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Everything posted by GenuinePerspectiveXC

  1. He had n-bomb pass, he was white, and acting like a thug. That's a wigger. Don't pretend like they don't exist. Here he is in action (guy in maroon): 1. 2.
  2. Are the football rioters going to threaten your life for extinguishing a fire in your community at a petrol station, and then start yelling at you to shoot them? Cuz that's what happened. Context - It looks like the wigger in maroon was the first person to get shot: 1. 2.
  3. @AtheisticNonduality You didn't see the footage. Here you go:
  4. @Consept Are you suggesting he should have let a stage red wigger have his violent way?
  5. @Epikur He was being escorted by security. Also, you'd be a fucking retard to attack that guy if he was open carrying a gun.
  6. You mean terrorism like attacking people who extinguished a fire at a petrol station lol
  7. @Consept He lived like 15-30 minutes away because this happened right near the border. And they were mad because of a fire getting extinguished at a petrol station 1. 2.
  8. It wasn't a bank. BLM was mad about a fire getting extinguished at a petrol station: 1. 2.
  9. @purerogue He didn't attack random people with a gun. 1) He was literally being chased by the first attacker 2) He was hit with kicked, hit with skateboard, and had gun pulled on him later 3) He only shot the people that attacked him FULL FOOTAGE
  10. YOU are a fascist because you are against open dialogue. The three people that got shot assaulted the kid with weapons because they were angry about a fire getting extinguished at a gas station. People like YOU created this violence by labeling people as fascists just so YOU can escalate YOUR virtue signaling to whatever level YOU want.
  11. Stage blue is not necessarily trying to repress sex. Let me explain: I've spent a lot of time in third and second world countries. Take the Philippines for example. They elected Duterte - the guy who established a death penalty for weed - b/c they're sick of gangs, drugs, and pre-nationalist Muslim insurgencies. While we may see him as ignorant and backwards, this is actually a necessary advance to stabilize the Philippines. In stark contrast, their neighboring country of Vietnam has mostly finished making the transition into Stage Blue. Yes, there are still harsh penalties for drugs, but they're severe on tax fraud as well. There's also still a mafia, but you won't see drug addicts screaming at the walls on your way to lunch. And yes, there are homeless people, but you won't see them living with dozens of stray dogs and cats with broken legs and bite wounds. Structurally, the biggest difference in values I noticed was the nuclear family. Once, I spoke with three ladies who were receptionists at my hotel in a Filipino city. Each of them had 3 kids from 3 different fathers per woman. Contrarily, Vietnam boasts one of the lowest divorce rates in the world. Why is this? Everyone in Vietnam wants to ensure their kids have good Long Term partners to have a stable relationship. While there are a few very conspicuous red light districts in Saigon, most cities in Vietnam aren't as heavily influenced by international culture from Thailand, East Asia, and the West. Supposedly in Hanoi, if a Vietnamese woman isn't married by a certain age, most Vietnamese men will pass on establishing a family with her because they assume something is 'wrong' with her. Back to a Filipino tourist town, and the taxi driver has no idea how many kids he has but will claim a large number. He also looks like a drunken slob that no one has touched in 5 years, You can choose what to believe. If he ever does manage to make a little bit of extra money - which isn't likely except through gambling - he'll blow it on a hooker and drugs. Such a red non-system tends to concentrate wealth and sex into the hands of fewer and fewer and people. Blue on the other hand has designed a marriage system in an attempt for everybody to have a mate and partner. The main purpose of this is to create sexual motivation for people to live stable lives, thereby stabilizing society. ;TLDR in bold
  12. Okay, I'm sure that's what will happen as the Philippines finishes transitioning into stage Blue.
  13. Go to the gay community with some of your gay friends, and watch the sheer volume of hedonistic sexual activity and drugs occurring 24/7. You're going to see exactly why HIV popped up.. That would be like calling condoms repressive even though they open up a lot more opportunity than they take. These aren't justifications at all, it's something else entirely.
  14. @Forestluv If you've got a vendetta on your Catholic school, there's nothing I can do about that. I don't want to answer variations of your questions over and over again. All I can tell you is that I believe Blue likes to maximize the success of egalitarian pair bonding, and in my experience this is controlled by people refusing to marry prostitutes, a fairly early marriage, and stigmatization of divorce. In many past societies, I'm sure they also got mad at the gay population for hedonistically spreading diseases around and repressing everybody else's sexual health. I also believe there's been times they've tolerated and knew about what monks, nuns, and priests were doing. So do you really call that repressive? There's just something that seems innaccurate about that if we're going to judge this over a multi-century timeline involving several continents. And the number one piece of repression I'm seeing in the blue society I'm currently residing in is lack of personal space, not rules. It's hard to bang whoever the heck you want while you're living with your parents in an apartment, regardless of what phase society is in. Orange has a solution to that.
