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Everything posted by zambize

  1. I'm not sure I can type up the best answer, most of this contemplation going to happen outside of the jurisdiction of thought. But to give you an answer of why I would say being enjoys to be is honestly anecdotally. Just from my experience of as I get more and more lucid and immersed in my direct experience, I just enjoy existing more. And so while being has never told me you enjoy being, and even if I had that thought it would just be a thought, it's also true that we know what we like. I know I like raspberries more than cantaloupe, who doesnt. But it would be hard to explain why, I could give some convoluted answer trying to explain why I like what i like, but at the end of the day I just do and I know what I enjoy. It's not so much a thought as it is a knowing I enjoy being present that was the thought behind my answer, although as is always with these comments, it gets hard to communicate, especially when I'm still ignorant to a lot as well
  2. That was really well worded, I appreciate reading well thought out answers like this
  3. What's she have to say about dating/marriage with you?
  4. You have any plans to get to know her better or any conversations she would like to have? What do you like about her if you don't mind talking about her. She got some cute mannerisms? Similar interests? Dat ass?
  5. Also it's important to remember that you in three years, and her in three years is going to be a lot different. Our tastes change, we change, the situation changes etc. I had a girl in senior year of high school who I was pretty sure I was going to marry and would die for, yet here I am yanking it. I think the second thing to consider is how it is to live with her. Does she expect the house to be similarly clean? Do you match well financially, or is one of you making the money going to create issues? Just try and stay in the moment and really observe and consider her, what you want etc. It seems like you really got a plan going, and sometimes it's all too easy to just stick with the plan and ignore and evidence in front of you that challenges that plan. Not that you are doing this, just that it's easy to do and something that you could fall victim to in the future. Cool that you live in Norway, bit jealous, and good luck with the girl, hope it all works out for the two of you
  6. No it's not, not to me at least D:
  7. Where did he say that 0_o?
  8. I think this is a really common occurrence throughout personal development, ego/thought/desire can cause so much suffering that's it's easy to see these things demonize them within ourselves, and so, we unwittingly can become unconscious of all the things we love, who we are, our feelings. We just kind of reject the lot of it as necessary stuff that has to go, it's egoic after all and I'm trying to be spiritual! Yet, with good intentions, this often goes too far, and it comes to the point of repression of our own thoughts and emotion. To get back into feeling like you know who you are, I would meditate. I wouldn't worry about concentration or anything, I would focus on the emotionally most intense sensation in your body, and work on relaxing into that and allowing it to be as intense as it wants to be. This seems a bit like a woo-woo, well what the fuck is that going to do with me. But training yourself to be emotionally sensitive will allow you to better pick up on how you feel about a situation internally, often we can be feeling like five different emotions at once, layered on top of each other etc, and it really takes some time to be able to work through that. However, you will get a better sense of who you are because as you work through a kind of net of often conflicting emotions, they tend to start resolving themselves, and you will feel less split in multiple directions, more "you". I think looking into art, music, poetry, dance, anything that makes you be creative and offers you an outlet to be you would also be a good idea
  9. hehe I picked up a half lb yesterday, someone needs to check quality Wait till I'm on acid next week my baby boi
  10. I made a comic for you This one is about me making a love tornado too big that it scares you and you run away from my love
  11. If you're going to be my boyfriend you need to act like it, my heart cant take it
  12. "There's one thing he could have done better. He could have felt empathy and compassion for an obese diabetic woman even if she became fat because she was a lazy bum." Well said!
  13. That's literally sexism, you disgust me
  14. You could get a whiteboard and do a daily/weekly quote on the back of your door. That way every time you leave your room you get some kind of reminder. Also, a tapestry could be an option
  15. Well your suffering does wonders for your sense of humor <3. I wish you the best of luck
  16. Is the problem that as you let go more and more into fear, and as it gets more intense you "look away" so to say and go back to repressing it? What issue do you typically run into?
  17. Lmao, true. How's that been going for you? I remember you saying a couple months ago something like "Holy shit this dudes gonna die". Getting better or worse? Gotta know my man is alright
  18. Steal from them, one can't be materialistic if they have no materials
  19. I like how you structure your post in terms of spacing and holding, it helps make it so much more readable. So I know it's not the most revelatory feedback, but the readability is appreciated and you should keep it up :^) You should consider posting more text too actually, it's hard for us to discuss such a small piece in detail, like the verse is literally one sentence Haha
  20. I got this from their website. They are their core principles ------------------------------------- Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life; Words and deeds of prophetic people which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love Wisdom from the world's religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life ;Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God's love by loving our neighbors as ourselves; Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit;Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature ----------------------- To me a lot of these ideas sound great and maybe you could meet some great like minded people and there could be a lot of growth if this is what resonated with you now. Maybe see if you can find a sample sermon or something online, and decide how much the material resonated with you. It seems like you're also aware that because the church was once Christian apparently, but I think just being aware of that fact is enough that it doesnt really seem like going could hurt
  21. You're into a lot of stuff, I love physics and math as well btw. I think its important to specialize a bit though, especially career wise if you havent already. It's easy to get too excited on learning the next subject, without spending sufficient time on the subjects you already got on your plate. Maybe that doesn't apply to you either and it's just a huge projection on my part, cause I know damn well I can get stuck in that mindset. Nevertheless, it's something to think about
  22. If that's you in your profile picture you seem pretty handsome to me, you're much more attractive than a lot of dudes who have been successful physically than I know. Yeah you're definitely a cutie