I've noticed it aids in my search to surrender more and more to the moment. This sentiment is shared by enlightened people such as winter knight from what I can tell. That's not to say that it's a clean argument to say well some enlightened person says the same thing that my experience says, but I think it should make you think about it. The mechanism at work here seems to be fulfilling your desires at lower stages causes you to just kind of naturally quiet your mind more, and develop higher and higher desires on maslow's hierarchy of needs. That being said I'm curious on why you believe that desires and seeing truth are mutually exclusive, after all if desires are illusory, how can they prevent you from seeing Truth?