  15. Compared to Orange or Green, sure. Jesus Christ. Edit: On the other hand, you may also say the whole blue system is built upon maximizing sexual success
  16. I wouldn't know detailed exactness of something like this, but the female could be carrier for male homosexual genes and vis versa. For example, a pair that each had a bisexual dad would have x amount of likeliness of having a completely homosexual son but a 0% chance of having lesbian daughter. Somewhere in that vicinity and without precise studies to guide me, I believe genetics plays a part in sexual orientation.
  17. I'm not saying the blue system is more liberal than orange or green. I'm saying it was primarily designed for sexual egalitarianism which is a much bigger advance than Blue to Orange or Orange to Green. Most of the 20th Century issues on blue's views over homosexuality were quite possibly due to a lack of understanding. But from a neurological and biological standpoint, there are a very good reasons for both homosexual tendencies and disgust over it. Bisexuals gain invaluable experience with relationships and promiscuity from an early age which leads to quick reproductive success, but severely increases the risk of disease. So there could be a very reasonable explanation for why at times it's been a taboo. Interestingly, the less common homosexuality is in a sample, the more of a reproductive advantage a bisexual person has due to both unique advantages and lower prevalence of disease. Contrarily, when bisexuality is common, things like HIV pop up, and it can become a massive disadvantage, a sexual health problem, and a cause for a rule to be written in the Bible for all we know. I'd also like to point out that if a female and male mating pair both have bisexual genes, there's a one quarter chance that their offspring will only have the gay genetics and no desire to be straight. So all I understand about blue's lack of homosexual acceptance is that there could be a number of factors that made the concept of disgust for it prevalent off and on throughout history. I'm not exactly well versed in blue's historic observance of its own rules, but I imagine at times there was lot more going on in nunneries than what the Bible says. Probably to the point where everyone knew about it, too.
  18. @Forestluv You'd find it less sexually repressive than being a serf, slave, or getting castrated in a total red non-system. We have a lot of trouble relating to this though because those ones didn't end up becoming our ancestors.
  19. Yeah, it wasn't exactly rocket science to figure out.
  20. Lol, bullshit. They can, they do, and they love their husbands. The biggest problem they have is the lack of space due to their whole families living in a small building. Which is one reason why orange wealth is so awesome. I think one major factor I've see that you've missed is the lower on the spiral a stage is, the stronger each previous stage is displayed in the person's characteristics. Take cops for example. Emotionally, they'll display camaraderie (developed in purple), a need for a monopoly on violence (developed in red) and quick reactions/reflexes (developed in beige). It's like they're 30% blue, 20% red, 25% purple and 20% beige or some sort of distribution like that. This distribution will get further diluted once the subject learns about stage Orange. Yeah, I'm aware of that. I saw that in Afghanistan, but I wouldn't exactly call that a blue society. It's mostly purple and red. That's hilarious. In high school, I used to give my gf anal b/c it technically wasn't sex but the church and her dad had her wearing a 'promise ring' all the time. Eventually though, we started having normal sex. Had it been a normal blue system though, I probably would have married this girl at a young age and would have needed to mature up much quicker.
  21. I didn't say orange or green aren't more advanced so don't paint me as blue myself. Jesus Christ, Leo. All I'm saying is the goal isn't necessarily repression, it's actually to encourage mating, albeit in an organized manner. Red's non-system is more repressive because it keeps men from mating while they're in prison or getting killed in a castle siege. It also prevents a lot of women from having long-term partners to sexually bond with.
  22. There's also a lot of divorces and single moms in western culture, but paternity testing allows for child support payments. There's also the concept of alimony that the west can enforce right now, but I wouldn't judge to be achievable for most Indian ex families. During red-blue cultural transition, most of the men that are siring already have a family of their own and can't afford to support extra families. Why, because they are sexually selected by the women as opposed to the drunk taxi driver I mentioned earlier. And there's also a lot of cheating going on in these countries. It's basically a national past time. The concept of a bastard is very common in pre-blue society. In fact, if the mother is a prostitute, she's not going to know at all. I'm from the west, but I have lived in all of these countries for extended periods of time. That's why I'm sharing my genuine perspective on cultural observations.
  23. Who do you think became monks, priests, and nuns? Neurochemically, a lot of the disgust that develops over homosexuality was evolved from the people who reproduced because they didn't catch diseases from homosexual promiscuity. On one hand, bisexuality use to give adolescents experience in gaining the upper hand in love, relationships, and promiscuity. The disadvantage is that it spreads disease.... like real quick.
  24. In pre-blue societies, people don't usually know who the father is because the women in stage red and (some) purple societies usually have sex with a lot of partners. So the whole point of the blue system's organization of coupling is to motivate fatherhood by establishing accountability. Paternity testing though... would do a lot to speed that along. Unfortunately, it can be met with a lot of resistance from both genders when transitioning from red to blue.
  25. In the Philippines and Thailand, a lot of men don't stick around due to this lack of organization. They're not going to marry a woman just to raise some other man's kid if they can avoid it. You severely underestimate how unappealing this prospect is in pre-blue society. India is not at an economic level of development right now where it's reasonable for a single parent to run a household in the overwhelming majority of situations