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Everything posted by zambize

  1. Sounds great, I think one cool thing about our Breath is it's always been there, for us. Of all the states and experiences there are to be explored, Breath always seems to come up. Which makes sense, it's one of the few things that follows us our whole life on this earth, thank you!~
  2. Could you maybe even elaborate on the first part more? Focusing on air. What are some techniques you recommend doing to focus on air? Also what does "air" mean to me? Is it a particular emotion/state/experience? How am I supposed to take your knowledge of focusing on air and apply that to my life in a practical way?
  3. I'm still going to need to pay the therapist when his holy presence doesn't fill me enough to cover up my depression (or fills me too much depending on perspective of course)
  4. It's nice to see an emphasis on words like "practical" recently, makes me feel like people are taking into consideration how their knowledge might actually be used to benefit people. Which I really appreciate
  5. How did this realization personally benefit you, your life, or your emotional state etc? I'm always curious in the practical ways people have used their own deep insights in their life
  6. That's cool you are trying different styles and teachers, everyone has their own taste seemingly, their favorite meditation technique. Exploring different techniques to find what you like is also just fun in general, like trying new foods
  7. I dont think you should make a thread if you're going to personally attack people, be sarcastic in your replies, and overall be unable to hold a conversation that remains civil
  8. I think it's a matter of taste. I personally judge a videos value largely off of how well I think I will be able to take the knowledge from it, and apply it in my life. When a video is really metaphysical in nature it seems to lose touch with reality a bit, and seem more like theory for theories sake. However, I'm sure a lot of people are watching Leo's content just for entertainments sake to wind down at the end of the day, and that is A-okay, but not me. So I'm with you, because they felt more practical and applicable, which is important to me
  9. What's your game plan? Got a tinder or something?
  10. I think it's almost necessary to be okay with the shitty person we are. No one needs the love more than who we are actually are, it does no good to love an image of who we think we are, but it's MUCH harder to love who we are under all of our exaggerations of how good we actually are. So yes, I absolutely think you are on the right track with acknowledging who you are and just accepting it. But that also sounds super shitty to me. I guess a life of fixing my flaws and trying to change myself seems a little more suffocating than thinking of all the positive attributes I could work on embodying. So while I think you need to accept and love the shittiest parts of yourself, I think Cetus is right that framing this in terms of positive motivation could be a really powerful tool, and the research around that agrees
  11. I'm currently freezing my balls off in Wisconsin, so I'm very jealous of you, especially since I've been wanting to try peyote
  12. Yeah, I think a lot of my own questions were answered when my grandpa tried to tell me he loved me and maybe some kind of compliment after that. Just the way it was said, he was clearly so uncomfortable with being even the tiniest bit emotionally open. This is kind of true for both sides of my family. Super materialistic, not emotionally open, pretty colorless relationships between my grandparents and my parents. Sometimes I imagine myself having a kid, and being really open and kind and letting the kid be the kid it wants to be, but then I feel silly because it's just mental images acting as a coping mechanism, and I should just spend time improving myself instead of mentally masturbating over the future. I'm not interested in pointing out stupid stuff. I feel like every other thread is pointing out what you see wrong in the other person, which has its upsides, but yeah, not interested in having all of my conversations be like that. It's kind of cool (the journal) because even though in real life I come off as probably the opposite of you in terms of social-anxiety, I end up suffering because of it. It's because I don't struggle from social anxiety often that when I do have problems with it, I feel a bit helpless, and it's also hard to talk about with other people. Like they wouldn't believe me or find it petty that I'm opening up about something that I seem to have such good control over. So it kind of ironically becomes a larger problem, because it's a smaller problem paradoxically. That's why it's nice to read your journal, it gives me a chance to speak up for the voice in me that kind of gets glossed over, and address any issues that part of me has. Plus it's nice to just talk to other people, and you don't seem like you bite
  13. I think there are all kinds of things that could cause you not to feel like you belong, I'll throw a few darts and maybe one or some of them resonates with you. 1. You are maybe a bit of an outlier. Your world-view or interests may differ significantly from the norm, leading you to feel like you don't belong in the sense that you are just so different from everyone else, it's hard to find anyone to relate to without feeling like you're going to be judged. This could get even worse if you feel like you're so strange that you'll just be perceived as strange if you open up, so you keep a lot of yourself to yourself, but then other people don't get the chance to have a genuine relationship with you. 2. You've changed. Great you've changed, unfortunately it takes a while for our external environment to adapt to our newly upgraded internal software. Maybe you had a good run of personal development, or just matured a lot in general, yet you have friends or family that are stuck in the past. They fail to see the ways in which you've changed, and they treat you like a shadow of the past because they are unable to or unwilling to see the new you. You might feel like the "new" you doesn't belong because it's living in the life of the "old" you, being treated like the "old" you. 3. Inauthentic relationships. I think I often feel like I don't belong when I meet people who I just really don't feel get me. Maybe they've made all sorts of mental projections, or maybe I can tell they really don't care what I have to say. But sometimes when I communicate with people, they just don't feel like they are really there with me, and that can make me feel like I don't belong or aren't a part of the conversation. If none of those resonated at all with you, I'd probably ask yourself if it's long periods of "not belonging", in which you should look at your life as a whole, career/school, big relationship etc. Or if it's just certain groups or people who make you feel like you don't belong, and maybe you could figure it out what about these people make you feel like you don't belong
  14. I feel you on this one. I get especially uncomfortable in situations where I know some feelings are going to get hurt if I tell them how I feel. Like there are people who are so fucking blind to who I am and how I feel, that the idea of actually telling them how I feel can be really daunting, and to be honest I often dont tell people and let it go under the rug, especially when the relationship doesnt mean much to me. I also personally fought a bit of resentment to people who raised me. I was supposed to be the kid, I wanted to be the weak and vulnerable one, why do I have to raise myself emotionally. I really struggled with that mentality, but at the same time, I'm so blessed to be able have a chance to do it better. I also understand that bad parents often come from bad parents, it's just an unfortunate cycle in some families, but being aware of it is certainly a step. Also sorry if I make you nervous when you read someone commented on your journal, but that could be a total projection on my part, cause I sure as hell get a bit nervous when I see someone quotes me or whatnot
  15. Ahh, well I'm sorry you kind of ended up at the butt end of an assumption. I do think it's important to consider how people might misinterpret you though, my mental voice read it in a bit of an angry sarcastic tone which clearly wasn't the case. Maybe I should've given you the benefit of the doubt seeing as you are a nice guy from what I have read D:
  16. Interesting, I think a lot of this debate is loaded into what each person considers "caring about what other people think". What I primarily mean when I say "I don't care what others think" goes as follows. 1. I wouldn't let what someone thought about my needs/desires affect whether or not I'm going to fulfill them. Basically I'm going to steer my own life. 2. I'm not going to let someone's thoughts about my personality cause me to change my personality, or come off different to "fit in". It's really a matter of perspective, one person might use "not caring about what other people think" to stand up for what they believe is right, even though you will be judged harshly for it. Or showing love, regardless of how it might make you feel embarrassed etc. On the other hand, someone might use the same idea of "not caring about what people think" to be indifferent to other people and their opinions, to not consider the impact you might have on other people. So, I don't think there is this inherent contradiction in "not caring what others think about you", and feeling belonged or loved. It's kind of like how some people use the Quran for peace and love, and others as an excuse to be violent and fight for power. In this same light, I think it's on you to decide how you could interpret "not caring about what others think", in a way that pulls what could be useful for you in your life, while realizing the limitations of it, and how some interpretations of it can come off as cold.
  17. Could you elaborate the potential contradiction you're seeing between Maslow's hierarchy and some of Leo's videos? That might help me root out the issue
  18. To be fair, I would've assumed you were a little bit angry by the comment "Christ." as well
  19. This post was like six months old, musta really dug to find this one